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Why I have NO repsect for smokers...none at all!! they cause Disease and Death to those around!

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posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by gamesmaster63

because I agree with the OP, you think I'm the OP?
Only 1 person on earth could hold a negative opinion about the behavior of smoking?

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 10:42 AM

Originally posted by RainbeauBleu

I would never say anything about smoking to a smoker in real life. It's fun to vent in the rant section of ATS about it, though. I'm so tired of people who smoke.

So you will not stand up for what you believe in?

Then you have no voice, nor a right to one. If you are willing to sacrifice your ideals on the altar of cowardice then why should any of us listen to you about anything?

Oh well, if you are not willing fight for your freedoms and rights, then I guess that I will have to do it for you as I do for myself and many others.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by Mcupobob
reply to post by RainbeauBleu

I'm sorry who's being selfish here? You! You hate smoking, and you want to make it sure that nobody around you doesn't smoke. You're enforcing you're will upon others, for a cleaner environment for yourself. All your anti-smoking BS is your narcissisms, your selfishness. You keep trying to equate smokers as pedophiles. Well again, all anti-smokers are Nazi, or more accurately a fascist, you want to control peoples life based on what you deem acceptable for society. This not even a hard or inaccurate generalization to make.

You cannot pick and choose which freedoms to defend, based on which ones you happen to enjoy personally. It's all or nothing.

EDIT: Another Anti-smoker Mussolini, you sure your backing the right side there buddy?
edit on 10/22/2011 by Mcupobob because: (no reason given)

Probably get zinged for a one liner, but all I can say is...BRAVO.

Just thought of another thing, I have been thinking of. It seems to me that many of the members that rant and hate the most aren't willing to even show the country that they live in. Wonder why?
edit on 22-10-2011 by gamesmaster63 because: in addendum

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by RainbeauBleu

Originally posted by Klassified
I guess we should expect nothing less from a pompous, self deluded megalomaniac with delusions of superiority over his fellow human beings.

Especially one who has chosen to worship another being (real or not), that is the enemy of of the three major monotheistic religions. (real or not). It says a lot about you.

Is OP a Satanist? Who cares? It's about freedom and it's not hurting anyone. I love OP's default. I think Santa is a thinly veiled anagram of Satan. It's my own belief that most major religions are essentially Babylonian Black Magic and Satanism. So what? You don't believe in freedom of thought and religion?

On the contrary. I'm all for anyones right to believe in whatever they choose to believe. That wasn't the point of my post at all.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by gamesmaster63

Originally posted by RainbeauBleu

I would never say anything about smoking to a smoker in real life. It's fun to vent in the rant section of ATS about it, though. I'm so tired of people who smoke.

So you will not stand up for what you believe in?

Then you have no voice, nor a right to one. If you are willing to sacrifice your ideals on the altar of cowardice then why should any of us listen to you about anything?

Oh well, if you are not willing fight for your freedoms and rights, then I guess that I will have to do it for you as I do for myself and many others.

I am not out to control anyone. They can smoke if they choose to. I just walk away while they smoke. I'm only sharing my opinion of those who smoke. That's all.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 10:47 AM
What a load of breathe crap all day that may or may not give you cancer...sick...I don't know the jury is still out in my eat things every day that may or may not give you cancer...the jury is still out on that one too...depends on which study group you believe in.

The fact is that cancer comes from a recessed gene that either you have or you don't have...I have known people that smoked all their lives...damn no cancer ...hmmm, and have know people who died of cancer...hmmm, never smoked a day.

The Media hype is alive in this one, go stand behind a diesel truck and suck in the fumes... mmmm yummy...give me a break dude. blame it all on smokers if you like but your delusions are driven by the relentless media, not true science.

Yes you can give cancer to mice if you inject them with pretty much anything in the right dose, if the recessed gene exists. They never give you the whole picture just what they want you to belive

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six
I have to ask why a man like yourself, creator of ATS and as far as I can see from your posts I have quickly read very intelligent, why you would harm yourself this way when obviously a lot of people depend on you being around!

A cigarette is a convenient delivery system for a brief bit of nicotine. A quality cigarette from all natural additive-free tobacco is a very different thing than a consumer cigarette you'd buy at a gas station -- the different between well whiskey at a dive bar, and fine 25 year old single malt scotch.

