posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 03:10 PM
Here is a link to a post at ATS which the mods have allowed to stand.
post removed by staff
post removed by staff.
It is clear that this poster is making a threat, yet it stands.
I believe that there is a choice on the part of the mods to penalize me and allow others to make threats and call me names.
In another thread the mods allowed a poster to repeatedly call me stupid. The poster wrote you are stupid. In another thread where I wrote something
indistinct and not about a particular poster I was penalized. I responded to a post where someone claimed that some believe X and I wrote that someone
would have to be really stupid to believe in that.
I was fined 1000 points and several other posts where the name calling was directed to me was allowed to stand.
So now we have a case where a person makes a strong threatening statement directed towards me and it stands. Not only does it stand, but the post
isn't removed due to its off topic nature.
There is a double standard that I see as a conspiracy on the part of the mods.
edit on Tue Oct 25 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)