posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 06:13 PM
This is actually my first thread since joining ATS, so bear with me
Last night I fell asleep on my couch, and had a very strange dream...
In my dream, I woke up in my bed and heard a noise beside my full-size mirror (kept in the opposite corner of my bedroom). When I looked to see if it
was possibly my cats getting into trouble, I saw only a dark shadow, that was definitely not my cats, at first. I started to move closer to the dark
figure and as I did, my eyes become better adjusted to the darkness in my bedroom and I saw a large raven...
I kept wondering how it got into our bedroom, and I tried to wake up my boyfriend saying "There's a bird in our room!!", but he didn't even stir.
Then I checked to see if our bedroom window was open, thinking it might have come in through the window somehow, but the window was closed and locked.
In my dream, the whole time I was moving around trying to wake my boyfriend up and figure out how a raven got into our room, the raven didn't seem
to move at all. I sat back down on my bed and was completely confused; I looked back at the raven and noticed that instead of having dark eyes, like
most crows and ravens, this particular one had yellow greyish eyes. We just stared into each others' eyes for a long while, again without the raven
moving from where it had been when I woke up. Then, all of a sudden the raven flapped it's huge wings......and that's pretty much when I woke up.
Since I was a little girl, and lived on the Queen Charlotte Islands, I've always had a kind of obsession with crows and Ravens. Perhaps it's
because the native people, whom we came to know very well in the small town we lived in, believed that ravens and crows held the souls of our
ancestors. Anyways, since then I've always talked to crows and ravens whenever I see them, but I have never had a dream about them. So, I'm
wondering if anyone might have some interpretation of what the dream might mean?