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Arizona's KPHO CBS 5 running nightly news series calling those who oppose vaccines "terrorists"

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posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by MapMistress

When my son was 4 he caught it and had about 5 spots and a low fever. He played all day, anyway. He was better the next day.

posted on Oct, 28 2011 @ 10:30 PM

Originally posted by AlomaRa
reply to post by MapMistress

When my son was 4 he caught it and had about 5 spots and a low fever. He played all day, anyway. He was better the next day.

Yep. I remember having it. My older brother got it and my parents told me I would get it next. I remember being excited because I'd get to stay home from school and eat chicken soup all day. People are out of their minds to think it's a big enough concern to warrant injection of the insane kinds of ingredients that are in vaccines.

I understand people who say certain vaccines are worth it, though I respectfully disagree, but the chickenpox one is just ridiculous

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:29 AM
Alright, update on the 6pm airing of KPHO scaring people about chickenpox, still have update on 10pm airing to come.

The 6pm segement aired Karen Lewis saying that it was dangerous to exchange chickenpox virus. That's nice. I've met her at one of my mom's Xmas parties in the past. My mom used to work at a different county clinic delivering babies, a different clinic each day of the week: Maricopa, Gila, Pima, Pinal, Yuma, Yavapai, Coconino, PIMC and various Native American Reservations. And I have met doctors, midwives, practitioners and nurses from all those counties/places at various staff-family holiday parties. So putting Karen Lewis up there really doesn't speak for the rest of the medical community in Arizona with regards to the chickenpox vaccine and their opinions of it.

Let's start with the cost of the Chickenpox vaccine and why many doctors won't even carry, nor distribute it anymore.

According to the CDC, the costs of Merck's chickenpox vaccine TO THE DOCTORS are as follows.

Varicella Vaccine cost includes $0.75 per dose Federal Excise Tax Varivax® 00006-4827-00
10 pack-1 dose vials $69.734-$83.77 03/31/2012 Merck 200-2011-38200
CDC Vaccine Price List

So CDC says cost per dose is $6.97-$8.38 per dose in a 10-pack. But doctors jack up the price and try to charge the individual more than the costs of a 10-pack even if only getting a single dose.

"As a pediatric nurse I gave hundreds of varicella (or chicken pox) vaccines. In the Norfolk Va area the going rate is about $80.00 to $120.00"
Yahoo Q&A Cost of Chickenpox vaccine

On top of this jacked up $80-$120 charge for a single dose which only costs the doctors $6.97-$8.38, the consumer also has to pay for the visit to the doctors office which runs $75-$200 depending on the doctor's office charges. Not very reasonable. Considering that since Merck's product is ineffective in one dose, you are looking at paying for 2 doses. So double that and you are looking at paying $310-$640 for 2 doses-per one child of Merck's vaccine at the local doctor.

But the insurance companies won't pay the jacked up prices, so they pay less price and now doctors won't carry it anymore because they claim to be losing money.

"It doesn't do me any good. I am losing money on [them]," he said. The chicken pox vaccine runs about $115, but insurers only cover between $68 to $83 of that.
High Vaccine Costs Means Fewer Doctors Are Offering Shots

So even though the insurers know that the vaccine costs the doctors $6.97-$8.38 per dose, they still give the doctors $68-$83 the cost of 10 doses. Doctors claim to be "losing" money because insurers won't pay 10-fold costs per single dose. The consumer doesn't know their insurer won't pay & are stuck with the bill.


Before the development of a vaccine, about 100 people died every year in the United States from chickenpox.
Chickenpox Stats from

Only 100 people per year died of chickenpox per year before the existence of Merck's chickenpox vaccine.

But Merck & KPHO want to twist the facts, label those who refuse the overpriced vaccine "terrorists." Merck is British. That makes them a FOREIGN pharmaceutical company trying to label Americans "terrorists" for refusing to buy their British product. If Merck can get away with labelling Brits "terrorists" in their own country for refusing to buy their product, then I feel sorry for the Brits. But Merck as a FOREIGN company has absolutely no right to try and pull a stunt like that in America, when Americans refuse to buy their product! All over 100 deaths per year without their vaccine.

