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Big Foot, Aliens,the Paranormal, and the Supernatural

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 05:17 PM
There has been a longstanding division between researchers about the classification of BF. Those who believe it is an animal and nothing but an animal are loath to talk with the group who actively seek an “X” factor or hint at the paranormal or extraterrestrial.

On the “It’s an animal!” side: I can agree that animals are wily and it is easy for them to “disappear” into the forest. Any animal, even very large ones, do get recycled relatively swiftly upon death. BF are found in conjunction with water, berry patches, and deer populations, indicating that they are physical creatures that require food. Animals must reproduce. Primates have a long period when babies must be nurtured to adulthood. This would suggest that BF must at some point have ways of meeting to mate and mothers must attend and train offspring for some period of time. Animals can and do, do all these things quite well.

On the “X” factor side, BF is often seen in areas that have paranormal activity, such as portals. Some people claim that the BF will vanish or appear right in front of them. There accounts of the BF “zapping” a person with some unusual sound or frequency. Native Americans feel they have powerful psychic abilities and know when you are searching for them. They feel the BF is an elder brother who comes and goes between dimensions. They may interpret at sighting as a harbinger of impending trouble or a blessing. Should we classify the BF as "other"?

BF as an alien. UFO sightings are also common to some BF haunts, as are cattle mutilations. Perhaps they are alien creatures from another planet. If they are here to observe us, then their reclusiveness is understandable. There ability to avoid human contact is uncanny. Being sentient beings from other worlds is a better explanation than just animal instinct. There are reports and recordings of BF speech. The sounds they make do have linguistic merit. Perhaps “Beam me up, Scotty,” isn’t as far into fiction as we think. It wouldn’t be the first time scifi was a precursor to reality.

Last, but not least, is BF a demon or a demon hybrid? In Genesis 18, the Lord and two of His angels appear to Abram, who makes a meal for them, which they eat. Angels can take on human form and do human things. Why would demons do this? Genesis 6 indicates interbreeding produced giants and mighty men. Perhaps the devil thought that corrupting the seed of man would prevent the birth of the Messiah. God destroyed this race of beings with the flood. Only Noah kept the pure human linage alive. There are other reports of giants after the flood (Goliath). Their avoidance of humans could be related to the sever punishment levied against those who mated with humans (Jude). BF could also be an full animal that is used by demons who want to experience Earth as a flesh and blood entity. An animal would have a natural fear and a demon a learned fear of punishment.

Where so you fall and why?

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 05:39 PM
bigfoot was probably a giant grizzly bear mistaken by a local native. over the years, his story was passed down over a fire to kids and adults alike as entertainment..

it probably spun out of control, and now we have a mystical legendary beast roaming the british columbia forests, when in fact it was probably the dumb, half-witted village idiot who accidentally snuck up on a sleeping grizzly, spooked him and himself, and just saw a large amber furred creature bolt thru the thickets.

and the legend of big foot was born.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 09:27 PM
or BF could have been there the whole time. until we have a body, then its all just speculation.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by randomname

Naw, I don't buy it. People native to an area or region know what's around, Native Americans weren't so ignorant to their environment, or it's wildlife. They have stories all over North America, and a lot if not most of the tribes did not get along or communicate with each other, so their stories are their own.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:52 PM

Originally posted by thefullbug
reply to post by randomname

Naw, I don't buy it. People native to an area or region know what's around, Native Americans weren't so ignorant to their environment, or it's wildlife. They have stories all over North America, and a lot if not most of the tribes did not get along or communicate with each other, so their stories are their own.

Plus bigfoot-type creatures have been observed all over Asia too. They aren't just exclusive to North America.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 06:57 AM
Does anyone think they are part of the paranormal or the supernatural? Some people claim to communicate telepathically with them. Native Americans claim they respond to drumming, Other researchers use baby sounds to lure them in. They seem to watch people sitting around campfires at night and are very curious about human activity. If they are "other" we may never find a body.

