reply to post by notquiteright
Your growing sense of apathy can be hugely because of the programming they are conditioning us with. This is part of their great plan of action, which
they have excecuted extremely successfully.
People do not want to accept some very basic facts that 'they' have conditioned us with, because it will mean that they may have to examine
themselves. (Selflove is hard work, and we are lazy). When they do understand the implications of very simple concepts which have become second nature
because of our conditioning, it feels uncomfortable, at which point the person will elect to change their ways or remain comfortably numb about their
Simple things in our society that makes us dispassionate towards each other and contributes to growing apathy:
1.) We live in a dog eats dog world. We cannot all win, you have to loose so I can win. This, on a higher level is an illusion. We can all win. The
more you help someone to also win, the more you win.
2.) Agressive advertising: numbs the sense of free choice and confuses autonomous decision about what is kind and true and necesarry. Dog eats dog
compains to promote materliasm and discard free choice. Stimulates agression in all advertisers minds. Sitmulates greed and jelousy in the consumer's
mind. In other words less apathy.
3.) Violence and agression on tv and media: Totally numbs the senses to empathy. These images repeated to the brain will cause the perception to
become decensitised towards others. Sensationilsim encourage us to judge others, and no-one can be trusted anymore. So we learn not to care because
no-one is trustworthy.
4.) Eating meat hardens the hart. For sure. (I really am not going into an argument about this for those who want to cut up the bodies of their fellow
visitors to this planet to satisfy their palet.)
5.) Never doing something small for anyone but yourself. By starting to be just a little kind, maybe to that old lady on the bus, your sense of
empathy will start restoring itself. The opposite is also true, live egotistically and you will have no feeling for others and ego will increase.
7.) remember, that we are actually one specie, one world, one collective energy scattered into about 7 billion bodies. What you do to others will
somehow effect you, even if you don't percieve it.
8.) Materialism stimules the ego to become more selfish, needy, greedy, and never satisfied. This also contributes to apathy.
9.) Weapons. They have absolutely no purpose other than hurting each other. If we had love, peace, trust, respect and compassion as a collective
energy, weapons will be totally unnecesarry. A silly concept it will be.
A buddhist monk asked is master by which laws he can live to enhance life.
The answer his master gave:
'before you think, act or talk ask yourself these 3 questions:
1. is it true
2. is it kind
3. is it necesarry
If yes to all, you are following the law of love and compassion.