posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 09:07 PM
reply to post by Lil Drummerboy
The El Hierro volcano poses no threat to the Eastern Seaboard of the United States but an Island further south is another island with a volcano named
La Palma.
La Palma is the one we need to watch out for. If La Palma were to erupt it could possibly cause half of the island to side in to the Atlantic causing
a tsunami that would make the 2004 tsunami look small in comparison and the one in 04 kill almost 300,000 people and did a few billion in damages.
How bad could it be? Well if the volcano erupts and cause the western side of the island to slide in to the Atlantic it would generate a wave some
where between 150 - 200ft high. The tsunami would then travel across the ocean at the speed of a jet airliner. It would take almost 8 hours for it to
cross the Atlantic so at the very least we'd have plenty of warning. and for those of you who are wondering we do have a tsunami early warning system
in the Atlantic. When the tsunami reaches shore it would destroy everything along the coast, and travel in land for hundreds of miles!
Every State from Maine to Florida would be devastated! Florida would be hit the hardest since it highest point it only 30 ft or so, the tsunami would
go right over the top of Florida washing everything in its path away. The only refuge for the people in this area it to exit the area or get in upper
floors of high rises and pray they survive the tsunami. Basically if your in Florida you dead and with a population of almost 16 million that's a lot
of people. This would also be a problem for everyone along the coast line, there is no possible way to evacuate everyone from the tsunami's path,
millions will die.
But the ones that die might be the lucky ones, everything will be destroyed by the 200 ft wave. Figure everything east of the Appalachian's (save
those places at a high enough elevation) would be gone, no food, no water, everything destroyed! Trillions of dollars in damage, even Washington D.C.
would not be spared. This would probably be the worst disaster in recorded human history.
It never been a matter of what will happen but when.