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 08:12 PM

Originally posted by randomname
bigfoot was probably a giant grizzly bear mistaken by a local native. over the years, his story was passed down over a fire to kids and adults alike as entertainment..

As a native descendant, i take offense to your statement.....

We wore bear furs...Covered our houses in their skin, used their jaws and teeth for weapons and jewelry, and used their skulls as ceremonial chalice...

Do you really believe that after thousands of years of tradition, the natives of any land aren't familiar with the animals they kill and skin?

come one now....

posted on Oct, 30 2011 @ 08:23 PM

Do you really believe that after thousands of years of tradition, the natives of any land aren't familiar with the animals they kill and skin?

Well said.

posted on Nov, 26 2011 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by zachi
Does anyone think they are part of the paranormal or the supernatural? Some people claim to communicate telepathically with them. Native Americans claim they respond to drumming, Other researchers use baby sounds to lure them in. They seem to watch people sitting around campfires at night and are very curious about human activity. If they are "other" we may never find a body.

Actually I thing the stuff they do is easily explained. Their biology is different than ours and could easily lend itself to low EMF vocalizations, the zapping and recordings that just end. Also their ability to camoflage and their patience in stalking and shadowing us in the woods is well documented. None of it is specifically paranormal for them, just us.
No one knows anything about their brain capacity and it's quote possible they eschewed technology for psy abilities. That doesn't mean it's not something that we can't do, it's just something we don't do. Bigfoot is odd enough without ascribing ALL aspects of metaphysics to them. Jeeze, a good dowser can find portals's not rocket science.
In Sedona it's a tourist attraction.

but yes.....they have some 'mad' skills...

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 03:04 PM
I dont believe he/she's paranormal or supernatural. I believe it's a creature or animal in nature in which we are not smart enough to know how to catch yet. I believe it's smarter than you think. We as human see ourselves as the most intelligent and there's no way that this creature could evade us humans....well........guess what!

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 03:44 PM

Originally posted by randomname
bigfoot was probably a giant grizzly bear mistaken by a local native. over the years, his story was passed down over a fire to kids and adults alike as entertainment..

it probably spun out of control, and now we have a mystical legendary beast roaming the british columbia forests, when in fact it was probably the dumb, half-witted village idiot who accidentally snuck up on a sleeping grizzly, spooked him and himself, and just saw a large amber furred creature bolt thru the thickets.

and the legend of big foot was born.

I really hope that was a joke.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 03:54 PM
op asked a question, fair enough. there's been enough sightings, so i believe they are real. i think they are mammals that have somehow evolved with the ability to go into hibernation for extended periods of time. there's never been a sighting of hairless yeti, not yet anyway. considering the amount of forest still here on god's green earth, is it that hard to believe that one or more species have evolved that are very strong, large cranial capacity, and the top of the food chain, but can go into extended amount of hibernation? if we use the argument that if they existed for that long, how come we don't have more definitive proof; the same can be said for ufo's and other paranormal sightings. the natural tendency of most animals is not change, but doing the same things over and over again which have proven successful. bf hides, hunts, eats, breeds, and hibernates.

posted on Dec, 7 2011 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by zachi

Good question, Zachi -

Bigfoot was my first entrance into the world of the unexplained as a kid. I tend to think of BF as a physical entity with 'mad skills', as someone mentioned. I remember reading that the Native Americans believed the sasquatch was also a 'shapeshifter'. I find myself siding with many Native American beliefs and practices.

I live in Pacific NW - perhaps I ought to go on a search:-/.

I'll be interested to follow this thread,


posted on Dec, 8 2011 @ 01:45 PM
Well after years, and years of no hard evidence of bigfoots existence I am inclined to go with urban legend. I would love to be proven wrong on that, and I am not trying to belittle anyone who believes in bigfoot, but even if none had been captured alive it seems to me that remains, or some other real evidence would have been retrieved by now. I will never say that there is no possibility of its existence but until something more convincing can be brought forth to prove its existence then I have to remain on the skeptical side of the fence.

