i tried embedding the URL html code onto the youtube video but it gives me an error (something invalid) and there is a blank page with no video on it?
a little help please? i am semi-new to this website... i found out about this site 2 months ago but until i read interesting posts i decided to join
some help would be appreciated thanks.
edit on 26-10-2011 by ApplesOnFire because: (no reason given)
Hello, to fix your problem. When you want to post a youtube link, you simply go to the link of the youtube video.
Take the numbers and letters at the end starting ussauly with v=. Go to the Vid-Youtube button at the top when you go to make a post or reply to
someone, then paste that code into the box and there ya go.
Example: www.youtube.com... /watch?v=MfOnq-zXXBw
you would copy everything after the v= so you would copy MfOnq-zXXBw, then press the vid-youtube button
at the top of reply box and and paste that code into that box.
edit on 26-10-2011 by BruceEFury because: Editing my mistakes
I know how hard it can be. This is a pretty good link to how to put just about anything into the posts or threads you make. With a little study and
practice you will look cool too. www.abovetopsecret.com...
edit: When you begin to explore just how to do these things a little more, go to somebody else's post that has links to vids like you want to do and
hit quote on their post and you will see how to use bracket code (BBcode) syntax.
edit on 26-10-2011 by intrptr because: (no reason
If your still having trouble with it, try it here on your post and i'll come back and look at it. I just learned how to do some of this myself and
want to help if I can.