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One Mega Watt E-Cat Cold Fusion Device Test Successful!

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:03 AM
I so hate hoaxes.

No matter how sci fi they pretend to be.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, so the best you can do is to find a balance when it changes from one form to another. Stored energy is transferred into work and that creates power. Nothing is free, not in this universe.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Fromabove
I so hate hoaxes.

No matter how sci fi they pretend to be.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, so the best you can do is to find a balance when it changes from one form to another. Stored energy is transferred into work and that creates power. Nothing is free, not in this universe.

Energy is created in all the nuclear power plants in the world. It's created from mass. E=mc², remember?

Nuclear reactions turn matter in energy. Everyone knows it.

This device is Nuclear Fusion, the kind of nuclear reaction that fuels our Sun, and all the other stars. It's much more efficient and safer than Nuclear Fission.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:09 AM
So, Calleman was right at the end...

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by GLontra

Originally posted by Fromabove
I so hate hoaxes.

No matter how sci fi they pretend to be.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, so the best you can do is to find a balance when it changes from one form to another. Stored energy is transferred into work and that creates power. Nothing is free, not in this universe.

Energy is created in all the nuclear power plants in the world. It's created from mass. E=mc², remember?

Nuclear reactions turn matter in energy. Everyone knows it.

This device is Nuclear Fusion, the kind of nuclear reaction that fuels our Sun, and all the other stars. It's much more efficient and safer than Nuclear Fission.

The sun will run out of energy and die, explode and die,, or implode and die, but it will die. Nuclear reactors, the fuel runs out and gets put in Yukka mountain or someplace to die off over ten thousand years but it still dies off.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Fromabove

Originally posted by GLontra

Originally posted by Fromabove
I so hate hoaxes.

No matter how sci fi they pretend to be.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, so the best you can do is to find a balance when it changes from one form to another. Stored energy is transferred into work and that creates power. Nothing is free, not in this universe.

Energy is created in all the nuclear power plants in the world. It's created from mass. E=mc², remember?

Nuclear reactions turn matter in energy. Everyone knows it.

This device is Nuclear Fusion, the kind of nuclear reaction that fuels our Sun, and all the other stars. It's much more efficient and safer than Nuclear Fission.

The sun will run out of energy and die, explode and die,, or implode and die, but it will die. Nuclear reactors, the fuel runs out and gets put in Yukka mountain or someplace to die off over ten thousand years but it still dies off.

The Sun will only run out of fuel after billions of years from now.

The "Energy Catalyzer" cold fusion device consumes tiny amounts of hydrogen gas and nickel powder to create energy. It's a nuclear reaction, so the amount of matter consumed is negligible.

The Earth has enough hydrogen (stored in water) and nickel (stored in rocks) to be the "fuel" of the "Energy Catalyzer" for the next 2 billion years, or so.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by Fromabove

Originally posted by GLontra

Originally posted by Fromabove
I so hate hoaxes.

No matter how sci fi they pretend to be.

Energy is neither created nor destroyed, so the best you can do is to find a balance when it changes from one form to another. Stored energy is transferred into work and that creates power. Nothing is free, not in this universe.

Energy is created in all the nuclear power plants in the world. It's created from mass. E=mc², remember?

Nuclear reactions turn matter in energy. Everyone knows it.

This device is Nuclear Fusion, the kind of nuclear reaction that fuels our Sun, and all the other stars. It's much more efficient and safer than Nuclear Fission.

The sun will run out of energy and die, explode and die,, or implode and die, but it will die. Nuclear reactors, the fuel runs out and gets put in Yukka mountain or someplace to die off over ten thousand years but it still dies off.

Ignorance and arrogance go hand in hand.
And I so hate ignorance.

You are using horrible analogies to try and defend a position on a topic you do not fully understand.
The e-cat isnt free energy. It uses fuel...very very tiny ammounts of fuel, and produces lots of energy from the process.
This is a much safer and efficient way of producing useable energy, than conventional methods, even fission.
The E-cat uses a cold fusion process ( and if you do not have a reasonable grasp of what cold fusion is, then stop reading this post and google it.)
Cold fusion has been the holy grail of nuclear energy since the idea first gained ground in 1989, when an experiment by some of the top energy researchers on the planet gave the first insight on this process.