Just to answer the question put forth in the OP though, I think that if bigfoot is ever shown to be an actual creature I think that there will be nothing supernatural about it. Just a manlike creature that has found a way to avoid detection.

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 05:42 PM
There's plenty of evidence if you know where to look. Here's a list of reported shootings of bigfoots over the years. I think it's disgusting to imagine a wounded animal, any animal, left wounded in the woods.

Below is a chronological list of reports of humans shooting bigfoots. Following along below this first list there is a second list which names organizations that might significantly encourage the protection, rescue, and conservation of bigfoots, our homegrown endangered primates.

1700's; KY, unknown; Daniel Boone shoots and kills a bigfoot
1800's late; AL, Winston; moonshiner shoots a bigfoot following his mule wagon
1800's mid, late; TX, Bexar; rancher shoots at probable bigfoot eating dead hunter
1879-10-00; VT, Orange; humans shoot at bigfoot, bigfoot chases humans
1882-00-00; CA, Inyo; man shoots bigfoot 5 times BFF
1885-00-00; NC, Watauga; gunshot bigfoot hides under leaves and brush
1890's; OR, Curry; 2 men shoot bigfoot, bigfoot slams men against trees, tears them apart, killing them IBS
1904-00-00; OR, Lane; human shoots at bigfoot, bigfoot throws big rock at man
1917 summer; TX, Cass; mule wagon driver shoots at bigfoot screaming at them
1917-00-00; OK, Nowata; men shoot at bigfoot trapped in barn TBRC
1920's; WA, Walla Walla; hunters shoot bigfoot, bigfoot escapes, 2nd bigfoot throws boulders at hunters IBS
1920's to 1930's; CA, Lake; man hunted red-haired wildmen that lived in caves above lake IBS
1921-00-00; LA, Terrebonne; hunters kill bigfoot, dump in old well, skeleton found IBS
1924-00-00; OR, Deschutes; prospecter shoots a bigfoot 5 times, the bigfoot escapes IBS
1924-00-00; WA, Skamania; humans shoot & kill a bigfoot, other bigfoots retaliate
1940's late; OR, Coos; human shoots a bigfoot seen chewing on live cow
1940-00-00; MO, unknown; bigfoot killed after it ripped apart a cow
1941-11-00; Canada, Manitoba; hunter kills and abandons a bigfoot
1943 winter; AL, Clarke; human shoots a bigfoot
1943-00-00; GA, unknown; bigfoot kills livestock, humans killed the bigfoot IBS
1946-00-00; PA, Lebanon; human shoots a bigfoot BOTEC
1948-06-00; NC, Franklin; human shoots a bigfoot
1949-00-00; OR, Clackamas; bigfoot shot while eating a turkey IBS
1950 early; GA, unknown; human shoots at a bigfoot BOTEC
1950-00-00; PA, Indiana; humans shoot a bigfoot BOTEC
1951-00-00; GA, Thomas; human shoots at a bigfoot next to porch BOTEC
1956-00-00; CA, Shasta; hunter possibly shoots a bigfoot IBS
1957-00-00; OR, Deschutes; bf steals shot deer, hunter shoots bf, bf escapes with deer IBS
1958 or 1960; TN, Overton; farmer kills bigfoot
1959-00-00; MD, Carroll; human shoots at a bigfoot BOTEC
1959-00-00; OR, Douglas; boy shoots bigfoot seven times
1960's; OR, Jefferson; farmer shoots a bigfoot, takes body home, other bigfoots re-take body IBS
1960's summer; TX, Morris; human shoots at a bigfoot in the yard
1960's winter; CA, Shasta; bf shot with 30.06, tracked thru snow to creek
1960 fall; MN, St. Louis; hunter kills, hides, then displays a bigfoot
1962-06-00; CA, Mendocino; man intends to shoot bigfoot man as bigfoot holds door open
1963-00-00; SC, Cherokee; human shoots a bigfoot
1963-10-00; TX, Smith; human shoots at dog-treed bigfoot
1964-07-00; KY, Grant; bigfoot seen at trash dump, humans hunt to shoot bigfoot
1965-00-00; AR, Miller; human shoots a bigfoot; multiple sightings, multiple years
1965-00-00; WA, Yakima; boy shoots bigfoot, bigfoot tore boy apart and crushed his rib cage IBS
1965-00-00; WY, Teton; coyote hunter shoots bigfoot in chest, it dies they abandon it IBS
1966-01-00; CA, Trinity; bigfoot man shoots bigfoot thru cabin window, tracks bf to creek
1966 fall; MD, Frederick; human fights a bigfoot, reports to police BOTEC
1966-00-00; PA, Erie; humans shoot at a bigfoot BOTEC
1966-05-00; Canada, British Columbia; human shoots one bigfoot as two others copulate
1967 fall; WA, Lewis; human shoots at a grayish bigfoot
1967-05-00; OR, Wasco; bigfoot shot with buckshot, falls, gets up, runs thru barb wire fence
1968 or 1969; NM, Moro; boys shoot bottle rockets at bigfoot sitting on log eating apples
1968-05-00; IN, Carroll; human gut shoots a bigfoot
1969-00-00; NM, San Jaun; shepherds shoot a bigfoot, two other bigfoots help wounded bigfoot IBS
1969-01-01; MO, Franklin; a bigfoot turns and slowly walks away after being shot 9 times with a .22 pistol
1969-11-00; CA, Calaveras; bigfoot shot 3 times from 30 yards away
1969-11-00; NJ, Burlington; human shoots at a bigfoot BOTEC
1970's; AL, Talladega; sheriff's Deputy empties revolver at a bigfoot
1970's; WA, Grays Harbor; man shoots at bigfoot, 4 bigfoots attack pickup truck IBS
1970's early; WA, Chelan; several men shoot at bigfoot holding, biting 150# pig IBS
1970's early mid; LA, Vernon; a bigfoot vocalizes loudly when shot by hunter
1970's summer; TX, Angelina; fisherman shoots at a bigfoot

