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Check your skies.........

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 01:56 PM
I was outside this evening and spotted a lot of activity. A lot. I am in Ireland.

I noticed the first movement in the sky at 7.14pm GMT. Dim light moving across the sky. Thought it was a little dim to be the ISS and guessed it must be a satellite. This is not any aircraft. Its activity that appears amongst the stars. I have also seen several meteor showers and this is not any meteor or shooting star. This was going north to south direction.

So as it is trailing across the sky and almost out of sight I catch another light moving in the opposite direction. Same dim light. Very similar to small dim stars. THis was going from south to maybe north east, but it was in the same area of sky. I thought 2 in a row was a little strange and decided to check satellitle flybys when i go in. I am outside with my dogs letting them have a run around. I kept watching the sky and kept seeing more of these. Between 7.14pm gmt and 7.33pm GMT i have seen 6 of these objects. 3 going one way and 3 going the other.

I came in to put this up and check satelittle flybys. The ISS was due across at 7.01pm. I missed it. It is due to be bright. I have seen it many times and it is much brighter than what i was watching. Its due again at 8.37pm. It is also in a competely different direction than what I am watching. There was and is no other satellitles due overhead for me until tomorrow morning. THere was no more listed for my area. I have never seen this kind of activity in such a short space of time.

I would urge people with clear skies to please go out and have a look tonight. The lights are too dim for me to capture with the crappy videocamera I have. This can't just be happening where i am. This must be widespread. However these are dim enough and I am guessing if you are in a town or city you may not see these with light pollution.

Its bloody cold here tonight but i will go out for another hour or so now until the ISS appears and see how many more of this lights I see.

Check out your own location.......

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:13 PM
we are amist a meteor shower from haileys comet tail section

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:14 PM
I'll be watching the ISS shortly 8.38pm at my location. It does seem a lot like satellites you are watching though, Satellite tracker doesn't seem to cover all or many objects. Shooting stars kind of speak for themselves.
edit on 26-10-2011 by smurfy because: Text.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:54 PM
Hah, this just got interesting. these are not meteors.

back outside at 8.03pm
8.07pm moving light south to north
8.10pm shooting star
8.17pm moving light north to south
8.23pm plane
8.25pm plane
8.30pm moving light north to south

ISS was due at 8.37pm. Its always bang on.. It didn't appear until 8.39pm. Blazing from the west. THen , half way across the sky its getting dimmer and dimmer and then gone. Vanishes. I have never seen this happen before with the ISS. I waited and followed along the sky to see if it would light up again but no.

I have never seen this happen before. So funny. I know satellites can flash sometimes but never seen this happen with the ISS and i have viewed it dozens and dozens of time.

So has it blown up? hit warp speed or just had a power cut?? Anyone.....

Interested to hear what the other person going to view seen.............

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by smurfy
I'll be watching the ISS shortly 8.38pm at my location. It does seem a lot like satellites you are watching though, Satellite tracker doesn't seem to cover all or many objects. Shooting stars kind of speak for themselves.
edit on 26-10-2011 by smurfy because: Text.

come on smurfy, what did you see!!!!!

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 03:33 PM
At 5 A.M. I saw what looked like a faint star that started moving among the visible stars, traveling north at a steady pace about 15 times the apparent diameter of the moon in 5 seconds then disappearing--no streaking, no flashing. What would that be? A satellite? I checked the ISS tracker, and that's not what it was.

edit on 26-10-2011 by xpoq47 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by xpoq47

the answer is going to be satellite but i am seeing so many i am starting to have doubts.

All of the ones I seen tonight were exactly the same. there was no difference in size or light. They were all going back and forth in the same area of the sky.

i know we are constantly shown animations of planet earth with thousands and thousands of satellites circling it but should i be able to see these constantly flying by overhead. shouldn't there be more variation in what i am seeing. they are not all the same?

the bloody things are more common than planes now???

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 03:57 PM
i wonder the ISS land on smurfy? where did he go?