You are partly correct.. there is no "free" energy.
However, cold fusion is not free energy.It is, the safest, most efficient form of energy "production" known to man and if it works, this changes everything.

You want hope and change? If the E-Cat ends up working as planned, it will change our future.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:56 AM
Ive been following the E-Cat project for over a year. This man really must believe in his work to sell his house to back the cost for the demo of the product. I believe its a working tech and has not been disproven in any of the test to this point and look forward to a world my child can grow up in with almost free energy and cleaner environment this discover will change so many things in every day life it will be the greatest invention of our time imo this is greater than man landing on the moon imo 10/28/11 will be a huge date in the school books and our history all the hype for the date was correct imo
. I woke up today feeling hopeful for the first time in a long time and hope others did as well. I cant wait till i have and E-Cat in my garage powering my home and charging my electric car.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:10 AM
reply to post by Fromabove

Thats the beauty of this system is that it doesn't require Uranium or Plutonium but only Hydrogen and Nickel.

There is a initial energy required to heat up the materials to the point at which nuclear reaction or fusion occurs.

This is what necessitates the generator...

Heat is applied to the reactor with electric resistors (although any heat source would work), and the hydrogen is pressurized. When a temperature of around 400C is achieved, nuclear fusion reactions start occurring, and energy is released in the form of heat. The output can be used to heat water, or create steam to power a turbine to generate electricity.

But more energy is created as a result of the hydrogen fusion reaction than is consumed.

Here's a refresher on the concept of cold fusion...

Cold fusion is a technology that allows nuclear fusion reactions to take place at relatively low temperatures -- hundreds or thousands of degrees instead of millions of degrees. Unlike hot fusion, it does not require billion dollar reactors the size of large houses. A cold fusion reactor can fit on a table top, and cost only hundreds of dollars to build. Most importantly, cold fusion technology is commercial ready NOW (not in decades), and is scheduled to hit the market place in October.

Andrea Rossi is an Italian engineer who has developed a cold fusion technology named the E-Cat (Energy Catalyzer). The technology is very simple, completely safe, and produces large amounts of energy. An E-Cat setup is simple to describe. Nickel powder, hydrogen gas, and an undisclosed (for proprietary reasons) catalyst is placed in a stainless steel reactor vessel as small as fifty cubic centimeters in volume. To visualize this, imagine a container the size of a "D" cell battery. Heat is applied to the reactor with electric resistors (although any heat source would work), and the hydrogen is pressurized. When a temperature of around 400C is achieved, nuclear fusion reactions start occurring, and energy is released in the form of heat. The output can be used to heat water, or create steam to power a turbine to generate electricity.

Although a nuclear reaction is taking place, little radiation is produced (it can all be shielded by two centimeters of lead) and no nuclear waste is created. The benefit of the reaction being nuclear fusion (rather than a chemical process) is that a tremendous amount of energy is produced. A fifty cubic centimeter reactor can produce several kilowatts of heat for several months at a time, consuming less than one sixth of that power (or consuming zero power in self sustain mode). The cost of re-fueling the reactor will be very low, due to the fact that nickel is one of the most common elements on the planet, and hydrogen can easily be obtained from water.


Cheap Cold Fusion ....
edit on 29-10-2011 by nh_ee because: "Live Free or Die".....General John Stark Revolutionary War Hero...

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:32 AM
I really hope this thing works and he isn't killed or taken over.

Off topic; I have always thought that the Tree of Life from the story of Genesis(I know, bash away)

is in some way related to "free" energy. Could there be a way to live forever with unlimited energy?

And, more importantly, will god (or whomever you subscribe to) allow us to have such tech?

BTW, I don't believe in atheists.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:47 AM
This is virtually free 'hope' and I will accept this hope. The thing is this 'hope' is connected to thoughts that I can neither confirm or deny. So I will choose to accept this hope for today.