There's plenty more:

posted on Dec, 9 2011 @ 06:33 PM
This is what you call evidence? Of all the supposed shootings of bigfoots... bigfeet? Anyways, not one of these supposed shootings have been substantiated by DNA evidence, dead carcasses, nothing. I mean I could go to this website now, say that I shot a bigfoot, fill out the form, and voila, I am on that list. That isn't evidence that is just a bunch of unsubstantiated accounts. If that is enough for you then great, but I require a little more info to call something evidence.

posted on Dec, 10 2011 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by Majiq
This is what you call evidence? Of all the supposed shootings of bigfoots... bigfeet? Anyways, not one of these supposed shootings have been substantiated by DNA evidence, dead carcasses, nothing. I mean I could go to this website now, say that I shot a bigfoot, fill out the form, and voila, I am on that list. That isn't evidence that is just a bunch of unsubstantiated accounts. If that is enough for you then great, but I require a little more info to call something evidence.

Well google the Sierra kills and the Ketchum DNA Study. Seems exactly what you require is in the works.
Altho I suspect you knew that even if the op didn't.

Onward then......

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 01:48 AM
reply to post by Caver78

I will most certainly look into that. I would love for some real evidence to surface concerning bigfoot. It would be a great scientific find and possibly would open a new view into our own evolution. I am just a skeptic at heart and need solid evidence before i buy into anything.

posted on Dec, 11 2011 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by Caver78

I did some reading on Ketchum, and honestly I am very interested in the findings that are made public after the peer reviewed study that they are in the process of completing. I subscribed to the update blog and I hope that something new comes out soon.


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