First lets get this out of the way. I am a conservative, I make no apologies to anyone for it and I do nothing to hide it. I'm as legitimate in my
views as a someone on the left...and it's only been recently I've actually allowed myself to see and accept that. I spent nearly a week at OWS - St
Louis and it gave me new perspectives after talking to folks that crossed the spectrum from liberal to socialist to anarchist to 'I dunno..doh!'.
All bring something different to the table we call America and until or unless entire groups disappear, it's all part of the nation we occupy. Pun
Now, this is where I have a bone to pick. The media attacked the Tea Party as extreme right wing, gun toting, racist and hate spewing radicals. The
left sat back and generally applauded while finding the whole thing to be a source of great amusement.
Today, the Media has a new chew toy. It's gone after the OWS movement and it's attacked with a vengeance I'm not sure I can think of a comparison
for. This time, it's the right sitting back, generally applauding and finding the whole thing to be a source of great amusement.
What is wrong with this picture??? I said a bit of this in a reply to an old thread but this goes beyond reply level.
The Tea Party *CANNOT*
achieve what it wants, by itself. The OWS movement *CANNOT* achieve what IT wants, by itself. The United States has a divide in the
political thinking of it's citizens that seems to run roughly 50/50 between right and left, so unless one side plans to attempt forcing their ideas
down the throats of the other, this simply won't work. If the force idea is even thought about, I'd note it's likely to lead to tragedy, but
nothing constructive or positive lay down that path.
So, what is it we do? How about a totally new concept here, after years of being spoon fed the 'facts' we have all taken as truth for why we must
hate and I mean *HATE* the other end of ideology from where we stand. I propose we work TOGETHER.
That's right! I have gone and said it. I've spoken blasphemy and lighting hasn't struck me in mid word as I sit here and type. The Earth isn't
opening beneath me to swallow me whole, nor do I hear dogs and cats getting along as the world goes mad outside my window.
I'm not making a joke here, I'm sick and bloody well tired of watching my nation fall into an abyss we'll NEVER recover from in our lifetimes while
everyone is so busy blasting away at one another, nothing can be accomplished to STOP THE FALL. The way I see things here, we have TWO CHOICES as a
nation and as a people.
* First, we can keep yelling at each other and generally continue the blind hate this has really become in the last 20 years while the Titanic sinks
beneath us and takes us ALL down TOGETHER.
* Second, we can join efforts between the Tea Party and the OWS movement.....set aside our differences for the short term goals BOTH sides want to
reach and really pull a trick here in showing TRUE American unity of purpose and conviction before we simply have nothing left to save, and it's over
for every last one of us, on BOTH SIDES.
*IF* we can even get to the point where major and serious change can happen WITH mutual support and combined efforts, there will be plenty of time at
that point to hash out the differences in ideology. Perhaps by that point in time, liberals and conservatives will have found a few minutes to just
drop the garbage and sit down to chat. I wasn't "infected" with some 'progressiveitus', and I'm still as conservative now as I was when I
arrived in camp at Occupy STL....but my thinking is more open to accepting we're AMERICANS, not some phoney Left and Right nonsense!
*IF*...again...IF...we can ever accomplish this seemingly HOPELESS task of working together as a people, it would scare that 1% as OWS calls it....or
the radical progressives as the Tea Party calls it, right to the tips of their pointy little heads. It may surprise some to realize in talking freely
that both groups have shockingly similar ideas and descriptions of how that 'them' is I discovered.
Either way, this is what it boils down to, and it was true once before in U.S. history as well. We WILL stand UNITED, or we'll figuratively HANG
separately. Peaceful change is the critical guiding principle here...but the stakes are no less serious or high than they were in the late 1700's.
Economic and Societal collapse is just as catastrophic as the British Occupation had become back then.
So what the heck is it to be? Do we even TRY and stop this collapse and win one for this Nation we all love and our children we want the best for?
Or...should I just logoff, go back to watching mindless television and playing my 5th run through on Deus Ex? Time is short, and a decision is needed
REAL soon. I'm dying to earn that Pacifist Award this time! (It's a Deus Ex HR thing...don't read too much into it
Lady Liberty is dying from terminal illness and it's enough to leave me with a lifetime worth of broken heart to watch it happen!! Thus ends my first
and hopefully last contribution to the Rant forum.
A People United Can Never Be DEFEATED! - Solidarity!