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A symbol and a message..

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posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:19 PM

Originally posted by nikobellic
reply to post by Misterlondon

Yeah i know what u mean but still thats what i believe. I know when dabbeling into things of that nature you must tread carefully. But i dont think it would hurt to just do some research into it.

after reading yours and a few other comments here.. maybe i will now..

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by MegaCurious
reply to post by Misterlondon

That looks like it's a variation on the "eye" shaped insignia. Looks like they tried to fool you with some alien mind tricks. They're bad news, and I'd have to recommend staying away from them. Heh.. failure to heed my warning on those folks would land anyone in the most ultimate world of trouble

are you serious? if so could you be more specific.. ive never heard of the eye shaped insignia.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by Openeye
reply to post by Misterlondon

If you dont already you should try some form of meditation. Still the mind and let it flow freely. From what you describe in your dreams, you seem to be have outer body experiences (I know how that sounds, but keep an open mind and dont let pseudo-science/extremists get in the way, find your own truth). Would you describe yourself as being very "empathic" being able to sense heightened emotion very easily?

edit on 24-10-2011 by Openeye because: (no reason given)

yes i would describe myself that way.. also at times it seems as though i have a sixth sense about things (but always thought it coincidence)

i have tried meditating but my mind fills with intense flashing images and all kind of crazy stuff (nothing bad or dark though i must add), so i kind of left it.. maybe thats normal or maybe im not doing it correctly?

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

I'm sorry to here about your loss. I don't claim to have seen anything abnormal and I'm always questioning things that may seem to be paranormal or out of this world. Having said that, I understand how you must feel. I myself lost a sister in-law who was like a blood sister to me. Since her passing my wife and I have had some hard to explain things that have happened around us.

Her name was Kathy, and she loved butterflies. After about a month after she passed, her daughter and my wife would experience butterflies that would land next to them or fly around them. Her favorite butterfly was a particular yellow and black butterfly. I don't know the name of the butterfly, but my wife does. One day we found this butterfly dead in our van. We don't know how it got there, but my wife couldn't believe it was the type Kathy loved. We ended up framing that butterfly and is now on the wall in our sun room.

This is just one of many bizarre things that has happened since she passed. We both have had instances with coins and jewelry.

My wife can pick up on a lot of things. One day we were both visiting her grave when my wife got very quite and was sitting perfectly still. I was walking around and looking at other head stones when I noticed she looked like she was in a trance like state. When I walked over to her, she started talking to me saying Kathy wants to know why are you trying to hurt your heart. Your eating things your not supposed to be eating. That hit me like a ton of rocks because a week ago I had a doctors appointment and my doctor told me I had to cut down eating red meat and sweets because my cholesterol was too high. I never told my wife, because I knew she would end up nagging me every time I would eat something I shouldn't be eating.

My wife started tearing up and than she came out of her trance like state. She told me she saw her sister Kathy surrounded by something enveloping her like a tornado. She said she never felt so much love and peace when she saw this vision. I'm not one that believes in religion, but I do believe in a creator or God if you will. My wife also said that Kathy told my wife I needed to believe and she showed her a symbol of a fish. I know a fish is related to Christianity, but that's all I know about it.

Anyways, I just wanted to let you know that what you experienced you should cherish, because not everyone can experience what waits for us on the other side. I know I wish I can tune into things like my wife does, but I just don't have that gift. Many psychics have told my wife she has the gift to communicate with the other side, and deep down my wife knows it but she's afraid to open the door. Now that her sister has passed, she's starting to open up and has communicated with her sister telepathically in many of her dreams.

Do I believe it? Who am I to say unless I personally experience it. I believe you have a gift, go with it.

This is the type of butterfly we found in our van. I guess it's called a tiger swallowtail butterfly. We live in the city, so we don't really see these types of butterflies except for the average white ones and the occasional monarchs.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:40 PM
The first thing I thought of was the round Templar Churches, like this at Bornholm:


There are quite a few others.

I also remembered a great video on the masonic temple in Philadelphia, if I can find it I'll link it, but the main flux was the 16 pointed star.

