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9/11 Passenger list

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posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:22 AM
reply to post by septic

Thanks septic

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by TVeducated

Ah yes, the personal insults. You can always tell when someone has realized that they are wrong...they spout off multi-ids, trolls, paid government operatives.

psst heres a clue...I have one ID and I am a paid government employee. I'm paid to fix F-16s, and thats all I am paid for. I harass people like you for fun.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:39 AM
reply to post by vipertech0596

psst heres a clue...I have one ID and I am a paid government employee. I'm paid to fix F-16s, and thats all I am paid for. I harass people like you for fun.

1) Im wrong about 9/11 NO im not nor are millions of others..

2) I guess "your" govenment has got you right where they want you fixing up there war toys while you go blindly into the night believing all they tell you.

3) You're not harassing me at all but you are in danger of making yourself look foolish.

edit on 29/10/2011 by TVeducated because: speeling

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by vipertech0596

And you are a troll as this thread is asking for a passeger list and your opening post has nothing to do with what was asking for.

Originally posted by vipertech0596
reply to post by stirling

I dont care how well trained you are, if you are sitting in an airliner seat and four guys pounce on you, you are DONE. Everybody likes to think that boxcutters are somehow, not a decent the hands of someone with a desire to kill, its all the weapon you need. Especially in the confined area you find on airliners.

Then Mark Bingham's phone call...I mean, hasnt this one been done to the death? How many of his family members have to mention in interviews that that was how he ALWAYS started a phone call?

edit on 29/10/2011 by TVeducated because: errors

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by TVeducated

The only one here that looks foolish is you. I know that my government isn't faultless, I've known that since the early 70s. And I have long said that the biggest accomplice that Al Qaeda had that day was the government bureaucracy. The only issue here is that you believe there was active assistance by the US, and I know that it was shortsightedness/dereliction of duty in a chain of events that stretched back long before 9/11.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by TVeducated

And I responded to another poster on the thread. You chose to engage me. Not the other way around. Let me explain something to you about ATS, after you start a doesn't belong to you anymore.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:50 AM

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:56 AM
Let me explain something

the topic is "9/11 Passenger list"


This forum is on "Strict Terms and Conditions of Use ENFORCEMENT" until further notice.

"Strict Enforcement" means:
Any Member lowering themselves to name calling, no matter how innocuous, will be red tag warned on the spot, no questions asked.

Any Member who, after receiving a red tag warn in this forum, commits another breach of the TAC will be post banned on the spot, no questions asked.

One warning is all you get before being post banned.

Any posts, replies or new threads, that are about Member personalities instead of the issues will be red tag warned and deleted.


posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by Sauron

Close it please I got the list within 2 posts.

Gotta love ATS and its members.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 01:30 AM
reply to post by TVeducated

edit on 29-10-2011 by vipertech0596 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by TVeducated

Where is the plane at Shanksville? or the Pentagone for that matter.

Are you THAT ignorant to think a plane slamming into the ground at 580 mph is going to remain intact?

Here is what is left of the Shanksville plane....

They filled 10 of these with aircraft parts

Here is some of the largesr debris

Same goes for the Pentagon plane

Hitting a masonary building at 500 mph turned the plane into "metallic confetti"

Notice all the aircraft debris littering Pentagon lawn

Seen this up close and personal at crash scene in my town

Doing body recover as member of Fire department......

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:13 AM
reply to post by thedman

Not at all but every other plane crash i can think of, body's where recovered, black boxes where recovered luggage etc etc.

And I've never heard of two planes causing three buildings to collapse at near free fall speed have you?

You believe what you want to believe my friend. I and millions more will believe believe a closer version of the truth.

I find it hard to believe that anyone who comes to this site can really believe the official story. Do you not read anything on 9/11 here. Can you not put 2+2 together and get 4. Why do you always have to get and odd unbelievable answer?

A lot of believes in this post,. I know what I believe sadly so do you.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:19 AM
There were few if any real victims on 9/11, most being computer generated
identities with no real existences. The whole 9/11 plot-line is riddled with
actors/liars and Fakery!