And KPHO trying to scare the public about "Postal Workers"...c'mon. If KPHO wants to claim "chickenpox is a danger to postal workers", then as a media company they should be interviewing the alleged victims. They can't. Because there's no postal workers for them to interview who have ever caught chickenpox by mail.

The other CBS syndicates won't pick up the story. No one else wants to scare the public about something when WITHOUT a vaccine there's only 100 deaths per yr.

If you ask me, I'd rather that DHS investigate the additives to the Brit-Merck products to see if the Brits put extra things in there to make American children's immune systems weaker for British/Foreign profit. Merck is so keen to call American "terrorists" over refusal to buy their vaccine. Why would the British care if Americans have weaker immune systems? The more Americans with weak immune systems, the more money Brits make.
edit on 29-10-2011 by MapMistress because: spacing

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by MapMistress
It Makes You wonder why they don't run news story's like this one then.
CDC Doctor who "Debunked" Vaccine-Autism Link Indicted on Fraud
Another shocking case involving the CDC is that of Dr. Poul Thorsen, who, after being found to have falsified documents, was indicted on fraud, money laundering and tax evasion after stealing somewhere between $1-2 million in research grant money from the CDC.
Here you might wonder why I'm faulting the CDC, as the organization was the victim of fraud. The reason I fault them is because they hired Dr. Thorsen to debunk the link between thimerosal in vaccines and autism—which he did to their satisfaction. However, CDC officials may have played a significant role in "guiding" this research to their desired end, and now that Thorsen has been exposed as a fraud, the agency still upholds his research as being of high caliber.

As explained in a 2010 article by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.:

"Thorsen was a leading member of a Danish research group that wrote several key studies supporting CDC's claims that the MMR vaccine and mercury-laden vaccines were safe for children. Thorsen's 2003 Danish study reported a 20-fold increase in autism in Denmark after that country banned mercury based preservatives in its vaccines. His study concluded that mercury could therefore not be the culprit behind the autism epidemic.
His study has long been criticized as fraudulent since it failed to disclose that the increase was an artifact of new mandates requiring, for the first time, that autism cases be reported on the national registry. This new law and the opening of a clinic dedicated to autism treatment in Copenhagen accounted for the sudden rise in reported cases rather than, as Thorsen seemed to suggest, the removal of mercury from vaccines.
Despite this obvious chicanery, CDC has long touted the study as the principal proof that mercury-laced vaccines are safe for infants and young children. Mainstream media, particularly the New York Times, has relied on this study as the basis for its public assurances that it is safe to inject young children with mercury -- a potent neurotoxin -- at concentrations hundreds of times over the U.S. safety limits."
or this one.
CDC Director Arrested for Child Molestation and Bestiality
Posted By Dr. Mercola | October 28 2011 | 173,902 views

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Email : 2146
Story at-a-glance

A high-ranking CDC official, who played a significant role in the 2009 H1N1 propaganda campaign, has been arrested and charged with two counts of child molestation and one count of bestiality
As an official in charge of CDC health recommendations for all American children, her actions raise troublesome questions about her level of concern for the health and well-being of children in general
Other recent stories raising questions about the ethics and integrity of the agency include documentation showing that the CDC has never obtained any input from toxicology experts to assess the health effects of water fluoridation, and the recent fraud indictment of Dr. Thorsen—hired by the CDC to debunk the link between thimerosal in vaccines and autism

By Dr. Mercola

Dr. Kimberly Quinlan Lindsey, a top official with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has been arrested and charged with two counts of child molestation and one count of bestiality.

Dr. Lindsey, who joined the CDC in 1999, is currently the deputy director for the Laboratory Science Policy and Practice Program Office. She's second in command of the program office.

Prior to that role, she was the senior health scientist in the Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response, an office that oversees the allocation process for $1.5 billion in terrorism preparedness.

According to CNN:

"Authorities also charged Lindsey's live-in boyfriend, Thomas Joseph Westerman, 42, with two counts of child molestation.

