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Rudy Giulliani: Super Whore

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posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 08:30 AM
A mayor who was pro gay rights, pro choice, pro assault weapons gun control now a wordwhore for the Radical Right.
Never a religious man, by housing his mistress in the same mansion as his wife & children, he now circles the country as a very highly paid consultant pimping himself off the dead NY'rs of 9/11 and saying that he "thanked God George Bush was President" at the time.
Forget the morbid blood money he earns off of our dead friends & Co-workers for a moment. Let's focus on the "God" & "Bush" connection.
What person in their right mind would ever think God would offer up one of his least developed creations (Bush) as a reply to prayer!?!?!

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 08:31 AM
I'm thinking there is another entity entirely to Thank/Blame, for Bush...

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 08:35 AM
Amen to that! His speech last night made me wanna gag.
It's all about terror, folks. You better be damn well be afraid and you BETTER elect George Bush! It's the ONLY way you're gonna be safe! Did anyone notice how he kept mentioning Israel? I know someone's gonna flame me for mentioning that, but considering the spy scandal brewing, it's very worth mentioning. I used to like Rudy; but after last night's performance, and his appearance before the 9-11 commission, I have no respect for the man.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 08:40 AM
Gotta say I was really surprised by that "I thanked God" comment... I thought for a minute he was being sarcastic! It's a really odd thing to say, considering how obviously false it had to be.

-koji K.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 08:42 AM
I noticed that. It sounded forced. He truly looked like a man saying things he knew to be untrue. Maybe he's playing for a spot on the national ticket someday.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Bout Time
A mayor who was pro gay rights, pro choice, pro assault weapons gun control now a wordwhore for the Radical Right.
Never a religious man, by housing his mistress in the same mansion as his wife & children, he now circles the country as a very highly paid consultant pimping himself off the dead NY'rs of 9/11 and saying that he "thanked God George Bush was President" at the time.
Forget the morbid blood money he earns off of our dead friends & Co-workers for a moment. Let's focus on the "God" & "Bush" connection.
What person in their right mind would ever think God would offer up one of his least developed creations (Bush) as a reply to prayer!?!?!

Speech really got to ya, huh? The imminent demise of John Kerry as a viable candidate for president was ushered in by McCain, and Giuliani (please note spelling BT, he'll probably be President in 2008) and will be carried to the people by George himself. Give yourself peace of mind, turn off the convention coverage, and pretend Hillary is going to step in and �save� the Democratic Party (this was the closest I could come to a �religious� metaphor concerning the �unrepentant left�).

p.s. Radical Right? Nothing like a bunch of out of control Conservatives (I bet some will even stoop to wearing white after Labor Day).

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 08:49 AM
After 4 terms of Kerry/Edwards, but he's too easy to bury politically. That's more the reason he dropped out of the Senatorial bid in NY against Hillary Clinton than his health.
For whatever fall off in love you may have with your spouse, I thought it beyond the pale to move your lover into the same residence as your still-married-to-wife and your children. "Oh, it's a mansion with seperate wings" BS never flew with me.
As for it being forced, I think the only one holding down more bile that Rudy was Johnny Mac.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 08:49 AM
Bout Time,

Thanks about time for that one last night after seen so many post about the "hero" Rudy I almost open a new thread for the first time on Rudy, you know it only takes a horrible tragedy for somebody on political agenda to become a hero but everybody forgot his controversial political life in New York.

Who remember Rudy pre 9/11 ? Not to many he is a "hero" now, but what kind I say even bin-ladden had his pick in the first page of time magazine onces.

[edit on 31-8-2004 by marg6043]

[edit on 31-8-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 08:56 AM
Is it just me or were the republican's bitching about the liberals having a professional convention with no shots at the republicans ect, but then they go and do it?? I watched the whole thing last night and I heard a quite a few remarks about john kerry and john edwards...
I did find it funny because it's true, but nonetheless these conventions always find a way to drag the opposing candidate through the mud.

Btw, which stations did you watch it on? I watched it on c-span.... Cnn had it too and fox but I don't like how they get people's opinions after a speech. To me that just smells of attempted brainwashing...

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 09:08 AM
Giulliani and McCain are just using the American public. If either of them believed in their convictions then they would not have said what they did at the RNC. McCain uses his "honesty" tactic to play on people's minds even though I have not seen a shread of honesty come out of that man's mouth. Giulliani uses 9/11 to further his political career and ambitions, so effectively he is using that as his entire base for emotional appeal.

