posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 01:19 PM
I was listening to Radio 2 this lunchtime and couldn't believe that this subject was being discussed.
I truly thought that Rickets was a disease of the past, but no, it appears to be on the increase in the U.K.
However, a recent study carried out by Professor Nicholas Clarke, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon at Southampton General Hospital, found there were
185 cases in 2001 and that figure rose to 479 cases in 2009.
It appears over protective parents have been keeping their children out of the Sun entirely or applying vast amounts of Sun block in order to protect
them from the dermatological consequences of too much exposure to the Sun.
You can't blame the parents really as we have been continuously told by the Medical Profession to use plenty of sunscreen or Sunblock on infants.
However, the lack of Vitamin D is the major contributor to the cause of Rickets.
I remember growing up in the late seventies and early eighties and never applying sunscreen or sun block and I have never suffered any consequences,
well not yet at least.
I think we need to take stock of what we are being told and feel the continuous nannying is causing so much confusion particularly where children are
Anyway here's the link: