posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 02:15 PM
This is a fascinating story and one that I actively research as there are many old temples and catacombs over here.
After looking through the internet the only other source I found is
There is a book I have been told about from the 80's that explains how a school teacher went down and lost a whole class of children and how she saw
humanoid creatures covered with hair and somehow controlling the wind.
Your states that the Hypogeum is closed, it is now open but only a few thousand are allowed down at a time, for humidity issues apparently
I will be going shortly as I have been visiting the sites around Malta. There are many temples and even a phenomenon called the cart ruts which are
also interesting.
There are many rumours of many underground tunnels used by the Knights of Malta and others, one is that there is a tunnel all the way to the
Glad for the new link and that others are interested.
Thanks and peace.
Just noticed that the article mentions the Vatican part too.
edit on 23/10/2011 by LestatG because: (no reason given)