PS- I watched it on PBS. They seem to be one of the few stations that is fairly unbiased, or at least as much as one can. They had Presidential Historians, poliitcal columnists, etc. on and they did a good job of remaining fairly neutral.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
Speech really got to ya, huh? The imminent demise of John Kerry as a viable candidate for president was ushered in by McCain, and Giuliani (please note spelling BT, he'll probably be President in 2008) and will be carried to the people by George himself.

I spells 'em as I sees 'em. And last night that cryptkeeping terra whore earned the name...


It'll stick too.
Because they aren't even talking points 'til I come up with 'em.

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 08:07 PM
I'm sick of people saying that Bush is radically right. Or neo-conservative. If, by those comments, you mean that he is WAY far off to the right, you're wrong for 2 reasons.

1.) (being kind of the picky reason) is that far left-wingers are the radicals. The far RIGHT-wingers are known as reactionary. Still not true, but if you have to use empty insults, at least get the terminology right

2.) He isn't way far right. He's no farther to the right than our previous republican presidents.

[Edited on 31-8-2004 by Herman]

posted on Aug, 31 2004 @ 08:35 PM
yeah Rudy's speech made me feel a bit sick as well. It has become pretty clear to me that the Bush campaign is trying to get people's votes by using fear tactics and attempting to make people believe that he can defend them better than Kerry which is absolute BS.

Bush may be as right as the previous US presidents but Cheney and a sizeable portion of his administrations are neo-conservative, corrupt with corporate and oil ties and shouldn't be trusted with the responsibility of governing the US which affects everyone on this planet.


posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 06:17 AM
911 been very very good to me.


posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 02:02 PM
Giulliani's speech was pretty "red light", how could he bring himself to trivialize the deaths of 3,000 people, attempting to use them for partisan gain? It's disgusting. I am also disgusted with my own Senator John McCain who has in my opinion also put on the short skirt and high heels for the GOP, supporting the man that attacked his war record and his very sanity, McCain glorified the current war that we were lied into, and in my opinion pretty much spat on the caskets of the nearly 1,000 dead soldiers, sent to a war not to defend America, but to secure the neo-con agenda. I have lost all the respect I once had for McCain.

[edit on 1-9-2004 by 27jd]

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 02:31 PM
Rudy is a man who see's the world situation through a clear lens, not through the trumped up whacko internet conspiracy ring. It's real, terrorism is real, it is not a "Republican" creation, ask any parent of the 200 or so Russian children currently with their lives on the line. Rudy, the ex-mayor Koch, and several other Democrats have sided with Bush because frankly, they know the truth, and the truth is, Kerry does not have what it takes to lead this nation in a time of war.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 02:34 PM

Rudy, the ex-mayor Koch, and several other Democrats have sided with Bush because frankly, they know the truth, and the truth is, Kerry does not have what it takes to lead this nation in a time of war.

Sorry to ask this question, but which country did US declared war on?
hummm my memory is fuzzy but I can not remember wish one.

[edit on 1-9-2004 by marg6043]

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 02:47 PM

Originally posted by smokenmirrors
Kerry does not have what it takes to lead this nation in a time of war.

I never said terrorism was not real, or a legitimate threat, but what is Republican propaganda, is that they are the only ones who would be able to combat it, and using heart-string pulling and fear to pretty much force people to support them (like you did with the Russian children, which has NOTHING to do with our current terror problem and is something Russia has been dealing with long before our problems, what does Giulliani or the GOP have to do with that?) please explain WHY Kerry does not have what it takes, and Bush does, and I fully expect you will parrot the flip-flopper BS, but I'm interested to know why you think Kerry would would not defend this nation.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by marg6043

Rudy, the ex-mayor Koch, and several other Democrats have sided with Bush because frankly, they know the truth, and the truth is, Kerry does not have what it takes to lead this nation in a time of war.

Sorry to ask this question, but wish country did US declared war on?
hummm my memory is fuzzy but I can not remember wish one.

Marge, which country? Or wish country? (Sorry, couldn't resist
). Anyway, we did not declare war on a COUNTRY. The title that alot of people use is "The War on Iraq". It's not true, it's a war IN Iraq FOR the Iraqi people. The Iraqi people are part of it too; they're fighting the terrorists in their country just as we are. Smokenmirrors is right. Terrorism is not Republican propaganda. You hear about it alot because it IS a huge issue. You hear about it alot from the Republicans because that's a big part of Bush's plan. And yes, Bush is better for dealing with these terrorists. He's done a pretty good job already.

posted on Sep, 1 2004 @ 03:32 PM

I am old enough to be your mother so behave
Now about the good job of bush on terrorism I will have to say tell that to the 12 last victims of the terrorist In Iraq, I don't think they will agree with you very much.

Now let me go and fix my littler mistake.

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