posted on Nov, 4 2004 @ 07:13 AM
Originally posted by NyschashiLilOlath
Reality bends come in many forms, the most common of which are simple texture distortions on surrounding are....
... or knows how to create these bends more efficiently, please reply.
- Nyschashi
wouldn't it be likely these 'texture distortions' are actually 'Hallucinations'?
* considering the brain is only a chemo-electrical functioning bio-organ...
which can be 'charged, over-ridden, altered' by the electromagnetic
influences in the environments you described. probably the nearest to building a reliable 'reality bender'
ala Tesla (philadelphia experiment fame)
for the exotic path...which the Quanta post touched might want to
REvisit the ancient tradition (which Quanta Theory touches-on) of the
phenomena of the
Etheric Luminosity as the other, Dark Matter,
invisible, Anti-material universe composition...which by cause of vibration
is then transformed (made manifest) into sub-particle quanta and then 'matter'_____________??maybe only 'sensitive' persons are able
to 'see' this interaction, auras (?texture distortions?)....IF your one of those
people, seeing that stuff must drive you crazy,