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posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 03:29 AM

Originally posted by Josh Man

and does anyone know exactley where the mass amount of sitings have been, cuz this is the first i've heard of it hear in Massachusetts.

You should check out the link that Der Kapitan posted up above on a recent article.
here is part of the article below.

Map shows locations of Flying Triangle sightings and proximity to cities and Interstate Highways based on merged databases. Image Courtesy: NIDS

To me most of the sightings look like they are near military bases and major cities.
The low flying Triangle that I saw was heading in a direction toward a military facility, followed minutes later by a helicopter. It all took place over a big city!

Originally posted by Muckwa
I'm curious.... is there a link to a preferred camera equipment standard for trying to capture any sightings?

Dont know about a preferred camera but I use a Bushnell 8x30 ImageView Digital Binoculars with LCD 1.3 Megapixel Camera. It can get 40 pics at High resolution or 150 pics at low resolution.
So far I have not seen a UFO since 1979 but when I do I'll catch it on this camera and post it here lol

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 01:39 PM
My first Post....

Could it be that the Triangles are Blimps (large and silent) and designed to look like an alien craft. I don't know what the reason would be, but it seems that this would be within current technology to do. The orange corner lights are just for effect and are turned off when the craft appears to leave (black craft against black sky).

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 01:51 PM
That is within possibility FlaminMo,but the one thing that defies the blimp theory to me is that these objects are able to accelerate at ungodly speeds,go from hovering to literally hundreds of miles per hour in a matter of a couple of seconds.I don't know if a blimp could withstand that type of acceleration without tearing apart.

posted on Sep, 3 2004 @ 02:10 PM
Not buying into the 'blimp' theory.
Gentlemen....and ladies...
Remember when the so-called "men in black" also chided peeps to not report the sightings of this?

Welp, I guess that they are seemingly back and possibly saying the same of this---the A12 Avenger:

Please be aware that though this program may and has been cancelled, as far as the public knows, there is the good chance that it hasn't.....
A12 Avenger
�Flying Triangle� sightings on the rise


posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 01:14 AM
Yes, I know the blimp theory only covers 2 items....size and silence, not exit speed. But I just read a lot of the eyewitness reports on the National UFO reporting center, and a lot of the reports do not state high exit speeds, just a "floating" speed, or disappears.

My point here is that we have a very good fit with a blimp. could it be that the way they are using them is to start getting us ready for a more substantial sighting, and they are registering our responses right now, to see how we will react as a public body?

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 01:42 AM
Why would an alien make such a nice "spread" pattern? But if you are doing a population statistical analysis, this would be a great pattern for a cross-section of America.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 01:44 AM
Just for comparison.

Below is what I saw back in 1979. No lights where on the craft. The under side of it was lit up by the city lights. I do remember the port like holes on the corners and it was moving slowly like a boat on water. That I dont think a aircraft like the A 12 Avenger can do unless they upgraded it too V/STOL. I dont buy into the alien thing neither and I do believe what I saw is some kind of military test craft.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 01:56 AM
I did not know that you had actually saw one of these things. I guess something is happening and until I have the experience of seeing one, I will still just guess it at.

posted on Sep, 5 2004 @ 02:18 AM
Yes! The flying Doritos have been ignored for too long. Look at this.

We need to be more vigilant people. The cool ranch flavor powder caused the no. 4 engine to stall.

[edit on 5-9-2004 by Der Kapitan]

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 12:59 AM
Okay, I guess a blimp is not as glamorous as an alien ship.

But my theory has only one problem: "how do the triangles leave so quickly?'

The alien ship theory has only one problem: "no evidence they exist"

Look guys, I think I have something here... if you just assume I am right for a moment. The question becomes "Why is a triangle craft in the sky important?" I have thought about this alot. The first thing is one great big ad for Doritos. Second, I think it is a slow conditioning process, to accept that we are not alone. In fact, if you think about this, it is the only way to prepare us for ET's.

What do you think?

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by XPhiles
Just for comparison.

Below is what I saw back in 1979. No lights where on the craft. The under side of it was lit up by the city lights. I do remember the port like holes on the corners and it was moving slowly like a boat on water. That I dont think a aircraft like the A 12 Avenger can do unless they upgraded it too V/STOL. I dont buy into the alien thing neither and I do believe what I saw is some kind of military test craft.