The two are accused of 'immoral and indecent' sexual acts involving a 6-year-old ...

The bestiality charge says Lindsey 'did unlawfully perform or submit to any sexual act with an animal.'"

Between January and August last year, Dr. Lindsey and her boyfriend allegedly involved the child during sex, and DeKalb County police claim they discovered photographs of Lindsey performing sex acts on a couple of her pets.

Some of you may wonder why I've chosen to discuss this story. Some may think it's in poor taste and doesn't belong in a newsletter about health. However, I believe it's relevant to be aware that someone in charge of your child's health is allegedly engaged in child abuse. Her actions raise serious questions in my mind about her level of concern for the health and well-being of children in general.

Dr. Lindsey Played Primary Role in Bogus Swine Flu Propaganda Campaign

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 02:03 AM
The 10pm airing of Personal Choice, Public Danger on KPHO CBS 5 which is geared towards making Anti-Vaccine Americans look bad had a sad story about two Caucasian parents who's infant died of Whooping Cough.

In Arizona and California, statistically, it's the Latino community with more infant deaths of Whooping Cough. I would have rather seen Latino parents to represent the statistical ratio.

But let's really get into the Pertussis-Whooping Cough statistics in some areas and the ineffectiveness of the vaccine. Bear in mind: it's always sad when an infant dies of Whooping Cough and a terrible thing to hear, BUT, Whooping Cough 9 times out of 10 comes into Arizona over the border from Mexico, Central and South America. Unless KPHO plans on stopping everyone from crossing the border, it's simply impossible to stop Whooping Cough from entering the United States.


Focus is Florida. The Statistics say it all. Pertussis vaccine is an outrage.

Duval County leads Florida in resurgent whooping cough
February 20, 2011

From a high of about 250,000 cases annually in the 1940s, when the first whooping cough vaccine was introduced, the number of reported cases plunged to just over 1,000 a year three decades later. Since then, however, it has been creeping upward, hitting 17,000 in 2009.

Duval County leads Florida in resurgent whooping cough

So from the 1940s to 2009 (69 years) looks like the Pertussis vaccine worked great for all those generations-only 1000 cases per year up to 2009. Then all of a sudden in 2009, it's not working anymore. A spike up to 17,000 cases in 2009 and I think it's gone over 20,000 by 2011.

Most of the cases in Florida are among those previously vaccinated two or more times. Then in 2010, the Pertussis vaccine makers contend that you now need their vaccine every 10 years. Why so? No one needed Pertussis vaccine every 10 years from the 1940s through 2009. The vaccine makers clearly began releasing a vaccine product of POORER QUALITY than used to be on the market in the past for 69 years.

CDC Suddenly Changes Pertussis Vaccine Recommendations in 2010: now claiming you need it every 10 years

But this year, in 2011, it has now changed again. Suddenly Pertussis Vaccine makers contend that you need to buy their vaccine every 3 years.

Whooping Cough Vaccination Fades in 3 years

So from the 1940s through 2009 Americans just needed the standard dose and a booster. But pharmaceutical companies got greedy, wanted to sell their vaccine to more people. So they intentionally began selling a less-effective product and not telling the public that they were selling a less effective product.

2010 those greedy companies say you need to re-buy their vaccine every 10 years.

2011 those greedy companies say you need to re-buy their vaccine every 3 years.

If Pharm Companies were to go back to selling the vaccine product that was sold from the 1940s-1990s that clearly worked better then maybe Americans would be willing to buy. But who wants to buy the botched vaccine marketed now that they now claim you need every 3 years? No one. No one wants to purchase a lesser-quality vaccine every 3 years that in the past was effective for 69 years.


