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The Federal Reserve Explained

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posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 05:10 PM
reply to post by Pimander

You are free to use condescending language in your defence of an unfair banking system but people can see through the BS. The attempt to ennoble an unfair society is about as low as you can get in my book - whatever language you use.

The operative of ignorance is ignore. Of course, the etymology of ignorance is the Latin word ignorantia, which means "want of knowledge". In this very thread I began by dismissing the O.P.'s pathetic attempt to convince people that the federal reserve is actually more valuable than many members in this site, and it should be clear to anyone paying attention that I am one of those members, who despise the federal reserve and all it stands for.

Indeed, I have, in this very thread, referred to the federal reserve as the cartelization of banks. Whether banks are operating as a cartel, or independently of each other, I have a solid and longstanding reputation in this site as being undeniably anti-bank. This is your profound ignorance! The signs that I am anti-bank is right here in this thread, but you chose to ignore those signs simply because your feelings got hurt.

Why did you feelings get hurt? I can only guess, but my educated guess is because you recognized, by my reply to your assertion that credit cards were a scam, that I was advocating you accept responsibility for your part in that scam. Thus, you keep insisting I am being condescending, because this is what has happened to many o this planet: someone insists that people accept responsibility for their actions, and the majority cries: "Stop being condescending!"

No one ever forced you to use credit cards! No one ever conned you into using credit cards. If you have used credit cards, the information was always out there for you to discover on how banks operate and their lending practices. If you have credit cards, you are a part of the scam! You are part of that perpetuation of fraud! Accept responsibility for that or don't. Those who don't will instead blame. Blame is irrelevant. Complain, whine, and bitch all you want. No where in this thread do I see you offering up any answers and effective strategies to actually deal with the problem.

That is who you are!

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 07:25 AM

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by Pimander

Indeed, I have, in this very thread, referred to the federal reserve as the cartelization of banks. Whether banks are operating as a cartel, or independently of each other, I have a solid and longstanding reputation in this site as being undeniably anti-bank. This is your profound ignorance! The signs that I am anti-bank is right here in this thread, but you chose to ignore those signs simply because your feelings got hurt.
Oh dear, It looks like I owe you an apology. Sorry, Jean Paul. Yes I was ignorant of your true feelings regarding the banking system.

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by Pimander

Why did you feelings get hurt? I can only guess, but my educated guess is because you recognized, by my reply to your assertion that credit cards were a scam, that I was advocating you accept responsibility for your part in that scam. Thus, you keep insisting I am being condescending, because this is what has happened to many o this planet: someone insists that people accept responsibility for their actions, and the majority cries: "Stop being condescending!"
No my feelings weren't hurt. However, I was irritated by what I perceived to be the tone of the post more than the content.

Originally posted by Jean Paul Zodeaux
reply to post by Pimander

No one ever forced you to use credit cards! No one ever conned you into using credit cards. If you have used credit cards, the information was always out there for you to discover on how banks operate and their lending practices. If you have credit cards, you are a part of the scam! You are part of that perpetuation of fraud! Accept responsibility for that or don't. Those who don't will instead blame. Blame is irrelevant. Complain, whine, and bitch all you want. No where in this thread do I see you offering up any answers and effective strategies to actually deal with the problem.
Yes, most Westerners have been a part of the problem - including me. We should take into account that we have been collectively conned into thinking that it's all OK (yes I know that isn't a solution).

The entire economic system is so loaded in favour of the wealthy (Countries and People) that any potential solutions seem like an impossible dream. Is it morally acceptable that much of an economies GDP be owed to private interests? Should poorly regulated globalisation of production allow the earnings potential of working people, and therefore their standard of living, be gradually dragged down to that of Chinese workers? Should all people be held to their debts apart from the very privately owned banks (at least before partial nationalisation in the UK) who are free to be bailed out by the very tax-payers who owe them money?

The key question for me is how far are we prepared to go on order to address these problems. It seems to me that policy makers are simply trying to find ways to avoid changing the system too much and are lacking ideas or courage to try to make fundamental changes. In my opinion it would be fairer to have a publicly owned banking system while humans still need currency or as an absolute minimum much tighter regulation of private banks. That is of course without mention of writing off as much national debt as possible.

Ultimately a key part of any potential solution will either involve "TPTB" or attempt to impose solution without their cooperation. Neither seems likely until the global economy collapses even more so I see a lot more pain before much will happen.

No, that is not who I am. However, you are welcome to believe that if you wish.

Please accept my apology for being so hasty in my response. Nobody is perfect and I hope you can see that it is so difficult at times to pick up on the tone of posts on the web.

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