reply to post by ApplesOnFire
I remeber reading info someone put together, and I will try to find it and post it, that revolved around an analysis of the ET topic and movies.
Starting back in the 40's you had Roswell and the begining of the UFO topic....
In the 50's you get the B movies of alien invaders while at the same time lots of advancement in the Space program.
In the 60's we get Star trek and other tv shows that have the ET topic on a weekly basis instead of a movie basis. We also see humans portrayed as
venturing out into space. Height of the space race occurs during this decade.
In the 70's you have blakes 7, Doctor who and several others that revolve around humanitys entrance as a leading species, technologiucally advanced
than some of the aliens they come across, alternate realities etc. You have a winddown of NASA's moon missions. You have the startup of SETI as well
as the wow signal. We have the first landing on mars for the US and at the time Soviet space agencies. You have the launch of the viking probes as
well as voyager. We saw the first message from earth beamed into space as well as plaques on the probes denoting who we are and where our solar system
is, along with a selection of earth sounds and music. We have skylab in orbit.
In the 1980's we have movies like V, Star trek the next generation, and other tv shows and movies that portray aliens again as hostile and friendly.
In the later 1980s we have the first confirmed extra solar planet, and the Russians build Mir, their space station. You have the foundation laid for
the creation of SETI.
In the 1990's we see more blockbuster space movies, an uptick in UFO sightings, crop circles, discovery of a lot more extra solar planets, plans for
a permanent international space station and extended probe missions to points in our solar system, and new start trek tv shows that for the first time
deal with a darker view of the universe and what me may find. SETI is offically formed and funded by the US government. We see major advances in
military technology, the collapse of the Soviet Union, resulting in greater cooperation between Russia and the Us in outer psace.
In the 2000's we again see a major uptick in big budget movies dealing with outer space, the bulk of the population now beleive that we are not alone
in the universe, and explosion of extra solar planets as well as the technology to detect planets the size of Earth. SETI refines technology, adds
more telescopes and introduces seti at home. A massive uptick in the knowledge about our solar system as well as the challenge to the space programs
in terms of photos that have items blurred out. Mars hits the center of attention with controversy over pyramids and cities, as well as its moons.
Mainstream view on history and our origions are seriously challenged by professionals in the scientific field. Major archeological finds also start to
challenge the commonly accepted history of our planet and people. You have governments around the world initiate disclosure program relating to UFO /
unexplained phenomenon. For the first time ever the UN creates a position for outer space affairs (aka exepolitics) and the Vatican announces that the
presence of ET does not contrradict their faith and beliefs.
These are just some of the major developments in this field, with many many more not listed. The article I was talking about viewed each decade in
depth and pin pointed fundamental shifts in how humans in space and et contact is handeled. It also pointed out how the portrayal of ET's advanced to
the point of the population not being scared of the topic. It also points out a fundamental shift in space exploration and world cooperation
throughout the decades.
Its a good read, so I will try and find it and post it. It makes some very good analysis of the date that lends credence to the theory of slow ET
disclosure and human accalamation to that concept.