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Luciferians control our Reality Matrix by presiding over Scientific Orthodoxy

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posted on Dec, 2 2011 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by Afterthought

Excellent thread!

I hope lots of people check out the info you've provided and it helps wake them up.

Hi Afterthought,

I think that the rapid and organized manifestation of Masonic members who are aggressively antagonistic to this thread can be seen by any onlookers who don't wear lambskin aprons - or play around in monkey games by what often appear to be inappropriate and politically subversive men's clubs - will quickly demonstrate that they don't like the truth to be spoken and vehemently oppose any thinking which might OUT THEM as Luciferians.

They'll endlessly mumble that Lucifer is just a metaphor, that it is the Northern Star, that it is an allusion to the planet Venus, that Lucifer is an angel who was too smart for God, that he was even God's favorite angel so we should also make him ours, that Lucifer is Good and that God is Evil, that he is simply one of several mystical and occult components of the universe which constitute the higher Masonic truth which is simply the strenuously hidden Jehobal (Baal) to which the devote themselves in a hidden pagan religious sect.

What Is Freemasonry?

Does it matter that the person presented no longer holds the same office? Is it any less scandalous that a family of known Nazi sympathizers acceded to the United States presidency, because they are no longer in office? Doesn't it mark anyone's mind that they have nothing better to oppose against the truth than attacking insignificant details regarding dates or inferences as to the intentions of a speaker, foolishly denying the overt and covert significance of their message?

Anyone seriously researching the world of American Academia will have NO TROUBLE finding a tremendous amount of evidence clarifying in countless ways how the United States scientific community are difficultly exercising their professions under the stronghold of a dominant group of men with an Agenda which is not only that of advancing science but actually that of controlling the course of officially recognized knowledge. That such people be members of Secret Societies should come as NO SURPRISE. This is exactly why they wish for knowledge to remain occult which means HIDDEN as well as HERMETIC as in sealed off from any contact. This is exactly what their Secret Societies, such as Freemasonry, are built upon: only the initiates are allowed to know!


posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by Getsmart
Certainly not so very August if indeed overly Masonicus, I really think that you are giving Freemasonry a bad name with your constant attacks against anyone who takes exception to the very existence of a Secret Order which first casts a deep schism between themselves and other citizens...

Er, what? You spoke of having seen Satan. What 'Secret Order' does Satan belong to? Is Jason Vorhees, your Fairy Godmother and Xenu part of this same Order? What does this have to do with me being a Mason? I discounted the existance of Satan long before I became a Mason. I happened to be rational back than to you know.

You cannot be democratic when you must agree with top down directives which are by nature autocratic, even if your lodge simulates participation by having you chit chat about issues as if your opinion really mattered.

What are you talking about? You are not a Mason but somehow know exactly what I am subject to. Did Satan tell you this in one of his visits?

You cannot be out to help society when you forsake it by setting yourself apart, either by opportunism, in a quest for personal power, out of creepy mystical cultism or simply to become something other than your boring self?

I am far from boring, the Dos Equis guy was based on me.

I had an experience, and it does not behold you to either discredit it or to mock me while I sincerely share what I know to be true. My truth comes from experience and was not transmitted to me by ritualistic symbolism and preposterous gesturing which was probably designed by your Masonic Masters to mock you.

Masonic handshakes do not cause hallucinations. Masonic business meetings on the other hand....

Enjoy your Sect but tread lightly when you defame and attempt to discredit other ATS members simply because they have knowledge or experience which you fail to understand.

You saw Satan but you did not answer my question; what did he look like?

Here are a few more:

What did he say? Did he have a sense of humor? Did he tell you what SPF to bring when it is time?

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 11:15 AM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

You cannot be out to help society when you forsake it by setting yourself apart, either by opportunism, in a quest for personal power, out of creepy mystical cultism or simply to become something other than your boring self?

I am far from boring, the Dos Equis guy was based on me.

Eye see what you did there, clever.

What is it with masons and word play and technicalities?

dos equis is a reference to the double cross or "crossing of dimensions" aka magic for those who didn't get it.
Just look to the Union Jack Flag

LoL silly rabbit . . .

edit on 3-12-2011 by MasterGemini because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 11:38 AM
Here is a website containing much food for thought:

I have no interest in exposing the Luciferian influence and agenda in order to assist the downfall of such a system. In fact, the Great Work is so far along at this point I believe that it would take nothing short of every single profane person on Earth rising up against the Craft to stop it. Even then I do not think that the Great Work could be truly overcome as our doctrine and symbols will forever be present in all that people hold dear including religion, music, literature, art, and even corporate logos.