Vicsims - The Simulated Victims of 9/11

As just one aspect of the 9/11 fraud, think of all the money made from false compensation claims
and memorial funds!

The real 9/11 Hoax perpetrators cleaned up in so many ways.

9/11 - The most financially successful movie/movie script in history!
Still running in 5D - See It, Hear It, Smell It, Believe It and Live It!
AS seen on any TV or Media Outlet Output near you!!

(Demand your time and money back, because it is a s**t flik really!)

The Monolith Is The Viewing Screen!!! AARRGH!!!!!!

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 07:29 AM

9/11 - The most financially successful movie/movie script in history!
reply to post by pshea38

And sadly the sheep are alrady begging for 9/11.2 in 3D.

It breaks my heart to be honest that with all the facts surrounding 9/11 people still refuse/cant see it for what it is......a LIE.

I dont understand how you can show someone a red jumper ,and no matter what they will still say "NO its a green shirt"

One of my favorite/worse actors of 9/11.

edit on 29/10/2011 by TVeducated because: To add video

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:07 AM

Originally posted by TVeducated

One of my favorite/worse actors of 9/11.

Cast an eye over this BS. Good to see the protagonists had the time and presence of
mind to change clothes for the camera. More important than trying to save/help people!
(unless there were no 'people' that is - then it's all o.k. and only a bit of a laugh!)
What A Crock!

The laugh's on us.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by pshea38

Not seen that video before thanks.

They look like there fresh out the shower, not just clawed there way out of a demolished building.

Just how many people betrayed America that day? And how do they live with themselves?

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by pshea38
There were few if any real victims on 9/11, most being computer generated
identities with no real existences. The whole 9/11 plot-line is riddled with
actors/liars and Fakery!

Vicsims - The Simulated Victims of 9/11

As just one aspect of the 9/11 fraud, think of all the money made from false compensation claims
and memorial funds!

The real 9/11 Hoax perpetrators cleaned up in so many ways.

9/11 - The most financially successful movie/movie script in history!
Still running in 5D - See It, Hear It, Smell It, Believe It and Live It!
AS seen on any TV or Media Outlet Output near you!!

(Demand your time and money back, because it is a s**t flik really!)

The Monolith Is The Viewing Screen!!! AARRGH!!!!!!

Makes sense now why all the "truth" forums and the popular conspiracy sites work so hard to discredit arguments like this...because its the truth.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by TVeducated

I find it hard to believe that anyone who comes to this site can really believe the official story. Do you not read anything on 9/11 here. Can you not put 2+2 together and get 4. Why do you always have to get and odd unbelievable answer?

I get my answers from real experience, not watching video in mommys basement

So how many plane crashes you been to...?

Done body recovery at crash of Lear jet

Guess never seen fragmentation of the aircraft or of the people on board. Not lot recognizable left....

Ever seen a building collapse from fire? Been to several, both residental and commercial buildings which
collapsed from fire alone - no planes involved.

Seen lot of "truthers" spout off all sort of ignorant crap. Do some research first, not parrot conspiracy websites

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 10:22 AM
You can find the passenger list here

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 11:15 AM
reply to post by TVeducated

Not at all but every other plane crash i can think of, body's where recovered, black boxes where recovered luggage etc etc.

Human remains, personal items, FDR and CVR's were recovered from the Pentagon and Shanksville. Only recording devices were not recovered from NYC, human remains and personal items were. End of story.

And I've never heard of two planes causing three buildings to collapse at near free fall speed have you?

Nope, 9/11 was a first. I guess that means it can't happen. Nothing ever happens for the first time. Common sense tells you that. Every event in human history was a repeat.

You believe what you want to believe my friend. I and millions more will believe believe a closer version of the truth.

Millions????? Tell you what, get those "millions" together, hold public hearings and present your findings. I've never heard of a politician not acting on a petition with millions of signatures.

I find it hard to believe that anyone who comes to this site can really believe the official story. Do you not read anything on 9/11 here. Can you not put 2+2 together and get 4. Why do you always have to get and odd unbelievable answer?

I think that's the problem - where you get your information about 9/11.

A lot of believes in this post,. I know what I believe sadly so do you.

So what are you going to do about it?

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