posted on Oct, 5 2012 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by rayktheon
Oh, you have some googling to do. (Or if you want some privacy.)
The classic CIA front company was Air America, not to be confused with the defunct radio network.
I've never see CIA registered aircraft in the FAA database.
The CIA flies in three manners. One is to just use some government plane, either USAF or Department of State. CIA use of the USAF aircraft was proven
during the rendition investigations. Second, the CIA just charters a plane. This was shown in the rendition program via the Richmor aircraft and
especially in the Richmor lawsuit. Third, the CIA gets some front company to own the plane, often using the lawyer's address as the registrant. In
theory all the names on the front company incorporation documents have to be real people. In practice, some corporate officers in the front companies
are fake names. The real corporate officers are "trusted" people, like Ronnie Powers.
John Lear (on ATS) says he flew for the CIA. If you want to do an internet search, check out Tosh Plumley. He flew for Evergreen (real company that
did CIA charters), Petroleum Helicopter, etc. Tosh did two or three interviews on Expert Witness Radio.