I consulted a Medium, in my grief, earlier this year:
my medium thread

I was amazed, and thrilled, and comforted.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:47 PM
reply to post by WeRpeons

reading your comment gave me goosebumps all over.. i too am sorry for your loss. its true what they say time is a great healer but it will always leave a scar on your heart and your soul..

i can also relate to you and your wife's experiences, after my loss i saw signs everywhere, i wasnt looking for them but they jumped right out at me, and i mean bizarre stuff that was no mere coincidence. i also understand what you mean by a door opened.. something in me changed after that day and i dont mean by grief it was more spiritual.
although i kind of pushed it to one side it was clearly there..

over time these things happened less and less but maybe if i embraced it things would have been different and who knows where it would have led me.

there is no doubt in my mind there is something after here and after seeing that psychic it helped me (and continues to help me) live my life.. with the belief in my heart we will all be together again some day..

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Dogdish
The first thing I thought of was the round Templar Churches, like this at Bornholm:


There are quite a few others.

I also remembered a great video on the masonic temple in Philadelphia, if I can find it I'll link it, but the main flux was the 16 pointed star.

I consulted a Medium, in my grief, earlier this year:
my medium thread

I was amazed, and thrilled, and comforted.

i really have to go now, but i will return tomorrow and ill read your thread (which im looking forward to) and leave my input.. thanks for replying and for the links. it is greatly appreciated..

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:28 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

If you do decide to open that door, you may be able to have a way to communicate with your lost one. It may give you some peace, but I know when you lose someone close, you hear their voice and you think of them everyday. It's tough to lose someone you cared a lot about. Peace.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

My thread is very short with very little interest, like most of mine...

The video I mentioned in the above post is down. I may have it saved on another computer, I'll try to find it.

Just googled "8 pointed star meaning" and got everything from chaos to redemption, with Ishtar in between.

Seems there is a lot of: As Above, So Below involved, and that seems to relate directly to your four into eight transformation.

Too late for me tonight, and too much good stuff there for me to make a good, thoughtful post putting it all together, hope you'll take a stab at it, maybe share what you get out of it!

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 08:46 PM
Reply to post by Misterlondon

You see, there you had a psychic experience, intuition, gut feeling, whatever you want to call it. And by helping this person through a dark time, and by that person saying you saved their life, you used your ability to heal, without even knowing it. And healing takes on all sorts of forms. And you may be looking over small seemingly insignificant things in your day to day life and not even realize you are doing it.

Perhaps the fact that you are now bringing this up and questioning it means it is time to look further into it and consciously put your gifts to use. Try some meditation and see what you get!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 11:50 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

Yo I Found this, I knew It had to Do Something with Alchemy so I Got this , Go to It It's Very Informative Hopefully it Clears things In your mind.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:16 AM
The eight pointed star is all over ancient civilizations. For the Sumerians the eight pointed star represented the goddess Inanna, Sumerian queen of the heavens. There is true meaning and symbolism to your experience, now you have to find it for yourself. My advice is start from the beginning, when the star was first introduced to culture and follow it up to now. It is amazing how many bells and whistles will go off when you start researching. I to have had a tragic event in my life that has sparked a WHOLE lot of strangeness.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:16 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

Hi friend,

Nice expeprience you had there.

The star was first a four pointer.. it may signify the same thing that 4 in numerology does. In which case it's hinting at the Foundation of your life.. the Base you work from.. something that has to be strong and actioned upon.

Sounds like a Hint to me.

Changed to an 8 point star.. again in Numerology that will indicate Power.. more precisely your personal power and ability to tap into it at will, and thus begin to enact what you the Soul chose for the life.

Go to a Library and find a book called "The Life Your Were Born To Live", by Dan Millman.. author of "Way of the Peaceful Warrior". It wil help you understand the numerology of symbols, and give you an excellent Insight into what you can do Here both positively and negatively.

