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Your views on channeled sources

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posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:12 PM
I finally have 20 posts after 2 years of mostly lurking, so I thought I'd start a thread about some stuff I've been looking into a lot lately.
I thought I'd use this thread to gauge the general consensus of people's opinions on the supposed channelings of aliens and higher beings. Specifically, I'm talking about the Law of One/ Ra Materials and the stuff from "The Only Planet of Choice" by Phyllis Schlemmer.
A lot of this stuff resonates with me, and feels right, especially the parts that emphasize that all things are connected, that ultimately the Divine is in all of us, because God is all things in the universe, and is in all things in the universe. The idea that Jesus came to serve as template of how to open up the Divine it each of us resonates, too, along with the belief that the popular fundamentalist view of Salvation through his death is a misunderstanding of his true teachings.
But my skeptical side wants to scream BS! I can't help it, but I find it hard to have blind faith in things that are not scientifically proven.
Then there's that residual Christian upbringing, that's like a little voice in the back of my head trying to tell me this is all some kind of Satanic deception trying to pull me away from a true Christian belief.
I'm sure I'll hear a lot from both sides of the fence, and will ultimately have more questions than answers, but I thought I'd just throw it all out there anyway.
I hope I chose the best forum, since my main question is about channeling...

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by tombanjo

I think that" channeled sources " offer such a wide wide range of information about reality that it can be wiser to pay attention to information which is not channeled.

I keep channeled information around for inspiration rather than Instruction.

That by the way was a wonderful first OP.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:42 PM
I have been reading some also,
I like the channels from hollow earth, i'm reading a few of those right now. But there are many many more. I dont really know what to think of them, i like reading them. They're very imaginative, and if true (which it very would could be), then believe them. I do, some of it is kinda outlandish, but then i remind myself to believe in the impossible. Because, in an infinite universe, there are infinite possibilities.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:44 PM
I became involved in so called "channelling" and spiritualism in the middle 1970s and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING they predicted then eventuated. NOTHING. ZILCH. I've seen channellers come and go over the years (Ramtha, Ra etc etc.) but they remain too unreliable and off track to be taken any notice of. They distract you from enjoying your world NOW. Chanelling keeps people either locked into the future or into the past with vague, nebulous predictions that are enough to entice but when examined in any great detail, always fail. The RA entity said that most of the humans currently alive will not make it past Dec 2012. I would take this with a grain of salt, like all the other half baked predictions and go out any enjoy life rather than worrying about what MAY or MAY NOT happen.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:51 PM

Originally posted by tombanjo
I finally have 20 posts after 2 years of mostly lurking, so I thought I'd start a thread about some stuff I've been looking into a lot lately.
I thought I'd use this thread to gauge the general consensus of people's opinions on the supposed channelings of aliens and higher beings. Specifically, I'm talking about the Law of One/ Ra Materials and the stuff from "The Only Planet of Choice" by Phyllis Schlemmer.
A lot of this stuff resonates with me, and feels right, especially the parts that emphasize that all things are connected, that ultimately the Divine is in all of us, because God is all things in the universe, and is in all things in the universe. The idea that Jesus came to serve as template of how to open up the Divine it each of us resonates, too, along with the belief that the popular fundamentalist view of Salvation through his death is a misunderstanding of his true teachings.
But my skeptical side wants to scream BS! I can't help it, but I find it hard to have blind faith in things that are not scientifically proven.
Then there's that residual Christian upbringing, that's like a little voice in the back of my head trying to tell me this is all some kind of Satanic deception trying to pull me away from a true Christian belief.
I'm sure I'll hear a lot from both sides of the fence, and will ultimately have more questions than answers, but I thought I'd just throw it all out there anyway.
I hope I chose the best forum, since my main question is about channeling...

Channelled sources.
Questions that should be asked...
What exactly is being said?
Is there any compulsion to believe one interpretation over another? (by the channeller - and the the channelled?)
If the information exclusively confirms your spiritual view...refer to the adage - if its too good to be true, it usually isn't true (completely).
...and other questions in this vein...

