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Originally posted by RSF77
I don't see why its any problem to shoot down a drone the same way you shoot down a more sophisticated human controlled military aircraft.
Now, Boeing is experimenting with a concept of drone warfare that’s been around for a while; swarming. Basically, you throw a ton of drones at an enemy and through sheer numbers overwhelm any defenses.
It ain’t easy, picking out evil-doers in the urban canyons of the Middle East; there are so many places to hide. Taking ‘em out can be even harder, what with all those noncombatants hanging nearby. But the Air Force thinks it might have an answer to this most vexing problem in counter-insurgency: frisbees. disc_uav.JPGNot just any frisbees, mind you. Robotic frisbees. Heavily armed robotic frisbees. The Air Force recently tapped Triton Systems, out of Chelmsford, Mass, to develop such a “Modular Disc-Wing Urban Cruise Munition.“ “The 3-D maneuverability of the Frisbee-UAV [unammned aerial vehicle] will provide revolutionary tactical access and lethality against hostiles hiding in upper story locations and/or defiladed behind obstacles,” the company promises.
Once they catch up to the baddies, the drones will use a series of armor-piercing explosives, shooting jets of molten metal, to eliminate their targets.
Chelmsford, MA 01824
Topic#: (978) 250-4200
Mr. James Gorman
AF 06-141 Selected for Award
Title: Modular Disc-Wing (Frisbee) Urban Cruise Munition (1000-844)
Abstract: Triton Systems, Inc. of Chelmsford MA proposes to develop a MEFP-armed Lethal Frisbee UAV, whose purpose is to locate defiladed combatants in complex urban terrain and provide precision fires to neutralize these hostiles with minimum hazard to friendly forces or bystanders. The 3-D maneuverability of the Frisbee-UAV will provide revolutionary tactical access and lethality against hostiles hiding in upper story locations and/or defiladed behind obstacles to direct observation and fire. The developed Frisbee-UAV system will be modular to provide reconnaissance, pursuit, and precision fire options to the lowest echelon units. Multiple UAVs can be air- or ground-launched from munitions dispensers or by means of a simple mechanism similar to a shotgun target (skeet) launcher. Both tele-operated (man-in-the-loop) and autonomous modes of operation will be provided, through wireless links to standard tactical data systems. Range, payload, and maneuverability will be tailored to the missions defined during requirements studies. The fuzing mode of the MEFP warheads will be controllable so as to provide a single large fragment (bunker-buster) or tailorable pattern of smaller fragments (unprotected infantry or light utility vehicles). The fuzing mode may be determined in real time by direct operator intervention or autonomous target classification routine built into the UAV.
Abstract: Ads by Google Las Vegas Coupons 1 ridiculously huge coupon a day. It's like doing Vegas at 90% off! MEFP Warhead technology was initiated in the 1980's to provide a warhead that could produce many highly effective penetrators for the attack of light materiel targets. Previously, EFP warheads were designed to produce a single rod shaped or ball shaped penetrator for deep armor penetration. With the MEFP warhead concepts, the liner was designed and formed to produce many individual penetrators to attack light materiel area targets. Initial MEFP warhead concepts utilized a steel case, LX-14 explosive billet and a tantalum, iron or copper liner embossed or formed to produce the individual penetrators. Limitations: APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE
Originally posted by THE_PROFESSIONAL
reply to post by cerebralassassins
The future wars will be drone wars; this is the beginning of skynet;
After the Washington Post wrote about the Texas Department of Public Safety’s (DPS) and other domestic law enforcement agencies’ use of drones last January, EFF filed a Public Information Act request with the agency for more information. The Texas DPS was very forthcoming and not only sent us unredacted records of their program but also agreed to provide more information over the phone. The records they sent us are linked at the bottom of this post, and I was able to speak with Mr. Bill Nabors, chief pilot of Texas DPS’s Aircraft Section.