What you think to be Luciferian or Satanist is nothing more than a joke to those among the Inner Sanctum of various Magickal Orders and Brotherhoods. Anton LaVey and his LaVeyan acolytes are, at best, pawns in the Great Work.

edit on 3-12-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by MasterGemini
Eye see what you did there, clever.

What is it with masons and word play and technicalities?

dos equis is a reference to the double cross or "crossing of dimensions" aka magic for those who didn't get it.
Just look to the Union Jack Flag

I was not trying to be that clever but if it works....

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 12:41 PM

I saw that Luciferian icon at the Rockefeller Plaza and took many pictures of it knowing only too well - with dread - what it means. Those who have had the lovely privilege of attending or participating in their rituals will know just what level of psychological shock can result. I even wondered if it is done to desensitize followers, to test their devotion or to weed out any human beings which might have slipped past security?

A STAR for your post, and no, not the one they claim is Venus or a synonym for Lucifer. The one they venerate has nothing to do with astronomy no matter how much chatter they throw at you to blind us with their wordy pixie dust.


posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

What does he look like?

Was he with anyone else of note (Santa, the Tooth Fairy, Freddy Kreuger, etc.)?

Certainly not so very August if indeed overly Masonicus, I really think that you are giving Freemasonry a bad name with your constant attacks against anyone who takes exception to the very existence of a Secret Order which first casts a deep schism between themselves and other citizens, disconsidered and kept in the dark, and which also subverts in many ways the precepts of an agreed upon society. You cannot be democratic when you must agree with top down directives which are by nature autocratic, even if your lodge simulates participation by having you chit chat about issues as if your opinion really mattered. You cannot be out to help society when you forsake it by setting yourself apart, either by opportunism, in a quest for personal power, out of creepy mystical cultism or simply to become something other than your boring self?

I had an experience, and it does not behold you to either discredit it or to mock me while I sincerely share what I know to be true. My truth comes from experience and was not transmitted to me by ritualistic symbolism and preposterous gesturing which was probably designed by your Masonic Masters to mock you. Enjoy your Sect but tread lightly when you defame and attempt to discredit other ATS members simply because they have knowledge or experience which you fail to understand.

GETSMART if you still can

That's all very well and good, but you didn't answer his question. Along with that you played the 'silver-tongued devil' and insulted him, which seems to go against all that you are trying to say, or have you been possessed by the 'dark lord' himself and are now doing his work?

Answer the damned question!

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 01:58 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

To be fair, there is a symmetry between the astral realm of space and the spiritual realm. So when they make associations between Lucifer and a star in the sky - Venus - they are being partly true. Of course, a slight manipulation of the truth is still a massive lie.

As someone who studies the Torah at an esoteric/metaphysical level, the figure of the Snake - Nachash - as well as the Christian "Lucifer" refers to the non-dual "wisdom" of the mind which ignores the means and sees only the end; ignores the particular and sees only the absolute. It is the crushing weight of the void, of the ALL - or the state (which is a representation of the ALL) on the individual and the world.

I completely agree with most of what you say about Freemasonry. I DO NOT for even a blink of a second, think Freemasonry is free from this agenda. It is much too useful. And, it also continues in the line of ancient mystery institutions...

Their worship of "Lucifer" is the theistic version of Buddhisms fascination with the void, with Buddha consciousness, hence, at Bohemian Grove in the late 19th century, a massive statue of Buddha stood where the Owl today (symbolizing Athena, who, in the myth, bursts forth from the forehead - symbolizing spiritual sight - of Zeus - the created order) stands....This just shows how there is literally no theological difference between Christianity and the traditions of Greece, Rome and Egypt, which Christianity imbibed its archetypal theology from...

Whether Lucifer is a real being, or merely a projection of mans consciousness, is unimportant. These PEOPLE, these vile, despicable, amoral elite, ARE Lucifer. Together, the emanate his ugly power.
edit on 3-12-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 02:27 PM
You can't describe the devil's appearance just as you cannot describe G_d's, Yahweh's, or Allah's appearance.

When I was quite young, I pictured G_d a fat man with a ring of white hair around his head who wore a purple robe that had a gold rope for a belt.