ATS: Mumps Cases 2011 in Those Previously Vaccinated Twice

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 02:14 AM
I was never vaccinated for anything, and the three diseases I DIDN'T catch were mumps,whooping cough, and polio. The only down-side for not getting the chicken pox vaccine before you catch it is it leads to shingles when you're in your older years. And now there's a vaccine for shingles, along with a partly affective H1N1 vaccine for this coming flu season, and a vaccine for us older people to keep us from getting pneumonia. Last year, as the three previous years, I was sick for a week after getting a simple flu vaccine... and last year I caught a slightly different strain of the H1N1 Flu, anyway, 4 months after being sick as a dog from the shot. So I'm not running to the pharmacy to get the flu shot, this year... I'm still thinking about it. My doctor really wants me to get the vaccine to prevent me from getting the shingles, but if the flu shot makes me sick, the shingles vaccine might be even worse. So I'm still thinking about that one, too.

posted on Oct, 29 2011 @ 02:20 AM

In both the 6pm and 10pm airings, KPHO did not represent the true public statistics on those previously vaccinated twice who have been catching measles. This represents an ineffectiveness in MMR vaccines. I wish it weren't true, but it is.

The worst case scenario right now is Quebec, Canada in which measles is infecting large numbers of Canadians who have been vaccinated twice. Quebec has a 95% vaccination rate of MMR, so only 5% of the public is not vaccinated.

In one region of Quebec over 1/2 of the kids who contracted measles had been previously vaccinated twice raising concern for parents. They held a meeting for the region asking questions. Note that the following statistic below is only for TEENS who contracted measles after vaccinated twice and does not include children, infants and adults who also contracted measles in the region. This is just one region of Quebec and not all of it.

October 20, 2011

It's generally assumed that the measles vaccine, when given in a two-dose schedule in early childhood, should protect against measles infection about 99 per cent of the time. So the discovery that 52 of the 98 teens who caught measles were fully vaccinated came as a shock to the researchers who conducted the investigation.

from Canadian Press Meas les cases among vaccinated Quebec kids raises questions about vaccine schedule

The Quebec measles seems to be the same as the France strain. France only vaccinates 60% of their people for MMR; Quebec 95%. It just doesn't look like an effective vaccine with so many vaccinated twice catching measles. Does Quebec have single or multiple pharm company sellers of MMR vaccine?

FluTrackers: Quebec, Canada Measles 2011: Some cases have been vaccinated kids


It began with one case around February 2011 in someone previously vaccinated, probably others.

October 21, 2011
"Measles is like the flu on crack," she says. The Victoria University student, 19, should know-she was the first person in Wellington to become infected during the current outbreak.
Miss Lyme was born in Brisbane during the 1991 measles epidemic, and so was vaccinated about six months earlier than usual.
Wellington Measles Sufferer Tells All


September 18, 2011

..according to Wallace. Of those, 86 percent were either unvaccinated or had no documents confirming their vaccination status, he said...
ABC News Measles on the Rise in the U.S.

So if 86% of the cases were among unvaccinated, then 14% of measles cases are among those previously vaccinated in the US for 2011--as of September with year stats not finished yet.


May 5, 2011

The Bucks County Health Department has identified three probable cases of measles that could have exposed other persons while infectious.

All three people were at least partially vaccinated.
T hree measles cases reported in Council Rock

Rest of Pennsylvania warnings about this strain spreading among the vaccinated and all the locations to which those infected had been is here up thru Aug 2011
FluTrackers - PA 2011 Measles alerts/cases

I don't like the whole MMR thing either. As one person who posted here already said, she thought she was protected by her vaccine, but found out in college that even though twice vaccinated with MMR she was only immune to Measles and Mumps and not Rubella. That's clearly a problem with ineffective vaccines sold for years. The vaccines claim to carry all 3, but obviously some people were only vaccinated for two out of the three and not all of them.


"The vaccine prevents between 70 and 80 percent of bacterial meningitis," Palmer said. "There are some strains that are not controlled by the vaccine."

Unlike the vaccine, the antibiotic covers every strain, Palmer said.
Meningitis Death in Previously Vaccinated Student

20%-30% of those vaccinated aren't protected.

posted on Nov, 2 2011 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by muzzleflash

I didn't say that. I think that pox parties are a great idea. And I am NOT a proponent of mandatory vaccines, although there are several I think are beneficial. There are just so many unnecessary ones being forced right now with some pretty bad side effects.

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