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One In Three Americans Will Be of Hispanic Origin by the year 2050.

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posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Dr Expired

"Should this be allowed?" I don't think its up to us. Why you would even ask that question is beyond me.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by Seiko

Seiko....well done
You couldn't have said it better!

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by King_John
I don't understand the problem, the key word in the title is "One In Three AMERICANS," sure there will always be some level of heritage pride, but as an American of Hispanic descent, while I have pride in my heritage I identify myself as American and so will future generations. It doesn't really matter what your racial or culture background is, you're still American.

Unfortunately some people still think American means white. I hear it all the time, every Asian person is Chinese every Hispanic person is Mexican, etc, etc for all non-white people. The common denominator with those people (and I know quite a few) and their views is that everyone that doesn't look like them is instantly reduced to the level of someone who doesn't belong. When I call them on it it's the same response across the board "I have black friends or I know a gay guy so it's ok." It's not.

I think it boils down to plain old hate in their hearts. If they got their wish and woke up tomorrow to an all white America I'm convinced they would turn on each other sooner rather than later. Who would their next target be? Well let's see, line up a bunch of different white people and who stands out the most? Red heads, I could see it now "Irish expletive taking all our jobs and expletiving all our woman, go back to where you came from." Some people just hate anything different, sadly I don't think that will ever change.
edit on 22-10-2011 by bigern because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:37 PM
I don't see a problem with this. This is rather old news as well. People said how bad things were going to get when people came over in droves from other countries and regions. Some of them where Irish, Italians, Eastern Europeans, Roman Catholics, Jews, and people from Asia. This all happened during the last century and before that.

People were kicking and screaming about jobs being stolen, American values being destroyed, race wars, and every other doom and gloom assessment possible was going to befall the great nation of the United States. Of course there was growing pains here and there among native born traditionalists and in some instances violence. However, their concerns and worries were unfounded. Most if not all of the groups listed above have successful assimilated into the American society with time. It will be that way with the Hispanics. Now are there radical groups among the Hispanics and racists as well. Yes, but there were the same types of people among earlier immigrants as well. All in all, people come here to make a better life and contribute to society as others do. By joining the military, voting, sitting on juries, and paying taxes. I don't think anyone should feel threatened if they are part of the current white majority. I find if you treat others as you would want yourself to be treated there is no room for problems.

My personal relationships with Hispanics and Latinos have been favorable. They are members of my family and have been some of the best friends I have ever had. My Hispanic/Latino friends have been far more loyal and reliable than most of my Caucasian friends. That is the honest truth. As for illegal immigration and radical Hispanic groups that some have brought up on here. I am opposed to it and measures need to be taken to address the problem by those who are in the position of doing something about it.

As long as it is possible to get over here without bribing government officials in some backwater in Latin America or elsewhere, paying an arm and a leg, or going through mountains upon mountains of bureaucratic red tape for citizenship people are going to gravitate toward the easier route. I am not condoning the practice, but it is human nature. I do believe most people coming over here should go through the motions, because the hard work is what makes their citizenship more valuable to them. If one is not willing to put in work things are taken for granted.

All I know is this, people are still coming over here in droves. This is a phenomenon everyone is going to have to live with in the future. Immigration is what made this country the most prosperous and habitable places on the planet. If a new majority is poised to take over the reigns from another, I hope the transition is both seamless and peaceful. Time will tell, but the statistics don't lie.
edit on 22-10-2011 by Jakes51 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 03:49 AM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by Dr Expired

I became an American.

So did my mother.

I think the only one displaying ignorance here is you.

Once again your signature of personally attacking the OP is displayed...what a beacon of newly accepted immigration you are .

Anyone who disagrees with you is ignorant and worthy of insulting.

In the west we have evolved over millenium to play the issue not the man.

I have not attacked you personally , because I doubt its worth it and you display in my opinion a lack of awareness and dplus of course my upbringing didn't encourage rudeness.

You may wear a uniform..but perhaps you need to know the history and creed of the nation you have adopted?

Lest you be deemed incorrectly or not as a mercenary?

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