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:09 PM
I have been watching the skies all my life, always had a fasination with clouds and lightening but have never seen anything odd until a few nights ago. I saw a falling star in the sky for maybe 2 to 3 seconds, only it did not fall downward, it fell upward, like a missle or a flare. I froze at first because I thought maybe it was a missle. I guess it could have been a firework that was a dud, cannot really say because it looked way off in the distance but high in the sky, not near the horizan. Any thoughts or other sightings like this?

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posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by DoNotForgetMe

it is near halloween so it could be a firework. most shooting stars i have ever seen too high to be fireworks.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull

Interested to hear what the other person going to view seen.............

Nothing tonight here, in fact alot of cloud cover the last time i went outside around an hour ago. If it clears up you can bet i'll be out there. Will get the sun chair out and lie down in the garden until early morning. Heh, never gunna see strange things unless you look for them.

Here's a request though, if you happen to see lightning type flashes (whole sky lighting up bright white without no noise or obvious explanation...) feel free to tell us about it. Witnessed this 4 times last night with a few people. It was very eery indeed. Not a cloud in sight, was very cold and not a single noise following the flashes over 40minutes later. Seemed almost like daytime for a split second when each flash occured. In south-west england by the way.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by InsideYourMind

have seen those lightning flashes several times but they are always green. figure that out.

haven't seen this for a couple of months now but have seen it over a few differnent times.

you see so much stuff watching the sky at night i dont bother bringing half it up cause you just figure no one will believe you. i can be standing looking at something amazing and thinking why the hell is no one else looking at this. i keep telling friends to go outside and watch the sky but the dont have the patience and want to sit watching telly instead waiting on the next txt messsage on their mobile

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 04:52 PM

Originally posted by JohnySeagull
reply to post by InsideYourMind

have seen those lightning flashes several times but they are always green. figure that out.

haven't seen this for a couple of months now but have seen it over a few differnent times.

you see so much stuff watching the sky at night i dont bother bringing half it up cause you just figure no one will believe you. i can be standing looking at something amazing and thinking why the hell is no one else looking at this. i keep telling friends to go outside and watch the sky but the dont have the patience and want to sit watching telly instead waiting on the next txt messsage on their mobile

I know exactly how you feel

Most of our lives we spend time looking at the floor watching where we put our feet, and typically sleep at night when the view is best.

I tend to wake up at stupid times hence being up all night every now and again, and because of that have seen alot of strange things in the skys. Just something to do when everyone else is sleeping, and is pretty relaxing watching the stars. But as you say it seems majority of people aren't interested in this stuff or simply find it boring, which is a huge shame. But it can be a waiting game, there is no way of knowing if anything is going to appear.

Could green light be associated with aurora? I haven't personally seen aurora' in person before so can't be sure if it would flash in such a way that the whole sky briefly lights up.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 07:05 PM
Hi JohnySeagull,

First time posting but lurk about a fair bit. I'm based in Dublin.
A friend of mine called over to book a hotel for this weekend.
My computer is based in the converted attic so up we went to get the booking sorted.
This was just after 9pm.
My little bro is 14 and was looking out the window commenting on how many lights were flying around.
Myself and my mate were joking about it and told him it was prob part of a meteor shower.
He wasn't taking that for an answer. I had a quick look but didn't see or think much and carried on with the hotel booking.

Raging now because if it were just me and my bro I would have listened to him a bit more and had a good look.

Satellites, ufo's or meteors I taught I should post to let you know that it was seen from here too. South Co.Dublin
Lots of light pollution here too!

Sometimes I see beams of light in the sky but i'm sure its coming from a local event with big spot lights outside. Maybe this is the case when they catch off some high clouds? They tend to move all directions.