The "reflective pause" afforded by a fine cigarette, combined with the increased blood flow to the brain (from nicotine) is the moment in time where many of the new features members appreciate on ATS have been conceived.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by RainbeauBleu
Did you notice you are in the RANT FORUM?

Yes, but he started this post in Diseases and Pandemics, not the place such a rant belonged. If he had placed it in Rants to begin with, many of us would probably have just ignored it.

It might be time for ATS to start a new forum, Hate, then those of us that chose to learn and understand will know what forum to avoid.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 11:07 AM
Oh and another thing...I work in the Air conditioning industry and duct board which is in virtually all air conditioning duct systems...right there on the box is a disclaimer that states...that this is a known carcinogen in the state of why aren't every person with duct board in their duct system diagnosed with cancer...hmmm?

Now I draw the line on skin cancer because that is not caused by a recessed gene but with radiation and that is definitely caused by over overexposure as is Radon gas exposure...which is the cause of many diagnosed with lung cancer...and they never smoked a cigarette in their lives.

Just saying
edit on 22-10-2011 by Andronian because: spelling error

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by RainbeauBleu
I am not out to control anyone. They can smoke if they choose to. I just walk away while they smoke. I'm only sharing my opinion of those who smoke. That's all.

I didn't say you were out to control anyone, I said that you weren't willing to stand up for what you believe in. Two very different things.

Also, I do feel sorry for you that you have so many unreasonable and rude smokers where you live. When I smoked, I was always polite and considerate of the nonsmokers around me and always believed that all smokers should be. I even went so far as to keep a travel bottle of odor eliminator with me (once they hit the market) to spray my clothes with. I also hate the smell of smoky clothes.

As far as saying you and the OP are the same I was basing that on the similarity of writing styles, I will certainly accept your word that you are not the same people.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 11:32 AM

I'm sorry who's being selfish here? You! You hate smoking, and you want to make it sure that nobody around you doesn't smoke.
reply to post by Mcupobob

Again, a projection. I am not even mentioning anything about smoking to any smoker that I know face to face. Since I make no comments, nor judgements about smoking to those around me, how do you surmise that I 'want to make sure that nobody around me doesn't (I think you meant 'does', or you added an extra word accidentally) smoke?

Calm down and read what I wrote instead of injecting it with such flavor.
Goodness! Why are you taking my opinion so personally?

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 11:35 AM
reply to post by gamesmaster63

I don't waste my time on things that aren't going to change. If you really want people to quit smoking, you should never tell them to quit smoking nor lecture them. It doesn't work. I won't waste my energy on that. It's like nagging a hoarder. Won't work. They will change when they are ready or continue to carry on. No one can motivate anyone to change and they look like an idiot while trying to do it.

I do have my soapbox issues......but it's about the ministry of propaganda and mind control rather than smoking, veganism, pollution, politics, religion or 'science' etc. I see mind control, memes and brainwashing as the bigger problem. It probably drives my friends to smoke when I get on my soapbox...

edit on 22/10/11 by RainbeauBleu because: 3 reasons given

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Six6Six
Too me smokers are disgusting people. Not necessarily because they are killing themselves but mainly because
they pollute every little space they inhabit. The infest normal peoples lives. They take our health forgranted and they DO NOT CARE about other people around them. THEY KILL OTHER PEOPLE!!!!! FACT

There are people that society hates, despises for various reasons. From Murders to Rapists to pedophiles. each of these groups has injected their evil into other peoples lives. I think that smokers should be ranked next to these groups. The EFFECTS of passive smoking are very serious. The diseases it can and does cause are a blight on innocent people who do not live their life being a slave to a drug.

The diseases it causes in people who breathe in smoke from these smokers is a real cause for concern.

Smokers all deny this. They use every excuse in the book as to why they are not a danger to other people. They will use the old excuses that cars, industry and chemicals do more damage. They might be true there BUT does that make it ok? they still dont except the blame for their damage or the death they spread. But in reality they are more of a danger than pedophiles. The chances of any of you on ATS (as most are adults) being abused by a pedophile are miniscule. However, the chances of you being abused by a smokers smoke are very high.

