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Out Foxed Video of Bill O'Reilly

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posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 01:37 PM
Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, Fox News Channel turns Republican talking points into news headlines. Now "Uncovered" director Robert Greenwald � working with a group of Fox-monitoring MoveOn members � has put together a documentary film called Outfoxed that exposes Fox for what it is: partisan spin, not news.

The comment at the end makes a very good point about Bill O'Reilly and Fox News. I used to like Bill. Not anymore. And it's not because of this. There's alot of reasons. Nevertheless it's a neat video.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 01:42 PM
I'm downloading it right now...... I used to like fox too, but I vow to not even watch is for 2 seconds.... It's such a slap in the face, as if i'm going to let them think i'm stupid enough to believe their fair and balanced bs slogan when i've witnessed on several occasions their favortism and partisan spins...
It's discusting.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 01:45 PM
I agree and when guest come on the O'Reilly show to debate the slogan Bill tells them it's not b.s. Uh, O'Reilly? Telling someone to "shut up" is NOT "fair."

[edit on 31-8-2004 by mrmulder]

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 01:46 PM
Fox News, despite some flaws, is by far the best most balanced news available in the world. I get access to most of what is available and the rest is just marxist drivel.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Fox News, despite some flaws, is by far the best most balanced news available in the world. I get access to most of what is available and the rest is just marxist drivel.

The rest is Marxist drivel? Is there any place the commies haven't taken over? Besides Fox News, of course. Isn't Drudge and News Max accuartely reporting the facts, without socialist influence? I can't believe Rush is Red!

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Fox News, despite some flaws, is by far the best most balanced news available in the world. I get access to most of what is available and the rest is just marxist drivel.

Marxist drivel? That would be an insult to relatively "Centrist" Karl Marx; after watching some broadcast/cable "Le Grande Pinko" propaganda...

Right Wing Monkeys, not just for Pol Pot Pie anymore...

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:09 PM
....with so few words. Grady, thanks for laying yourself bare, it was very enlighting!

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:17 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Fox News, despite some flaws, is by far the best most balanced news available in the world. I get access to most of what is available and the rest is just marxist drivel.

You know Grady that's a fine opinion, and it is hard to discover any single source for "fair" and unpartisan information (especially with the infrigement of self censorship by advertising interests). That's why I use multiple sources including NPR and to round out the obvious nationalistic necessity of Fox and CNN I use BCC and even Al Jazeera. To not do so would be intellectually dishonest.

I actually engaged Fox for quite some time when it came out. I was a very involved and an active viewer (like most liberals at the time) that just couldn't get over the blatant spin.

I'd like to think our viewership and input helped Fox as I did notice it downgraded rabid animals like from actual political commentator status to mere color commentary "bit" players. And the rampant Dem bashing stopped. Newscasters shouldn't say Dummycraps any more than Republikooks (or whatever a left wing looney might say).

But I rarely bother with Fox anymore, as I'm more fixated now on how right wing CNN has become trying to "compete" (or more accurately since AOL/Time Warner took over). Conversely, Fox has gotten more fair (save O'Really?) trying to win back the liberal gawkers it once had and stop the criticism.

But again, no one source can possibly be all things. That's just impossible IMHO. Obviously you get something from ATS or ATSNN you don't get from Fox so I'm sure you realize that.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:19 PM
Actually, if you want real balanced news instead of "editorial" like news/opinion's with personal opinions, name calling ect, democracy now is on link tv around noon everyday...

If you want to listen to other news, cspan is good, they allow people to call in and give opinions ect, rather then having a so called "political expert" or political analyst which is really some blowhard who belongs to the left or right which btw they always have to make their analysis based off their own personal subjective opinion when they should be operating out of a medium.. Why should I listen to a news channel if they are always going to be trying to shovelling their opinions into my mind all the while trying to brainwash me...

democracy now is just reporting the news as is.. There is no funny looks, no editorial comments, no name calling, rolling of the eyes, no pitched voices demeaning the other side,ect...

Bill O'reilly calls himself a traditionalist, he won't admit that fox is a right leaning news channel although at the same he pretty much is telling by saying that "WELL, we ALSO have liberals on like colms" I just can't believe people buy into their slogans, catch phrases, personal opinions, and all the while calling it fair and balanced news reporting....It just isn't.

linktv and cspan is JUST news reporting....But I can understand if you want to watch a news outlet that spews the same kind of mindset you ALREADY have...

Birds of a feather flock together. It just doesn't look good on you people, objectivism isn't in their dictionary... And we need more of that these days rather then your partisan political slaver.... It circulates through those air waves into your head and out your mouth and back into the air waves, it gets tiring after awhile and people start drawing the line... I know I have...