Will have a look myself over the next few days.


posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by JohnySeagull

I have noticed the exact same thing here on the west coast of the US. I too am always scanning the night sky and have watched many satellites. It seems that on some nights I can follow 10 or 12 per hour. Usually its just a dim light moving across the sky not changing speed or direction. I have seen them flash on and off at times, I have seen them change their brightness and even seen flashes that seem to light the sky momentarily. At times I have noticed increased military presence in the sky during these periods of heavy "satellite" activity.

I will go out and watch for a few minutes and report back.

Also, I have had 3 extremely vivid apocalyptic dreams. The latest 2 began with what I can best describe as a technicolor laser light show on lsd in the night sky followed by sheer panic, fear, and confusion. I have never taken any psychedelic drugs for the record. I have also never had prophetic dreams and although I feel the 2 are connected I think it's more likely my interest in the night sky and some of the threads posted here that are fueling my sub-conscience. Of course the first was years ago and involved a messages in the daytime sky. . .

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:34 PM
Not to distract from what you're saying, but considering the ISS fly over your watch/clock may be a few minutes off, no biggie there. But I can tell you the one and only time my wife and I saw the ISS fly over we got up early in the morning and both of us saw "UFOs". I also saw those illuminating flashes of light that lit up the entire nigh sky, like god was taking a picture of earth from up on high. Weird, I've seen it before on other occasions. KEEP YOUR EYES PEELED! You may just might see something tonite.

I have to say there's been a bit of high-strangeness going on around my house as of late. Hasn't happened in a year or more. Shadow person banged around the house after I'd left for work. It woke my wife up, then she heard and saw it try the door, then just walk through it. Sorry to go on a tangent, had to get it off my chest. I think this stuff is all related. Maybe something is ramping up, a cross-roads of dimensions or something?

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:39 PM
I just read the entire thread and am glad to read that I am not alone. I have convinced my wife and she has seen some of the things I described. I also had a friend over one night late May and as I was joking about it with him over a cig we both witnessed the most intense display to date. He has since moved back here and has become an avid sky watcher. He lives a few miles down the road and will text me out of the blue on some nights to check something out.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:44 PM
I really hate to say this since we are close to the dark knight but the last days have been active over here in Sweden too.

Can someone please debunk this ASAP so i can let it go?

PS. Seen meteors too, Halley i guess.

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:47 PM
I've noticed some rather strange stuff going on up above my head the last 2 weeks or so, seen my fair share of "known" things up there.. meteor debris, satellites.. this was none of that (although i've seen alot more known's of late due to the debris tail)

Last night however was the strangest, i have an outdoor toilet so i go outside alot and always take a gander at the sky (i also live in a rural area with next to no light pollution.. so obviously the view is awesome)
We have some heavy cloud cover at moment and even the sun cant be seen nor the moon at night.. but last night there were things behind the clouds that could have been stars.. but they were so bright they almost shone through the cover, it was as if you saw the star.. but then you didn't.. then agian there was a light there behind the clouds.. but then it wasn't.. hard to explain and if the clouds had thinned i would have at least seen the moon.. these things were bright! brighter than anything i've seen in my 33 years looking up..

Last week i saw one of the moving lights, it appeared to stay whole.. not be entering the atmo and on some course.. no tail, not a satellite (checked) and it moved with some speed but still wasn't fast enough to be a comet/meteor or any thing i've ever seen before (i've seen the ones that hover then do the 90 shooting up)
Then i saw some actual tail debris burn up (and have for days now) and that was different again.. one was a bit too close.. like right over my head close.. this was last Thursday night.

And dreams... stuff that looks like an aurora but is just pure "wrong" .. the big storm preceding it and the star-ships (only way to really describe..) coming soon after, lets not even begin on the "monolith" in the sky.. I've had them dreams since i was VERY young.. so vivid, you are not alone there.. but that's another story..

Fun times

posted on Oct, 26 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by algaedyne

That's how it happens. That's how it works.
While we kill some time waiting for our thread's author to post back with any more interesting sightings could you (or others out there) elaborate on what you two witnessed? I love hearing about other's experiences.

*BTW, I don't mean to derail this thread or go off track*

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