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Is Barack Obama Really A Saudi-Muslim Plant in the White House?

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posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:45 AM
According to a 25-year translator and Arabic radio broadcast listener, in what appears to be a credible source (?), it very well could be. This video explains it all:

I could go on and on about why this could be true, but most of you know the deal on Nobama by now.

Circumstantial evidence all points to it.

With 3+ million views, this was probably posted at ATS already, but I can't find it through search, and certainly hadn't seen it till now.

Short, poignant, and well... potentially very true.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:50 AM
I will say this....having been around "Muslims" (which is just another word like: "Christian), he DOES have a 'Muslim' name. What strikes me odd is this: "Muslims" were responsible for 911, according to the "official story", and yet Americans vote a "Muslim" named president, to run the country???? Am i missing something here?

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:51 AM
And our CIA and intelligence agencies would ALLOW that, if it were true?

More likely Obama's mom was CIA, and he went into the service as a young man.

I haven't seen him do anything serving what I know to be the Saudi's agenda.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 09:56 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican
It would explain the rise of sharia in Egypt and Libya among other places where we've been involved.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:00 AM
reply to post by beezzer

What about the rise of Sharia here? Heck, we've got judges that have ruled based on Sharia in the US. Not to mention England.
edit on Mon Oct 24th 2011 by TrueAmerican because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:03 AM
Obama doesn't walk holding hands with Saudi royalty, like president Bush.

much has been writen about Bush and his Saudi ties, so if any of this is real, it's not new.

money buys american politicians, look at our Congress, has anyone ever seen a more devoted bunch of prostitutes?

we have not had a national government for years, an endless parade of imperial presidencies, nothing new.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:04 AM
Ya got a point there beezer, the whole thing isvery peculiar really....I think that the election may have been fixed like george bush did just more subtly.

It apears to me like the guy is CIA of some stripe.....there is definately something fishy going on.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican
reply to post by beezzer

What about the rise of Sharia here?

What about it?

I mean specifically out in the real world, not here in conspiracy imagination land.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:11 AM
It's plausible. Unlikely though. Kind of like the movie, Salt, with Angelina Jolie where she is a Russian Spy. Honestly much power does the president really have? Do you really think the US is dumb enough to give 1 guy that much power? Ok that was a dumb question. I find it hard to believe though.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:21 AM
Question : Is "Barack Obama" really a Saudi-Muslim plant in the White House?

Answer : No, Barry Soetoro ( a.k.a. "Barack Hussein Obama II" ) is a Zionist Rothschild bankster plant, in America’s White House.

Question : How many crooked politicians with dual Israeli-US citizenship hold key positions in the U.S. Federal Government?

Answer : Way too many!


edit on 24-10-2011 by seasoul because: End the Federal Reserve!

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:23 AM
I thought there were "plausible" sources that said that he was the antichrist.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:23 AM
The guy who made this was an Israeli Jew...yeah, totally believable.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I prefer Obama to be the Antichrist rather than a Saudi-Muslim plant. At least the Devil is a Christian.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 10:56 AM
Last time i looked were were bombing muslims all over the world to steel oil and force them into debt with the banks for rebuilding costs with the french already saying they want 35% for their part in Libya.

I also noticed the west's economic decline is creating protests all over Europe/UK/USA so i think it's bankers thats pulling the strings, you know money makes the world go around and all that.

Well let me think were would these puppet masters come from !

Should we start with Greenspan and work up to Ben Bernanke or would Golden Sasch and J.P be a better starting place.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 11:18 AM
Under the reign of terror of Obama
Tunisia more fundamentally islamic
Egypt more fundamentally islamic
Libya more fundamentally islamic
Afghanistan, siding with Pakistan if we go to war
Sharia law in the US, and UK
Negotiations between Israel and palistinians faltering

. . . . . . . . . any other examples?

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

I would usually just laugh and point out all the flaws in your logic.

But since the election is coming up...I would like to encourage you to continue with all these crazy theories.


I may even S&F you.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 12:13 PM
Given the current state of the region it would seem that Obama is paving a smooth road for an Islamic overhaul of that entire region. Egyot, Libya, Tunisia, Syria etc etc..

Now for the Saudi Connection. It is difficult to refute Obama's connections from his past. Specifically his years at Harvard.

How exactly did Barack Obama pay for his Harvard Law School education?

The way the Obama campaign has answered the question was simply hard work and student loans.

But new questions have been raised about Obama’s student loans and Obama’s ties to a radical Muslim activist who reportedly was raising money for Obama’s Harvard studies during the years 1988 to 1991.

The allegations first surfaced in late March, when former Manhattan Borough president Percy Sutton told a New York cable channel that a former business partner who was “raising money” for Obama had approached him in 1988 to help Obama get into Harvard Law School.