Smokers also do not care about their loved ones. The effects of smoking can be seen it the eyes of their children and family. For someone to do this sort of damage to themselves and others by smoking shows a clear lack of love for those around them. SMOKERS will deny this strenuously. But if you love your kids why would you risk cancer or death while they look on?

Enjoy these Videos: this is what lays ahead for YOU the SMOKER!

You all are just as bad as rapists, murderers and pedophiles. You harm children and adults alike!!

Would you employ a drug addict? Would you let your kids be cared for by a drug addict? Would you let a drug addict stay in your home unattended? NO and we should view smokers like this.

edit on 22-10-2011 by Six6Six because: (no reason given)

Wow, I am not even sure where to start... Ok. Logical fallacies in the OP? Broad generalization: smokers don't care about their loved ones. Smokers deny the bad effects. Smokers pollute everything and make excuses. Actually, there are too many logical fallacies to point out but they are pretty much broad generalizations and ad hominem.

I also find it ironic that a satanist who supports the NWO and depopulation is worried about second hand smoke.

Also ironic: a pro-Bush satanist (as bush was a self proclaimed devout Christian)

It is hyperbole to compare smokers to pedophiles and murderers. It is like saying that, since you are a satanist, and satanists have killed people in the past, that you also want to kill people, or is that too much broad generalization based on propaganda which is based on a minority of satanists. O wait, you did say you want to kill people by supporting depopulation. I guess that puts you in the same group as murderers.

I am not going to debate whether smoking is dangerous or gross or not, as I know it is. However, you contend that all smokers make excuses for their smoking. I am a smoker and I make no excuses. I also go out of my way to make sure my smoking doesn't affect those around me. Therefore, my existence alone proves many of your logical fallacies, which you seem to rely heavily upon in your arguments throughout this thread, completely wrong, as i, apparently do not fit the criteria which you say is a constant in all smokers.

Your argument style is quite flawed and riddled with hatred. I'm sorry a rude smoker made you mad. But guess what, there are ignorant, hateful people in any group. For example: if a person were to say "smokers are disgusting people." And base that on a limited and cherry-picked selection of people from the smoker group, that would be ignorant. As I have never blown smoke in your face, nor would I.

Should I make the generalization that all satanists are ignorant bigots because of your hateful, bigoted, and logically flawed argument? I wouldn't do that as there are, of course, satanists who are not like that.

I know you probably will not respond, but hey, I tried.

Just to show that in any group, there are ignorant hateful bigots. (i obviously don't need to tell you that some ignorant bigots are smokers) Haha this was fun.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:04 PM
reply to post by Six6Six

Personally, I thought the picture was quite beautiful and have no idea why you think you could see effects of smoking.

Does it make it worse that she is a non-smoker who just doesn't happen to agree with you?

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:10 PM
Also, dude, totally rude how you insulted that girl's avatar picture. I cannot believe you actually did that and tried to use it to bolster your argument...

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:14 PM
reply to post by Six6Six

Some people smoke just to relax themselves. Every human needs pleasure or equilibrium. No body could survive if you took that away from them.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:16 PM
I smoke regularly.

My reason for smoking is because it relaxes me and makes me light-headed. I also like the smell of the smoke.

I smoke whenever and wherever I like. If someone has a problem, they solve it themselves and don't bother me about it. I can't wait for someone to stand up to me.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by RainbeauBleu
Did you notice you are in the RANT FORUM?

edit on 22-10-2011 by notquiteright because: Already posted

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by Jepic
I smoke whenever and wherever I like. If someone has a problem, they solve it themselves and don't bother me about it. I can't wait for someone to stand up to me.

I would and I'm a smoker. Just because some people, like the OP, don't have respect for others doesn't mean you have to lower yourself to that level. If non-smokers are around, like say on a patio, I move. It's my choice to pollute myself. I don't project that on others and you can be damn sure I would say something to another smoker that was being less than considerate.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by Jepic
I smoke whenever and wherever I like. If someone has a problem, they solve it themselves and don't bother me about it. I can't wait for someone to stand up to me.

I would and I'm a smoker. Just because some people, like the OP, don't have respect for others doesn't mean you have to lower yourself to that level. If non-smokers are around, like say on a patio, I move. It's my choice to pollute myself. I don't project that on others and you can be damn sure I would say something to another smoker that was being less than considerate.

But of course. I have no problem with you exercising your speech. Just keep it verbal.

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