I need to know some info on a thread I read about a month or 2 ago that had to do with some sort of theory that as you count from one the higher you
go the more a spiral shape forms on a line and that all nature represents this spiral shape. Like Seashells and so forth. Mods feel free to delete
this if need be. Sorry for the noobish thread and question but i was trying to explain it to a friend but couldn't remember it all and when i went to
re-read through the info i couldn't remember what this was called its "something" Square theory or along those lines. Again I'm sorry for Noobish
here is a nice, easy introduction to fractals ...
10 m math.rice.edu...
LOL, I am totally in love with fractals. I can remember in the 1980's, after getting too frustrated with waiting for more than a day for my computer
to generate a single set, designing and building a transputer-card, that got the job done in 7 minutes, rofl ........ and that is all my transputer
ever did (except for the odd cypher-program, or orbital-simulation), lol .....