Now that I'm older and wiser, I know that G_d is not a physical being at all and it is impossible to think that energy looks like anything. It is something you can only feel and has nothing to do with what your two eyes can see. Your third eye on the other hand....

If a powerful Energy chooses to be seen by a certain individual, It will take any form It likes. If said Energy appeared to 20 people individually, they would all describe seeing something different.

edit on 3-12-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 02:54 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

You can't describe the devil's appearance just as you cannot describe G_d's, Yahweh's, or Allah's appearance.

Sure you can. What do you think idolatry is?? It's the worship of anything other then the ONE God.

The devil is an archetype. One cannot even say "devil" without alluding to some particular phenomenon. Thus, representation of him - as he is often represented in art and culture, is completely normal. Satan, if anything, would be most apt to represent, to fix, and to 'harden" into an idolatrous image.

God conversely...What is God?? Nothing..Not anything can encompass Gods being. His totality, is beyond our reckoning. This world is only a "surplus" of what He is. Thus, it is entirely inappropriate, as both Judaism and Islam recognize, to represent God in image.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 03:04 PM
reply to post by dontreally

Yes, and we were instructed by The Creator not to worship idols, but what do we see today?
Hollywood idols, American Idol, statues of what gods should look like.

I choose not to believe what everyone else thinks these energies look like in physical form.

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 03:10 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

Interesting this is why nothing can be done with 100 percent scientific logic to bend meems, in theory if the Illuminati did indeed progress to what we know are TPTB (the powers that be) this is what it would end up like, i'v always said the Bavarian Illuminati at it's core is flawed theology because it's basing thing's 100 percent off of science and science is the perceived concept of man and we know man is flawed so it equals flawed logic...

It's like this video that has been shown a few times on here sure at times it gos in somewhat of a satire but all the proof is good warning about looking out for people with said agenda...

edit on 3-12-2011 by King Seesar because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 03:16 PM

When I speak of the Craft, I speak of the work that has been built upon since the inception of man on Earth. This progression, or evolution, is innate and seemingly inborn. The Craft attracts people to it like moths to the flame, the exoteric philosophies and esoteric truths have brought some of the greatest minds to full fruition. Today these ideals have spread to so many groups that it is literally impossible for a person to be a part of an organized religion without working towards the same thing. Even when a religion seems completely opposed to the Luciferian agenda, those initiated into the system of symbols that surrounds us see Luciferian imagery everywhere.

I post this only to show that those involved with this agenda are throughout all professions, walks of life, and all sides are therefore, the same side. I believe it almost matters not what you believe, but just your participation and seeking for survival ends up meaning somehow assisting this agenda, at the least being complicitous in and to it, regardless of one's intentions. This is spelled out fairly clearly throughout this article, even in just alluding to the takeover, of a sort, of everything humanity holds dear as it's creations and higher expressions. What once might have meant something totally different, also, has now been revised and drawn into this agenda's progression. And, I think, many were tricked along the way to bring this eventuality about so that there could be no possibiity for their failure to achieve the goals of total control.
edit on 3-12-2011 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 3 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by Afterthought

The forms are symbols. The energy is the thing being alluded to, but the form is the only way we can know of it. The form is the manifestation the archetypal energy takes in time and space. Since God is everything and more, it's impossible to represent him. But in the case of the devil, or any other archetype, its clearly possible (though idolatrous) to represent him, since the archetype takes on a clearly limited and specific form.

For instance, Satan: His red body - red is the archetype of passion, power and raw emotion (hence, communist countries always invoke the color red, to symbolize their totalitarian authority)..

His pointed "tail" is an allusion to the collapse of the divine energy, to outside the body. A tail is an extension of the spinal column, and the spinal column alludes to the various levels of being. The tail of Satan refers to the reduction of the vital energy to non-human, animalistic levels.

The horns which protrude from his head refer to an intellectual insensitivity, as well as an intent to harm-gore.

His three-pronged pitchfork refers to the Thesis/Antithesis/Synthesis modality that Satan confounds. Similar to Poseidon in that he causes havoc - i.e. Its in his "hand" which means how he expresses himself.

All these different images and tools are merely a MEANS to express in image what the devil is. Of course, one can choose an entirely different image. Like Cthulhu - a popular one, or something else. These too are merely symbolic representations of an idea-archetype.

posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by MasterGemini

Eye see what you did there, clever. What is it with masons and word play and technicalities?