Feeling the suns warmth and light everyday it is comparable to the thousands of years we looked into the sky and saw the birds fly. We know it can be done. One day it will be done. Maybe today is that day!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:51 AM
This is not a free energy device, but cold fusion device, it does not violate thermodynamics. I remain skeptical, but it would be awesome if it works as advertised.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:15 PM
Sonds promising, to say the least.
Lets hope they can overcome the DOE stumbling block.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:25 PM
We have a discussion over in the science forum, and myself i am still VERY skeptical.

Countless websites and wishful user's only repeating the CLAIMS does not make a proof - and so far we merely have claims by this man and no real, independent scientific studies whether the claims are in fact true!

Yesterday's test also had some highly suspect aspects, for example the generator was still connected to the device and running.

It was promised a "report" after the test yesterday, but this turned out a rather pathetic looking piece of paper with only some claims on it (again).

Unless independent people can take a GOOD look at this and verify the claims and data, it's justified to be very skeptical...and don't let your wishful thinking for cheap, almost free energy blind you! Rossi (up to this date) has failed to convince the skeptics and his secrecy and odd testing methods don't help the cause either!
edit on 29-10-2011 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by flexy123
DARPA are investing in the rossi e-cat, are they known for their stupidity or being at the cutting edge of breakthrough technology?

The successful test should pave the way for further work at the University of Bologna, and more contracts with the enigmatic customer. NyTeknik did discover one possible clue to their identity. The customer's controller, one Domenico Fioravanti, apparently reports to a man whose title is "Colonel". This suggests that the mystery customer might be DARPA, the Pentagon's extreme science wing which, as has previously noted, has expressed interestin Rossi's work -- but which might not be quite ready to explain to its political masters why it spent millions on a cold fusion device.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by spoor

Originally posted by Arken
The test was at the half power but: 470 kilowatt hour per hour of completely free energy, free of fuel is a breakthrough? Yes, I think this is a breakthrough.

Why do you ignore the generator that was constantly running and connected during the entire test?

Just another hoax.

Hmm it seems there was an outside generator hooked up.

Was this needed just to jump - start the machine, or was it actually what created all the power while burning diesel fuel?
edit on 29-10-2011 by muzzleflash because: (no reason given)

I remember reading it needs an external power source to 'warm it up' , the catalyst and then it's self sustained - i may be wrong.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:41 PM

The customer's controller, one Domenico Fioravanti, apparently reports to a man whose title is "Colonel"

Those are speculations by 3rd party people who downloaded the report and saw the word "Colonel" (?) crossed out - SPECULATING therefore that the military is involved.

Here is the problem: You don't do science and new inventions by speculating from one blog/site to the look at data and verify data.

Rossi holds the "customer" secret, WHO it is, no-one knows. For what it's worth..there might not even be a could be a very elaborate hoax.

We could as well discuss Santa Claus here and would have about the same evidence and proof about Santa's existence. I know i sound VERY skeptical...but as said i think it's justified.

We would not be skeptical if in the past we had plenty of people observing the 11 past tests..and the few scientists who had doubts could have voiced their doubts..and then they could have repeated the tests confirming to the "skeptics"...repeated and eliminated all potential errors in measuring etc... but this did NOT happen.

It is my firm belief that such an extraordinary invention (if it has been made) VERY WELL legitimates special care and a very keen & skeptical simply deserves it! And not some "halfass" tests which prove nothing and leave many questions open!
edit on 29-10-2011 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-10-2011 by flexy123 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:44 PM
Wake me up when he runs the thing without a 470kW generator connected to it at all times. No one is even denying this. What a joke.

Anyhow, it seems that this one was bought up by the US military, so there's plenty to keep the conspiracy theorists happy here.

One thing is for sure, fusion it is not.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:45 PM
This is like a modern day holy grail. We hope it's real but nothing has been verified in the light of day past the videos and private customers examining the device.

Just wondering if this thing really works as advertised, could we one day have devices at our homes powering our homes and in our vehicles eliminating the need to buy gas? We can hope.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:46 PM
Too many "it seems", too many "it looks like"...this is the whole problem!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:46 PM
Here's hoping!

Imagine what a world we could create if every human on the planet could have the access to clean energy!!!

I found it interesting that the device could be so small, and it immediately lead me to imagine that the Ark of The Covenant must have had one of these babies in it...

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