Be well friend.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:45 AM

Originally posted by opal13
Reply to post by Misterlondon

You see, there you had a psychic experience, intuition, gut feeling, whatever you want to call it. And by helping this person through a dark time, and by that person saying you saved their life, you used your ability to heal, without even knowing it. And healing takes on all sorts of forms. And you may be looking over small seemingly insignificant things in your day to day life and not even realize you are doing it.

Perhaps the fact that you are now bringing this up and questioning it means it is time to look further into it and consciously put your gifts to use. Try some meditation and see what you get!

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

i actually do volunteer work which involves helping people with alcohol and drug problems, im also working with homeless people.. id really like to get into in to it full time but with government cutbacks in funding in the last couple of years or so, have seriously affected this profession.. and it is difficult to into it full time.. there are literally thousands of people with many years experience (laid off) and queuing up for very few jobs..

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:01 AM
This is just another thought, if anyone is familiar with birth charts, on the supposed day of birth of Jesus his stars aligned forming the eight point star, or the seal of solomon. Just a thought. I have actually done the mapping myself and it really does form the 8 point star. If only I could figur eout how to post it......UUGGHH!!

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Misterlondon

After reading this post, I asked my 7th dimension friend if you were a part of us, and he said yes. Your true name is Gejom and you are from the 5th dimension.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 08:56 AM
Op- I too experienced butterflies as messengers after my uncle passed from lung cancer. Everyday before his passing, a monarch would fly about his window, when be passed, the butterfly never came back. A few weeks later I seen a lone monarch and instantly knew it was him and I live 1500 miles away. Trust your own intuition and don't doubt yourself.

Also I have information for you. The star of Ishtar could also be called the star of Innana or the star of Venus, which i believe is actually the planet venus. Ishtar, Innana, and Aphrodite are all the same goddess of fertility, love, war, and sex. Her symbol is also the lion. The Islamic crescent and star is also a representation of the moon and Venus. I would watch the moon and Venus and see if there is a time when they are close to eachother. Be weary though, as beautiful and strong as her love may be, she can be equally destructive and entrapping with her seduction. Please research the many versions of Innana in order to see what makes sense to you through your personal filter.

After further research, please also look at the symbol of shamash the sun diety and see if that could also be the symbol you saw.
edit on 10/25/2011 by Deafseeingeyedog because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 09:21 AM
Yes, I believe I know the symbol you are describing, and noticed someone else mentioned it. It is called a MerKaBa and it is a sacred symbol in the etheric realms, as it is in essence Sacred Geometry, or the geometry of life.

I have spent much time researching and studying this phenomenon, it is special because it is our 'transport' in the higher realms. Kinda like how we drive a car from place to place, a spirit would use this vehicle to transverse the universe. Now, there is more to it then that, but that's the gist of it.

Here is a couple websites, including pictures and more info:
Merkaba Activation


posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 12:09 PM
@Misterlondon There would seem to be little question but that you have had a true spiritual encounter.( I , too am sorry for the loss of your friend.) When you mentioned the 8 pointed star, the image which popped into my mind was of the 8 pointed star on the base of the Cross of Hendaye in Southern France. When you have a moment, google some images and let us know if the star in your experience bears a good resemblance to this star.

Most of my life I have felt that much of life is some sort of veneer. The "real" world is behind it. I have found two things that are helpful when trying to answer questions about spiritual matters. You are already acquainted with one of them. Dreaming. Do your self a HUGE favor and begin recording your dreams. When you shut down your 5 senses so you can sleep is when your brain is in a much better state to send and receive communication from 'elsewhere'. Prior to falling asleep you can literally ask with your mind that things be clarified in the form of images and sounds within your mind. There is a very personal language you will discover here. It will take time, but with familiarity comes information and even confirmation.

You would be wise to meditate regularly. There are many ways to do it. Find the way that is most comfortable for you, then commit to it.

After you have had a chance to check out the Hendaye Cross. Get back to us and we'll proceed from there. Perhaps I can be helpful. I will certainly try. Thank you for sharing this experience. It is important and you are wise to pay attention to it.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

Well I could probably help you but I dunno if your ready for the truth. Its complicated and at the moment I am sick as hell. So yeah... if you want answers just message me.

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