Master Gemini,

The reason Masons enjoy playing around with innuendo and word play is because that way the revel in the knowledge that THEY KNOW but we don't. Part of the game is that the are NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK OUT so they are living in oppressive censorship. But they are also living in utter denial of that censorship so they must speak out. So they find ways in which only other INITIATES can understand them, that way they let go of no secrets, but they also use this to MOCK US the ignorant masses who are to be left clueless and ignorant of their supreme wisdom.. That they place Lucifer at the top of their great Illumination is anecdotal, except when you consider what Master Plan such a Great Architect has in store for the rest of us. There is a reason for which it is a Secret Society. To use hoarded knowledge to herd the rest of us, disguising the autocracy of the organization from its own members behind a decorum of participation and hiding its intent from the lower participants with token philanthropy.


posted on Dec, 4 2011 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by aorAki

Answer the damned question!


I don't know if you are aware of ATS protocol involving a minimum of respect for other members, but you had best understand right here and now that I am not about to obey your orders as nothing on God's earth compels me to do your bidding. Get yourself a life. I shall respond to whatever I wish and will purposely ignore anyone such as yourself acting in an uncivilized boorish manner. Furthermore that question is off topic and my experience can be found with a simple search of this website. Stop your campaign which you've carried over from another thread with malevolent intent!

Originally posted by dontreally

I completely agree with most of what you say about Freemasonry. I DO NOT for even a blink of a second, think Freemasonry is free from this agenda. It is much too useful. And, it also continues in the line of ancient mystery institutions...

Whether Lucifer is a real being, or merely a projection of mans consciousness, is unimportant. These PEOPLE, these vile, despicable, amoral elite, ARE Lucifer. Together, the emanate his ugly power.

Hi dontreally,

We can all agree that there have been and are today certain individuals and groups who are dedicated to Evil. This has been something of a plight for humankind as far back as is known. However, I happen to find it far more serious yet when, rather than simply subject people to suffering and hardship, it goes far further by poisoning our minds with lies and falsehoods presented as scientific truths. That much of academia is polluted with approximations wouldn't be so serious an issue were it unintentional and the result of those with one valid eye leading the blind, but it is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE that this is done in an organized willful manner to keep the bulk of humanity in the dark. Today there is a glimmer of relief from their SECTarian stronghold on science through the Internet, for as long as that continues - which isn't a granted. As an example from the field of hard science, here is something pushed down our throats as a solid truth which is demonstrated mathematically and by physical observation as being false.

Quantum theorist explains that the Big Bank theory is wrong by 120 zeroes

Astronomical discovery censored

This is considerable evidence that whatever the field and whatever the validity of scientific demonstration there is an organized Elite Group controlling scientific orthodoxy and imposing its will and fostering a purposeful vision of reality using Science, Religion, Culture and the Arts as mere tools for its Agenda!


posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 12:34 AM
Hi ATS friends,

May those who sought to disarm my OUTING of this Conspiracy desist, as I am now going to step up a further measure and make a wider ranging statement:

Luciferians aim to DISABLE SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT using purposely falsified Paradigms

To support this allegation there are many fields in which it is demonstrable, but to remain in that posted above of Astrophysics namely, let us take a look at how using false paradigms prevents fuller mastery of technology as well as deeper investigation into the TRUTH.

In the following example we will note that it is often those in the field in charge of specific implementations who are forced to take into account the invalidity of a FALSE THEORETICAL PARADIGM when it produces technological design flaws. Yet such theoretical paradigms are nonetheless seldom if ever corrected, despite consequential empirical evidence. The selfsame who invoke that only empiricism can be used as a basis for contesting holes in their theories refuse to take it into account when positive evidence disproves these theories. Is it simply scientific arrogance, as apologists for the system might claim? Probably not, as no scientist would be so foolhardy to contest flagrant observable and repeatable proof unless backed up by considerable interest groups and assured of a positive outcome. Only a large cross-institution CONSPIRACY TO DECEIVE can exercise such power over the Scientific Community. Here is a case in point as pertains to the implementation of the first GPS systems.

C. O. Alley, "Proper Time Experiments in Gravitational Fields with Atomic Clocks, Aircraft, and Laser Light Pulses," in Quantum Optics, Experimental Gravity, and Measurement Theory, ed. P. Meystre and M. O. Scully (New York: Plenum Press, 1981), 343-424.

