posted on Sep, 13 2004 @ 03:16 PM
Pit bulls are a strange breed. They were bred first and foremost to fight! They love a good fight, it's in there nature. They were first used to
fight lions of all animals. Here's the thing:
We had a pit bull. His name was Spark, he was UKC registered. You can't find those anymore after the French ban on the breed especially because all
the bad hype that took place after that happened.
Spark hated other dogs. He would not bark if he saw another male dog he would just kill it. If a female dog came toward him he would want to play
Huhh and other things, he was never aggressive to females.
If a person were to approach him he would walk up to that person, wag his tail, and if we were with the person Spark would be friendly. If that same
person came up to the dog unsuppervised at night, well Spark wouldn't like that much. Ask my brother in law, 8 stiches to his face. Seems my
brother in law walked into my yard drunk one night and stomped his foot next to Sparks' face. Spark returned the greeting by bitting him once and
then backeing off. My brother in law after his hang over told me "Well bub, that dog did just what he was supposed to do!"
Pit bulls are aggressive and can be hard headed. I know, I used to head butt Spark all the time when we were playing and his head didn't give once
LOL. He stayed in the house and never used the restroom once. He loved the whole family and our friends.
The breed has gone to hell lately because of people. The people that have pit bulls either want to fight them with other dogs in pits or they beat
them to make them mean. Unfortunitly most pit bulls now are around for this purpose. The breed although a fighting breed, isn't a fighting breed as
far as the genetics of the dog when it comes to people but they are predisposed for a good dog fight. The thing with all these pits bulls fighting
people is mostly learned behaviour do to the fact the owners of these dogs can be nutters as the Brits would say. Also the breed is not well suited
in some minor cases to be owned soley by say, an older person that is unable to control the dogs' hard headed streak. Sometimes this can cause a pit
to attack a person. The dog may not realise it is harming that person though.
No I don't think they should ban the breed. They should make you mussel the dog around other dogs. Unfortunitly do to the fact that most pit bull
owners are up to no good at least here, I don't know about there, I think the owners should be required to post the proper bond in case something
happens. Not saying the current owner of the dog is a nut case but sometimes the owner may not know the dogs history so to speak. It may have been
abused in the past. Happens a lot.
IMO the aggressive behaviour of pit bulls toward people is because of learned
behaviour and is not do to the genetic makeup of the breed.