This 59 seconds of footage is something that you would not want to miss.
high def at 1000 FPS gives you all the nuances of an owl during attack.
The owl is coming towards the camera to grab the bait set out and as it approaches, the amazing ability to control it's tail and wing feathers for
such an accurate maneuver is amazing.
It could be compared to an airplanes spoilers but a bit more intricate. and the claws...well see for yourselves.
Enjoy. Eagle owl at 1000 frames per Second towards a camera
Very cool vid. Thanks for bringing it to ATS
I love how its head seems to stay stationary while everything else is moving. Gives a whole different appreciation to the saying "keep your eyes on
the prize"
Oh wow, that's amazing! You can see why they are called eagle owls. What a magnificent bird. The bird itself is so majestic and beautiful, yet it has
some of the ugliest feet I've ever seen, lol. It looks like the feet of someone who's plotting something. Like hmmm. I don't know if you guys
understand what I mean, but ya, lol. Great post.
Thanks for adding this.
Funny, about an hour ago I showed the high speed film to a friend who used to survey up in AK.
He told me the owl can sense a ferret under 10 feet of snow. This video explains how.
very informative.
But seriously...sometimes we all need to see the absolute majesty of the animal kingdom to realise just where we fit into the scheme of things.
The fact that we can appreciate such a raw display of power, agility, precision and stunning beauty suggests by the mesmerising effect it has on us
that deep down we know life - in all its forms - truly is important and precious.