posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 05:13 PM
Brace Yourselves for a New World and a New World Order!
I have been on ATS for a while before becoming a member wanting to be
under the radar. Well at this point what does it matter. In this site there is a little bit of everything that makes it very interesting. Truth, BS,
Feeling, News not found in main stream and the theories makes ATS what it is. A place for seekers of what’s really going on. The Truth is Out
There....but do we always get it after the fact when nothing can be done?
Back in the 70’s we discussed many things concerning NWO. The first step in controlling the masses was to bring about economic hardship which gets
people from banning together on human issues and gets them to be concerned with only themselves and their money or lack of. Seems to be working! Even
OWS is about themselves and their economics, they are being controlled too. Second step was to totally control the media leaving the masses
misinformed and the ability to lead them like sheepole. We had a saying back then “What they don’t tell you about on the news is what’s
important and what they do is what they want you to believe”. Even with more and more people seeing what the media really is, it still stirs the
emotions, thoughts and feelings they want you to have watching it. They got real good a subliminal programming over the years. If you want a mental
vacation and a peaceful week, unplug yourself from all news and turn the TV off for that week. You will find your natural balance of peace and clarity
that’s constantly being disrupted by the BS the media serves. Third is to get everyone to choose a side which creates violence, anger and opposition
to each other keeping us separated and distracted from the strength found in unity. The NWO then has the ability to go about it’s business unnoticed
and unchecked. All you need to control are these 3 things to create an illusion of freedom and to blind one to the fact that they are chained and
shackled to a system and live the illusion of their surroundings being programmed by those who want total control and have the resources to make it
Too many things have happened that we are now at the previses of what is directly ahead, a world about to change and those who want to control what
comes from it. If you add up all the bits and pieces of info from ATS and other underground sources, from aliens, 2012 predictions, natural disasters,
government’s underground bunkers, asteroid impacts to earthquakes, what if it is a combination of some or all of the above that is coming soon, very
soon. With such control of media, any information that leaks out telling of a world wide devastation could be silenced or discredited without a
reaction from the main population. What’s coming has been know about for generations by the very few who have unlimited resources to gather
information from everywhere. The same people who want to control the world after it’s devastation. Keeping the main population intrenched in
politics and economics allows for undisturbed progression in preparations to survive.
From the underground bunkers, deep tunnel projects, seed depositories and trillions of dollars going to stimulus that no one has seen the results of,
could all be signs of what’s coming and what is being used in preparation. A very small amount of people are going to be able to take advantage of
these measures. No ticket, no ride. The majority will be left to fend for themselves above ground trying to survive. This will be where humanity falls
apart. From the disease caused by unsanitary conditions, lack of treatment from wounds, rotting carcasses both animal and human, exhausted water and
food, no heat or proper shelter, killing and stealing for survival, will bring man down to pure animal behavior where the strongest survive. This is
where it gets really twisted. Those who go underground see the above world and what it produces out of the animal nature of man as a threat. They
don’t want to come out one day to be overtaken by this new world. They don’t want these people to knock down the doors to their bunkers to get
what they will have. Food, medicine, electricity, water, computers and probably TV and entertainment. Go figure. This is a big problem to the NWO.
Their New World is not planned for our present system but rather what comes after. To feel humanitarian towards the suffering and decay of a civil
humanity above ground, humane extermination is the only answer. A virus or poison or both will be the preferred method. Has any one wondered why the
government wanted everyone to take a Swine Flu shot scarring the masses in believing it was going to be the next Black Plague? The regular flu killed
more people and anyone that died from either had a natural weakness in their immune system. They don’t want to unleash a virus that kills everyone
including themselves but what about to a populous who have taken a shot that will destroy their natural ability to be immune to a particular virus.
Just a thought next time you see a flu shot table in a DEPARTMENT STORE! What about water bottles supplied by the governments after a total and
complete collapse and disruption of our utilities? Go find a well or stream, drinking the polluted water will be safer. This might be how certain
Secret Organization’s plans on decreasing the world’s population will be carried out. They know a certain percentage of the population will
survive and they will need servants so killing everyone is not their goal.
The real question is...if you had the choice to go underground or to stay above ground when it hits the fan, what would you choose. To live like a
mole or rat having food and water but confined in a cave taking sedatives to keep from going insane from not being able to leave or to deal with the
animal nature of man hoping enough civil people have banned together to survive and to protect each other. Either way there is a cost and both lives
and worlds will change forever. A thought, why is it that our parents and grandparents call the past “The good old days” and we now find ourselves
doing the same.
We can get so wrapped up in the details and conspiracy theories, what can happen, what won’t, that we miss the big picture, the very reason for
being here. When you say “We” is it referring to a race of homo sapiens or to a race of immortal beings? Why would you be so concerned with what
happens to you here if you believe that you are spirit and immortal? If we change into new beings not bound by time and space having none of the
restrictions a mortal shell has, than why let all the doom and gloom get to you if it will be gone in both thought and reality one day forever. If you
believe that your life is only the years you have on this planet, realistically how much control do you have? And as the old saying goes “You
can’t take it with you when you go”. My concern for all of us including those who are NWO is waking up to being a true child of God who one day
can live together in a perfection not known to man. This life is for the opportunity to become such not to control such.
I had a severed aorta from a car wreck 29 years ago. Surviving it threw science out the window. I was in that place of no time and space a spirit free
of my shell. I know what is waiting for those who care for others as much as they care for themselves. Soon the thin veil between the material and
spiritual worlds will lift and God will be made known to all. This will overshadow everything that we know and everything that is going to happen.