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Alien abductions may be vivid dreams: study says

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posted on Oct, 31 2011 @ 04:28 PM

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:21 AM
Whilst I do believe that there are a lot of very real abductions, I also believe the majority of those reported are just from the hypnogogic state. Where all your senses are extremely suggestable to your surroundings.

Most seem to report it happening when their REM state is set to kick in, except that their mind remains concious (there's quite a few tricks to triggering this if anyone is interested). They also report that they can't move their body, which is very indicative of the sleep paralysis your body goes through during the dreaming state of your sleep. This all happens when you're drifting off to sleep, and your mind phases but still remains awake.

I think people also get the wrong impression of what dreams are, or their 'difference' to out-of-body-experiences. They are one in the same! OOBE, Astral Projection, Lucid Dreaming, they're all terms for the exact same principle - and that's your conciousness shifting it's awareness to different states of reality within your mind. They're different levels of awareness, in a nutshell.

It's a very real phenomena, and it can be just as real as real life - smell, sight, feeling, hearing. In fact, a lot of people generally report those senses being hightened and exagerated. I hope the moderators don't mind me linking this, but here's a very interesting short book that bypasses the religious and new age influence on the subject:
edit on 1/11/11 by Rostum because: (no reason given)

All the best,
edit on 1/11/11 by Rostum because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 01:34 AM
Obviously you believe whats real only if your mind makes it real, its not a complex subject at all. Its called a very very mild case of paranoid schizophrenia. Thats it its all in your head just like ghosts and anything else that nobody can see except you; you dont need a Harvard diploma to figure this out like the site says deny ignorance and try to think logical. And say it was real, are you sure you would even want to have that on your conscience its better to keep things like this to yourself or save them for when your smoking a blunt. Our society is not ready for information stories without hardcore facts and proof.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by Rostum

I say that astral projection, astral sight etc. are different than dreaming.

I have personal experience with this.

posted on Nov, 1 2011 @ 03:24 PM

Originally posted by NotReallyASecret
reply to post by Rostum

I say that astral projection, astral sight etc. are different than dreaming.

I have personal experience with this.

I don't think you quite understand what I was trying to say. Dreaming is the same phenomena, it's just different levels of awareness. I also have a great deal of experience with this.

I highly suggest you read the PDF I supplied in my last post on this thread. It'll be very insightful for you.

All the best,

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 12:48 AM
OK, I will start by telling that as from September 19 I became officially concerned and freaked out, as I was passing an airport control at the Pierre Elliot Trudeau Airport in Montreal I was randomly singled out to be "wanded", and surprise... my chain-less, nail-less right clavicle "beeped", I still remember the TSA officer's appalled and fearful face as he wanded three times over my bare scar-less chest. then on the metatarsal section of my right foot... beep, again!
I will season all this with an episode that I swore I would never recount on ATS as it did not get proper attention then but for a few (idiotic) teens, sorry about that but that is the truth. I believe that I was abducted one new year's eve of my late teens, will not get into details, just things like a deafening turbine sound on top of the house, pitch black obscurity (uncanny) outside the house AND inside the house, I dared open the door of the room I was sleeping in, then closing the door again and bolting it, afterwards nothing a big blank.

The only thing that I can tell is that due to the kind of person that I am, it would seem quite awkward if I told anybody I know about this "experience" because it would lead them to incredulity and laughter, that narrow is academic circle.

I would like to have some serious opinions and maybe some leads to discreet people with previous experience that might help me de-construct that episode of my life that after some very long time has come to haunt me once again, believe me interring facts does not make them less real... As you can see I am truly dazzled and somewhat frightened, I want to make out what the devil happened to me that night and why the hell I am beeping at airports.

I will very much appreciate any help.

Thank you
edit on 3-11-2011 by Paxton2020 because: Add some details

By the way I was not asleep, I was actually watching a flicker ("Hook" with Dustin Hoffman) on Beta tape, that much it marked me that I still remember.
I have come to understand that this sort of experiences are like cancer, you do not understand its repercussions until somebody close to you or yourself gets it, so difficult to express and to transmit, it becomes like a burden that you try so vehemently to explain that it starts to sound fake, then you try to make people experience something they will never be able to grasp... unless they experience it themselves.

edit on 3-11-2011 by Paxton2020 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by Paxton2020

I recommend the website ACERN which is run by globally respected researcher Mary Rodwell. I also recommend her first book - I actually have sections tagged for easy reference. You are not alone, many are on the same journey and you may very well have implants. I know I have.

Happy journey and researching.

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 3 2011 @ 03:23 AM
reply to post by KILL_DOGG

So all of a sudden thousand's of people are having the same dream!!! What's the odds for that? Usually you cannot even find two people that have had the same dream! Bolloc*s.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 01:38 AM
reply to post by Amanda5

Thank you very much! I know that it requires courage when you are at a certain level and kind of bare an experience that has been repressed by the perception of society. I know how you feel, I sincerely wish the best for you, let us stay in contact and see where this takes us.

All best.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 02:15 AM
Since the number of people proclaiming to have been abducted is a rediculously high number....and although I know that there are real abduction cases....but the real cases are of a very small number....something else is obviously going on.

I am not saying the poster is not having a real experience....I am just looking at the numbers. Sleep Paralisis is a definite possibility in some cases and the subconscious mind can play infinite tricks that seem very real....then again it could be something else paranormal.

I have experienced sleep paralisis many times. The supposed cause of this I am told is that I always know when I am dreaming....that it is a dream. This has advantages....since I can manipulate my dreams and have sometimes...a pretty good level of control....thus I can have a very good time on occasion.

The draw back is I never really....fully....let go of consciousness and if a particular dream is pisssing me off....I can will myself to consciousness....but in between this time of dream and consciousness....I can be awake....but not be able to move.

The mind disconnects from the body to a great point during dream state so we don't physically act out our dream and hurt ourselves. For some is a problem and they get stuck and sleep walk or the such.

For me...I am conscious....but it takes awhile for me to be able to move. If a person is still partially dreaming during this state...then all sorts of things could be seen. Split Infinity.

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 02:29 AM
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I understand what you are saying with regard to sleep paralysis as I have experienced it a few times when I was younger. I also lucid dream and have never ever had paralysis when I lucid dream.

What it may boil down to is that individual experiences are just that - individual. Science loves to test their theories over and over until they have statistics to prove the theory. I say we are all unique individuals and that our life and death experiences and everything in between will vary.

Much Peace...

posted on Nov, 5 2011 @ 02:37 AM

Originally posted by Amanda5
reply to post by SplitInfinity

I understand what you are saying with regard to sleep paralysis as I have experienced it a few times when I was younger. I also lucid dream and have never ever had paralysis when I lucid dream.

What it may boil down to is that individual experiences are just that - individual. Science loves to test their theories over and over until they have statistics to prove the theory. I say we are all unique individuals and that our life and death experiences and everything in between will vary.

Much Peace...

It's nice to hear from someone who also lucid dreams. Most people do not and I think It would be nice if for once I could just go with the flow and not know I am dreaming. Sometimes....if a dream is particularily interesting....I will wake up...knowing that it is too good to be true. LOL! Split Infinity

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