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A Fight We Cannot Win.

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:15 PM
First and foremost, I have had enough. I am not associating myself with chickens anymore, not in the sense of physical weakness, but in the sense that chickens have the brain the size of a pea. My fellow humans have dissapointed me too many times and its time to end the marriage. I have given my best out there to enlighten those who seek knowledge and I have radiated some of my intellingence and explained the grand scheme of things. I've also offered to help those close friends who needed my help mutually, mentally, physically and financially only to be told that I am not needed, and to see them take the help of those who will take advantage of them. It is unbeliavable how their brains are so poorly used, no wonder the powers that be have so much power over all of us, because the grand majority of our friends and aquaintances out there have the brains the size of a pea, they are chickens, who can only think of food, eating, sex and sleeping. What happened to them?? Where is their pineal gland limitless power?? Their ability to think, and get lots of ideas, and manifest their own reality, to live their dreams!!!

It seems very clear to me that I am surrounded by a bunch of drones, like rats in a mace who can't even hold a 3 minute conversation anymore. Whose communication skills could be compared to those of a chimp.

Is it a trend that is out there infecting everybody like a virus? Trying to make everybody blindfolded to the reality of our time and space. I mean yes we made some progress in enlightening people about the monetary system, corrupt foreign policy, and corporate greed, but it seems that the vast majority of those in the know are still waiting for somebody else to take action and watch the battle safely in high ground.

I would like Ron Paul to win not becaue he will abolish the Fed, and end all wars, and keep every single promise he has made, but because I want him to get inside to realize the sheer size of the monster he is up against, as well as to serve as a martyr for the cause that most of us in the know are fighting for, so future generations take note and don't forget that taking on the fed its the impossible mission, if there is ever a mission called a suicide mission this is it. For those who can't still grasp what it means to end the fed, it is like ending the pope and the catholic power grab over most religious people. Its a daunting task and my guess is that if Ron Paul becomes president he will be pulled in to some room late at night , when congress is on holiday or vacation, and they are going to brief him on who is really in charge there, just like they did in December of 1913 to a president who knew exactly that he had no chance of winning against these people. You see all these candidates like Perry, Romney, Cain, etc... THEY KNOW! they know it is just impossible to end the fed and stop the control they have on the lifeblood of the citizens, so they just play ball, better to make money off it and play along like a good puppet than risk their lives on a suicide mission. No other president has ever complained about the fed because they also knew what they were up against. (except Kennedy)

So I want to see Ron Paul win just so people out there who are still thinking that the fed will end if Ron Paul is elected know what they are up against, A MONSTER! once you know how powerful these guys are you'd be scared, it's like, living in enemy of the state, or eagle eye, or like going to the library and some idiot is reading a book and from time to time puts it down to check up on you and even worse.

I have decided to write it all down for future generations, so they can see that defeating the current state of affairs is impossible at this time, it may be possible in their time, so I will share ideas so they can add their own and maybe, maybe end the fed. Nevermind greedy bastards like Exxon Mobil, General Electric, Wal Mart, Monsanto, the fed is 100 times more powerful than them, and its not just the fed there is central banks on most countries and the IMF is another problem, I mean the whole thing is unreal, for those of you who are still wondering how powerful these guys are, is best if you don't find out because once you do, you won't see the world in the radiant colors you see it now, it will be a lot darker.

I will not write down any ideas of how to end the fed because just like the godfather 3 Al Pacino tells Andy Garcia "Never tell your enemies what you think"

I will say though that I will not be elightening anymore people I surround myself with. They are too druged or dumbed down to even be able to comprehend the first level of banking, "How to make money off someone else while you are asleep? "Why does this procedure lacks morality or humanity? If they can't even comprehend that part after I explain it carefully and slowly then I'm not wasting my time.

In the meantime I will continue to go a support the Ocuppy movement not because I think Its even scratching the PTB, but because I feel how they are feeling the crunch, and eventhough they don't know how to change the state of affairs their voices need to be heard to carry on the message that the current modern slavery in which we live in needs to change.
edit on 26-10-2011 by bartholomeo because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:22 PM
reply to post by bartholomeo

Sounds like a rant to me. I feel the same way at times. I find an adult beverage and some silence can help matters.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by bartholomeo

No offense but....

only think of food, eating, sex and sleeping.

Thats all life is all about, that and family and friends. It should be anyways!


posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by thehoneycomb
reply to post by bartholomeo

No offense but....

only think of food, eating, sex and sleeping.

Thats all life is all about, that and family and friends. It should be anyways!


Yes, what else is there too it?
You sustain yourself long enough to reproduce, and than you die.