If u believe that what u saw in 79 was a some kind of military test craft, such as the pic of the craft of the Belgium triangle u posted (middle pic above), then is it safe to assume that u also believe that the military had/has also developed a craft that could make "...high-G turns and rapid changes in altitude that would kill a human pilot at speeds up to 7,000 MPH"?

If that's the case, it's funny that, publicly though & in terms of flying air &/or space vehicles, the best the human race can come up with is NASA's space shuttle. Then there are these flying triangled vehicles that make the space shuttle seem like a Model T. Go figure...,

[edit on 14-9-2004 by evilution]

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by evilution

If u beleive that what u saw in 79 was a some kind of military test craft, such as the pic of the craft of the Belgium triangle u posted (middle pic above), then is it safe to assume that u also beleive that the military had/has also developed a craft that could make "...high-G turns and rapid changes in altitude that would kill a human pilot at speeds up to 7,000 MPH"?

[edit on 9-9-2004 by evilution]

Well if thats the case - it has been discussed before, too lazy to find info on this, but, theoretically, if it is believed that triangles use anti gravity propulsion system, then the pilot actually will not feel a thing, he wont notice any movement at all, flying from point a to b without any pilot movement, but i cant imagine who could pilot such a thing.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by partykid

Originally posted by evilution

[edit on 9-9-2004 by evilution]

Well if thats the case - it has been discussed before, too lazy to find info on this, but, theoretically, if it is believed that triangles use anti gravity propulsion system, then the pilot actually will not feel a thing, he wont notice any movement at all, flying from point a to b without any pilot movement, but i cant imagine who could pilot such a thing.


I agree. But the point of my earlier post, now in the form of a question, is: Were these gravity propulsion vehicles, like the triangles, created only, & I mean "only" by a member or members of the human race, without outside assistance from intelligent extraterrestrial specie(s), then tested & continue to test these vehicles by violating various countries' sovereign airspace, ie, Belgium & most recently Mexico? The latter is an assuption that these eleven mysterious round shaped objects were flying vehicles since they were camouflaged with a certain unknown advanced technology that avoided any visual contact of them & that these lights exhibited what had been described as intelligent maneuvers that practically surrounded the Mexican Air Force interceptor aircraft.

[edit on 9-9-2004 by evilution]

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 04:56 PM

Originally posted by evilution

Originally posted by partykid

Originally posted by evilution

[edit on 9-9-2004 by evilution]

Well if thats the case - it has been discussed before, too lazy to find info on this, but, theoretically, if it is believed that triangles use anti gravity propulsion system, then the pilot actually will not feel a thing, he wont notice any movement at all, flying from point a to b without any pilot movement, but i cant imagine who could pilot such a thing.


I agree. But the point of my earlier post, now in the form of a question, is: Were these gravity propulsion vehicles, like the triangles, created only, & I mean "only" by a member or members of the human race, without outside assistance from intelligent extraterrestrial specie(s), then tested & continue to test these vehicles by violating various countries' sovereign airspace, ie, Belgium & most recently Mexico? The latter is an assuption that these eleven mysterious round shaped objects were flying vehicles since they were camouflaged with a certain unknown advanced technology that avoided any visual contact of them & that these lights exhibited what had been described as intelligent maneuvers that practically surrounded the Mexican Air Force interceptor aircraft.

[edit on 9-9-2004 by evilution]

That is not known, neither it is proven, yet. But i doubt the probability of test flights worth billions of bucks just for taking them straight down, killing the pilot. Before every test flight, the designers, engineers, whatever, make those airplanes to perfection, not even talking about exotic crafts. But yes, i agree that some parts of these anti gravity propulsion crafts are extra terrestrial, we cant prove or deny it though.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by evilution

That is not known, neither it is proven, yet. But i doubt the probability of test flights worth billions of bucks just for taking them straight down, killing the pilot. Before every test flight, the designers, engineers, whatever, make those airplanes to perfection, not even talking about exotic crafts. But yes, i agree that some parts of these anti gravity propulsion crafts are extra terrestrial, we cant prove or deny it though.