[Edited on 31-8-2004 by TrueLies]

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
If you want to listen to other news, cspan is good, they allow people to call in and give opinions ect, rather then having a so called "political expert" or political analyst which is really some blowhard who belongs to the left or right which btw they always have to make their analysis based off their own persoanl subjective opinion when they should be operating out of a medium.. Why should I listen to a news channel if they are always going to be trying to shovelling their opinions into my mind all the while trying to brainwash me...

You're right about C-SPAN True Lies. I don't consider them far left or far right. It's true more people watch Fox than any other news channel but Fox's slogan is still B.S. Especially when it comes to O'Reilly and Hannity. I certainly didn't approve of O'Reilly when he was trying to convince everyone that Bush didn't lie about WMD's in Iraq, when he said that Vladimir Putin even said there were WMD's in Iraq. I think Fox is more "Right Wing" than most people will admit.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:30 PM
Incredible video. How can such a childish person appear on TV ? He should be kept in a lunatic asylum. Are people like this running freely around in the united states ?

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by mrmulder
I think Fox is more "Right Wing" than most people will admit.

O'reilly definitely kowtow's to the republican's... He's not a traditionalist, he's not unaffiliated, he says he's not in anybody's tent but he is obviously a suck up.
If I was a man, and I had that job, I would feel like a dog with his balls cut off.
Shame and humiliation is what I would feel, I would not be walking around with my head held up high after prostituting myself to any organization just to keep a job... He's either faking it or he's lied to himself like o.j and scott peterson.. He definitely shows the signs of a major personality disorder, I mean he is narcissistic, lacks empathy, and is definitely a drama queen.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:38 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies

Originally posted by mrmulder
I think Fox is more "Right Wing" than most people will admit.

O'reilly definitely kowtow's to the republican's... He's not a traditionalist, he's not unaffiliated, he says he's not in anybody's tent but he is obviously a suck up.
If I was a man, and I had that job, I would feel like a dog with his balls cut off.
Shame and humiliation is what I would feel, I would not be walking around with my head held up high after prostituting myself to any organization just to keep a job... He's either faking it or he's lied to himself like o.j and scott peterson.. He definitely shows the signs of a major personality disorder, I mean he is narcissistic, lacks empathy, and is definitely a drama queen.

That's why "No Spin" and "Fair and Balanced" don't go together in the general sense. I think Bill if wants to call Fox News "Fair and Balanced" then he should get the hell out of there and have his own talk show. Because he sure doesn't make the slogan "Fair and Balanced" anymore truthful. He makes it worse. He has really started to piss me off lately.

[edit on 31-8-2004 by mrmulder]

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:52 PM

[edit on 31-8-2004 by Creepy]

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 02:57 PM
Yeah but that would never happen, he's such a good liar, and he lacks all the general qualities one needs to make for a good respectable argument/presentation... He's the perfect man for the job, he fits right in with all the other republican politicians and news reporters that are out there... He's not different... Conjuring up catchy phrases such as "the spin stops here because we are definitely looking out for you" is utter bs, but it's this kind of # that partisan politics uses to make their cases seem truthful, so that dummies eat it up, so that dummies can go around saying "see I told you so" It's amazing people fall for such fallicious arguments when they haven't heard the other side, I guess when you've already taken a side you've established that side is right and only need to keep hearing what that side spews out, If we were to look at politics as a cube instead of a two way street, I think maybe people would come closer to using their 10% brain capacity....

However, I think that takes work, which is something people have become desensitized to, so listening to other people is alot easier then venturing out on your own...

Maybe I should be happy... I look at cookie cutter houses like all the stupid people are living in one area, Which is good, so I know where not to go...
Maybe I should look at fox news as the same.... Keep all the dummies watching so when i'm out and about and strike up a conversation I know when to walk away...

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 03:09 PM
ima pull an O'Reilly ahem,(not aimed at anyone)


[edit on 8/31/2004 by s13guy]

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 03:12 PM
Does anyone know where i can get a transcript of the O'reilly factor with Bill Maher as a guest? i looked on fox but the transcript service was discontinued

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 03:17 PM

Originally posted by s13guy
Does anyone know where i can get a transcript of the O'reilly factor with Bill Maher as a guest? i looked on fox but the transcript service was discontinued

I think I know the one you're talking about. I thought that one was funny! I'll try and look for it and post it when I find it.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 03:22 PM
Funny you post this, seeing as how as we speak, FOX News HQ is surrounded by protesters.
They're having what they call a "ShutUp-a-thon".

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 09:46 PM
I've said it before and I�ll say it again. I've seen broadcasts from third world dictatorships that were less biased than Fox News. We get Fox News over here and it�s pretty much treated as a comedy channel. I don�t mean to laugh, but when you have a national news channel respected worldwide for over fifty years with impartiality written legally into its charter (BBC), It�s hard not to laugh at an amateurishly conceived, blatantly partisan channel such as Fox News getting credit as a valid news station��..

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