"A common mistake in dealing with relativistic time was also made by one of the Air Force contractors in relation to the GPS. This is the notion that electromagnetic radiation changes frequency (or a photon changes energy) as it propagates through a gravitational potential difference. If the physical clock adjustments have been made as described above so that all clocks are keeping a common coordinate time, then there is no effect on the frequency of radiation as measured in that coordinate time. However, the contractor had included in the computer program to operate the system just such a correction, effectively correcting twice for the relativistic effects. Actual experience with test GPS equipment in orbit was required to persuade some engineers of their error."

"We should not be surprised at such lack of understanding of some fundamental concepts of General Relativity since the subject is almost never taught to engineers and rarely even to physicists. Also, confusion about these concepts is not restricted to engineers and others who must deal with ultra-stable clocks, but is widespread even among eminent physicists."

SOURCE: Emergence of the New Cosmic Center Model of the Universe

Below there is a link to documented evidence of a campaign of censorship against scientific articles which expose the scientific flaws in the Big Bang Theory. Next you will note that scientists are forced by censorship to resort to Internet videos to present their innovative scientific observations, those which are arbitrarily rebuked Luciferian Control System that dominates orthodox science through its ACADEMIC DICTATORSHIP.

Censorship by Los Alamos National Laboratory arXiv Staff now at Cornell University

Scientists have to resort to YouTube or Google Video to expose new theories!

Google Video Link

Originally posted by King Seesar

...this video that has been shown a few times on here sure at times it gos in somewhat of a satire but all the proof is good warning about looking out for people with said agenda...

Hi King Seesar,

Thanks for that clear as can be video about the type of SECT organization designed by CIA Operative L. Ron Hubbard (founder of Scientology) after condensing The Soviet Art of Brainwashing to publish the 1950's CIA Brainwashing Manual. It is interesting that you chose to focus on the MIND CONTROL aspect of this Conspiracy, that of controlling our minds by controlling scientific legitimacy used as a BELIEF MATRIX and a basis for our REALITY PERCEPTS...

... because Cornell University, which is where Los Alamos Laboratories transferred their arXiv Staff to, happens to be one of the leading "civilian locations" used by TPTB to undertake Mind Control experimentation and Agenda 21 program administration. This is a highly documented complicity dating back to the sixties with the CIA funding much of their research into this field, so we ought not be surprised to see them participate in efforts to conceal the truth or paint a panorama of scientific falsehoods. In my book that institution - Cornell University - grossly usurps its reputation and uses it to SUBVERT SCIENCE and advance a Luciferian Agenda.


edit on 5-12-2011 by Getsmart because: they hand us a CERTIFIED BROKEN COMPASS to herd us where they wish!

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 12:46 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

That much of academia is polluted with approximations wouldn't be so serious an issue were it unintentional and the result of those with one valid eye leading the blind, but it is TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE that this is done in an organized willful manner to keep the bulk of humanity in the dark.

What's funny, is that they reveal this to us in dystopian literature, such as 1984 - the idea of controlling the information, and thus the nature of the paradigm in which we live.

Brave New World however might be another dystopian future sought after by the type of people Huxley was attempting to mock; such as Julian, his brother.

I don't know if either represent the end goal of the elite. But I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if both aspects are used by the elite on the way there...and it is THAT, which is entirely unacceptable. Playing with life, as if you were God, and doing with it what you want, peeves the hell out of me.

There are NO MORE ARROGANT people than sociologists. I would know. I am studying to become one

This is considerable evidence that whatever the field and whatever the validity of scientific demonstration there is an organized Elite Group controlling scientific orthodoxy and imposing its will and fostering a purposeful vision of reality using Science, Religion, Culture and the Arts as mere tools for its Agenda!

Oh of course. Big Bang implies a beginning, and thus, a creator. We can't have that. Not a single Greek scientist thought that way. Neither did the hindus or buddhists. The only people who adamantly maintained a creation ex-nihilo, were the Jews.

Erase the big bang, and you can have you eternal universe to justify your totalitarian, relativistic agenda.
edit on 5-12-2011 by dontreally because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
That they place Lucifer at the top of their great Illumination is anecdotal...

Is this the same Lucifer/Satan/Boogeyman that you claimed to have had a visit from? Why will you not tell everyone what this thing looked like? Why did it say? Why were you so honored with a personal visit? Did you do something extra-special to deserve this?

posted on Dec, 5 2011 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart
SOURCE: Emergence of the New Cosmic Center Model of the Universe

Seriously? The 'Cosmic Center' is 'Christ's Throne'? Nothing like mixing your theology with your cosmology which leads directly to fecology

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