Thats life.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:40 PM
I would say something to do, but it's agains T&C
Sounds like me, i see the whole deal, and i've barely scratched the surface. It runs so deep its frightening at times, things look weird to me too. It all seems like a prison.. A very elaborate prison.


posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 10:53 PM
reply to post by bartholomeo

You are right, you know.

The only problem is, I think,(not trying to downplay your intellect as you did in your rant about the people around you) you don't know who really is in control. Based on your tirade I make an assumption about you.

You are not a religious person. And here is why I make that statement.

I believe that all that we see, all that is happening, has been predestined to happen. I believe our Creator(can I say God and you not tell me what a pea brain I am) has had a plan from the beginning of time culminating during this time, I know that He has a plan because he told us of such a plan. I certainly don't understand why or how He did such---but we do have proof of this. If you are willing to check this out then you will see such proof.

That's why I know we can't affect what happens from here on out. It's already been set in stone with very few exceptions. There have been exceptions and maybe there will be a few more so that none of us knows for sure when He will return to finalize all He has determined to do.

And that's why I won't worry if I can't help people who are blinded by every day life and won't listen. I know not to stress or worry because all will righted soon. Not cool-aid, just my personal belief system.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

You forgot to mention "take one good #", courtesy of George Carlin.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by Evolutionsend

Refrain from 1-line or very-minimal responses.

Discuss the topic at hand.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:24 AM
reply to post by thehoneycomb

No that is not what life is all about. It may have been at one point when our ancestors were still living in the wild and in caves, but not anymore. I would suggest that you find something you are good at put your imagination to work, and you will start making money and hopefully even making this world a better place. When you realize that you were able to accomplish that, you will find out that there was more to life than what I mentioned on the op.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:29 AM
reply to post by AzureSky

It is a very elaborate prison, and its best that you don't find out how deep it runs because the truth is worst than a hollywood movie. I would just suggest to you to start cutting some corners little by little, less tv, believing less news on tv, cut down on consumerism, gasoline, plastic products, credit cards, and again you don't have to do it all at once, but little by little, this will be a start.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:32 AM
I feel ya OP. Though I talk to a lot of people, I "associate" with so few. If I have to hear about Dancing with the Stars, or all the other useless crap, or have to argue with a grown up about vaccines. Ugh. I have done so much for the cause, I'll spread the word, I'll stay true.

But I don't have to like the people I'm trying to help, because if I had to judge people on true character in this mad mad world, I probably couldn't help anyone, even myself.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 06:58 AM
reply to post by dakota1s2

I believe in God, however I don't believe in organized religion. I'm happy that you think God has a plan to save the world, I just hope that you are not dissapointed when he doesn't do it. God didn't create us in such a way that anytime we run into problems he will come running like superman to save us from harm, examples, WW1, WW2, 911, millions of people starved to death in Russia in the Lennin era, or thousands if not millions killed in Africa in the last 20 years by manufactured diseases like aids. God created us in his own image, and we even partook of the tree of knowledge of good and evil which means we are now capable of handling OUR OWN problems, so thinking that God will come save you is primitive at best.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by thejlxc

Thanks. I could have gone too far by calling them chickens, but I didn't know how else to put it, it just amazes me how deep they are in the trance they are in, that you can't even hold a 3 minute conversation sometimes, but forgive me if I offended you or anyone with the chickens word.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 08:47 AM
I agree with most of what's written here, but I don't think we should be blaming people for their beliefs (or lack of intelligence). Everybody has a story....everyone is the way they are for a reason.
I also don't believe that you can enlighten another has to come from within. My own 'awakening' (to reality) came about after I injured my back and was housebound (and alone) for a long period of time. When I was no longer "in the game", working....running on the hamster wheel.....I had plenty of time to think, meditate and go within. I had an opportunity to look beyond the distraction of tv/Hollywood, to read...and to see what was really happening in this world.
As more and more people are affected by "reality" they are waking up to see what's real (and they're taking to the streets, mad as Hell).
You must remember that many people have been brainwashed in a huge way, by their own families, media, education....and if that is ALL they know, then they are guilty of ignorance....not lack of intellect.
We need to accept that separation (judgement) doesn't help anyone, and pointing fingers doesn't lead to enlightenment. We are all in this together and until we can all work together, we're not going to accomplish much.

posted on Oct, 27 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by jacygirl

I hear you, and I understand how being in isolation helped you to see the world in a different perspective. You are absolutely right in not blaming and pointing fingers on anyone, its just that sometimes it's better to let someone be the way they are than try to change them for their own good.

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