In the interview, Sutton says he first heard of Obama about twenty years ago from Khalid Al-Mansour, a Black Muslim and Black Nationalist who was a “mentor” to the founders of the Black Panther party at the time the party was founded in the early 1960s.

The last line is quite critical given Obama's close relationship to the New Black Panther Party and the dismissal of all charges against them by Holder regarding the blatant voter intimidation case in Philly. The NBP have openly asserted that they have friends in the administration. Is Obama in payback mode.

An Obama spokesman claimed that Obama received no scholarships or grants from Harvard or any outside sources. They stated that he financed his own tuition with student loans.

At the time, Harvard cost around $25,000 a year, or $75,000 for the three years that Obama attended. And as president of the Harvard Law Review, he received no stipend from the school, Harvard spokesman Mike Armini said.

“That is considered a volunteer position,” Armini said. “There is no salary or grant associated with it.”

So if the figures cited by the Obama campaign for the Senator’s student loans are accurate, that means that Obama came up with more than $32,000 over three years from sources other than loans to pay for tuition, room and board.

Where did he find the money? Did it come from friends of Khalid Al Mansour? And why would a radical Muslim activist with ties to the Saudi royal family be raising money for Barack Obama?

That’s the question the Obama campaign still won’t answer.

THe story gets complicated when Michelle Obama opens her mouth

“The only reason we’re not in that position is that Barack wrote two best-selling books,” she said. The first of those best-sellers netted the couple $1.2 million in royalties in 2005.

In response to Newsmax questions about the Obama’s college loans, a campaign spokesman cited a report in The Chicago Sun claiming that Obama borrowed $42,753 to pay for Harvard Law School, and “tens of thousands” more to pay for undergraduate studies at Columbia.

The same report said that Michelle Obama borrowed $40,762 to pay for her years at Harvard Law School.

Contradicting that story is the fact that Obama's financial disclosure statements going back to 2000 gave no indication of any outstanding student loan debt.

As a United States Senate candidate, Barack Obama was required to file a financial disclosure form in 2004 detailing his assets, income, consulting contracts, and liabilities.

Obama listed “zero” under liabilities in 2004 and in all subsequent U.S. Senate financial disclosure forms.

Under the Senate ethics rules, he is required to disclose any loan, including credit card debt, of $10,000 or more. The only exception to the reporting requirement is mortgage debt on a principal residence.

Obama's camp at the time simply stated that Michelle misspoke. (AGAIN!)

Point to ponder... The royalties from Obama's book

The paperback eventually sold over one million copies, which under the standard industry royalty for trade paperbacks of 7.5%, earned him $1.2 million. However, Obama didn’t report income from the book until 2005, so it’s unclear how he was able to repay his student loans in 2004.

Oh and the Obamas never claimed that they paid any student loan interest on tax returns dating back to 2000. That interest would have been deductible.

So, it is plausible that Obama may in fact be a plant. He certainly has many ties that span decades within the Muslim community.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by TrueAmerican

Circumstantial evidence all points to it.

Right, and the same also points to him being an alien hybrid from another galaxy.... At least in the conspiracy communities.

Funny, that one man can be so many things to so many people, both good an evil as well.

Obama was the only real choice voters were given, if you're looking for something real start there.

The very democracy and freedoms we Americans cherish are our most exploitable vulnerabilities... Always has been... And will eventually prove to be utterly devastating. IMO.

I'll tell you what Obama is with absolute certainty: President of the United States of America!

That isn't going to change until 2012, at the earliest.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by beezzer
Under the reign of terror of Obama
Tunisia more fundamentally islamic
Egypt more fundamentally islamic
Libya more fundamentally islamic
Afghanistan, siding with Pakistan if we go to war
Sharia law in the US, and UK
Negotiations between Israel and palistinians faltering

. . . . . . . . . any other examples?

You present it all in an undeniable way, beez. I had always railed against the blaming of Islam (I would be excoriating toward a certain radio host about his "Islamofascism" alarm.
Now the pattern is as plain as the nose on my face. Every country US and NATO went into and gutted, left it with Al Qaeda as the fox in the hen house, having run of the house.
So; WHY is Obama and NATO doing this? This is a good question, it's a new twist in this twisted world, (Acually maybe not, we did the same thing to Iran back in 1953) But just what in the hell is going on?!
I am at a loss, but will keep reading everyone's posts and threads, who are more knowledgeable than me.
ATS is not a conspiracy la la land, I find it is constantly on the most important breaking news, and has very smart contributors.

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 12:34 PM
Yeah it would explain within 10 years we went to fighting radical Islam to aiding them in Libya and other parts of the world hell think about who was the real force behind the arab spring uprisings.

You make the call but if the shoe fits.

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