Yes, of course it can't be proven (yet, for whatever reason) that some of these mysterious & unusually maneuverable flying vehicles cannot be proven or denied to be of extraterrestrial origin...but I had mentioned earlier that, @ the moment, the best the human race can come up with publicly is NASA's space shuttle, & the most advanced fighter jet, (whatever it is). & having read a plethora of reports on the seemingly highly advanced flying crafts that make present day man-made vehicles seem like Model Ts, it would seem extremely probable that these crafts are not man-made. With this in mind, the question remains: Where are they from & who/what created them?

However, if these crafts are man-made, where did they attain the knowledge to create them & why are they keeping them a secret yet violating the sovereign airspace of various countries & creating aviation & potentional transportation hazards by appearing & hovering several feet above interstates, & u-name-it?

In light of the this:

[edit on 14-9-2004 by evilution]

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 03:17 AM

Originally posted by evilution

If u believe that what u saw in 79 was a some kind of military test craft, such as the pic of the craft of the Belgium triangle u posted (middle pic above), then is it safe to assume that u also believe that the military had/has also developed a craft that could make "...high-G turns and rapid changes in altitude that would kill a human pilot at speeds up to 7,000 MPH"?

If that's the case, it's funny that, publicly though & in terms of flying air &/or space vehicles, the best the human race can come up with is NASA's space shuttle. Then there are these flying triangled vehicles that make the space shuttle seem like a Model T. Go figure...,

[edit on 9-9-2004 by evilution]

Who said anything about human pilots lol. It could be UAV's if they are doing high-G turns and rapid changes etc... I do believe military may have such a craft.... The 79 craft that I saw didn't do any of the high g stuff
but I would love too see something do that

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 04:56 AM

Originally posted by XPhiles

Who said anything about human pilots lol. It could be UAV's if they are doing high-G turns and rapid changes etc... I do believe military may have such a craft.... The 79 craft that I saw didn't do any of the high g stuff
but I would love too see something do that

So XPhiles,

Do u believe that those reported flying crafts that can almost instantly maneuver from 10,000 to 500 feet in 5 seconds are in fact man-made secret military crafts? First read the link, then answer the question.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 05:19 PM

Originally posted by evilution

So XPhiles,

Do u believe that those reported flying crafts that can almost instantly maneuver from 10,000 to 500 feet in 5 seconds are in fact man-made secret military crafts? First read the link, then answer the question.

The Belgium UFO Wave happened around the 1990's: Pair of F-16 fighters chased the mysterious object, but to no avail.
And once the radar showed the craft almost instantly drop from 10,000 to 500 feet in 5 seconds!

Sounds like a radar glitch to me because it only happened once!

An hour long chase ensued and over 1,000 witnesses. sightings continued for months

Only one photo which was taken of it at a later date!
Dr. Auguste Meessen theorem of why other images were unclear is laughable. You can exposed film to almost anything and
it will screw it up.

More Things To Consider

  • If the Triangle is a new man made technological aircraft of the 90's it would probably out run an f-16.
  • F-16's are of a 70's design aircraft.
  • The first actual stealth airplane was called Project RAINBOW in early 1957 was a U-2 aircraft.
  • F-117�s first Air Force flight was in 1982, started in 1973 as a design study code named Have Blue
  • B-2 Spirit flew for the first time in 1989.
  • A-12 Avenger came out in the 1990's. terminated prior to a first flight.(actual triangle looking craft)
  • Its very possible The Belgium UFO could be some kind of military black project.

  • Video March 30-31, 1990, Belgium: blinking light in center, probably military or at least man made.

  • Petit-Rechain Original photo

  • Hmmm....

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 05:52 PM
I think it entirely possible that the triangles could be ours. The FBI is believed to have conviscated all of Teslas work after his death. Work on exotic propulsion is going on. Retired Admr. Bobby Inman, Chief of staff for Bush the 1st or Reagan, left politics to head up a company he openly admitted was engaged in developing anti-gravity power. We've been tinkering with this a long time now. We may be seeing the results of that tinkering. I'm not eliminating an EBE presence, just talking possibilities here.

posted on Sep, 14 2004 @ 06:07 PM

If the Triangle is a new man made technological aircraft of some kind or
military black project (I personally doubt it), then would it be safe to
assume that these crafts will eventually & openly be used by the
military as part of their everyday equipment?

Also, if the above assumption was true, what is this supposedly black military craft doing in a foreign & sovereign country like Belgium, & traveling to the border of the Netherlands and Germany? Oops, can't forget the recent sitting in Mexico.

[edit on 14-9-2004 by evilution]

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