We are generally ignorant of 'agenda' in relation to even the closest humans we know...imagine a scenario where the mechanics of hypnosis, mind programming and outright manipulation come together in a loosely coordinated imagine a 'race' or 'races' of beings (perhaps not tied to this dimensional construct), but able, through advanced tech, to 'interact' with US, knowingly or unknowingly, and anything in-between.

Channelled sources would be a perfect line of interaction. Not to say the all channelled sources are malevolent. As in our terrestrial life, there are many combinations and permutations of intent.

Bottom line though, IMO, is that there be no coercion, no force, no mandatory following...FREE WILL is king. Anything which manipulates this precept is suspect. Adjunct to this, beware the snakes that will get you to do or believe something, using the instrument of your FREE WILL...all 'learning' and 'advancement' is done at an individual level for the common good (while maintaining the balance)...some will advance some will not, to continue the loop of existence at this level.


posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:25 AM
A wonderful question. Thanks for posting.

I have been extremely interested in channeling since my early adulthood, and I feel I have gained a wealth of information from reading channeled material.

Authors that come to mind particularly are Jane Roberts of the Seth Material, which was extraordinary and very ground breaking material. I have also really enjoyed Barbara Marciniak of Bringers of the Dawn, and Barbara Hand Clow, The Pleiadian Agenda and The Pleiadian Agenda. I'm also very impressed with material from the author Quan Yin. The last three books mentioned were all published by Bear & Co in the 90s.

What I think is most important when reading channeled material is to use your intuition and feel the information rather than try to logically determine if it's real or not.

Reality is a slippery substance and locking into logic is not always recommended.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 07:28 PM
reply to post by tombanjo

A lot of this stuff resonates with me, and feels right, especially the parts that emphasize that all things are connected, that ultimately the Divine is in all of us, because God is all things in the universe, and is in all things in the universe.

But my skeptical side wants to scream BS! I can't help it, but I find it hard to have blind faith in things that are not scientifically proven.
Then there's that residual Christian upbringing, that's like a little voice in the back of my head trying to tell me this is all some kind of Satanic deception trying to pull me away from a true Christian belief.

I don't speak to you from any side of the fence. Just follow whatever feels "right" to you.

May we suggest something?

When in doubt/confusion, meditate. Yes, yes, you've heard it countless times. It seems extremely simple, and yet... nobody finds the time nor the place to do it. And when it comes right down to it, nobody takes the step because it seems impractical and it seems easier to keep oneself occupied with the more "important" (i.e. trivial) things of everyday life.

But again, we suggest you meditate.

Do you know how? Preferably in a silent location/room/bed. Preferably outside. Preferably in the morning/sunlight. Preferably sitting or laying comfortably.

1. Ponder for a moment the doubts/confusions you have. Bring them to mind. Focus on them there.

2. Next, close your eyes and clear your mind from all things/doubts/preconceptions/worries/problems/emotions/expectations. And... wait.

How long does this take? As long as you may need/feel like.

3. Hopefully, you should feel much more "cleared", refreshed and alleviated afterwards. Hopefully, your doubt/confusions will have dissipated. Hopefully you will have received your own answers/revelations. If not immediately, then later on. Have patience. Allow time to take its time.

And whenever needed, meditate again.

The "truth" can/will ultimately be known by you and YOU only.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by tombanjo

As for your original query about "channeling":

Think radio or TV stations. There are different channels with different contents aimed at different audiences.

I can tell you "channeling is real; that is, a human receptor/transmitter is getting info/data/knowledge from a 'higher/otherworldy/extradimensional' source", but that doesn't prove anything at all. And I don't need to convince myself of anything I know; it is you who is seeking to know the, shall we say, "veracity" or "falsity" of these things. And in that, I truly cannot help you help yourself, other than by offering my, what may seem to you, "opinion" or "take on it".

So let's attempt to elucidate on this matter.

You should understand, first and foremost, that just as "humans" have different intentions/motives/agendas AND degrees of awareness/understanding/knowledge, it is essentially the same with these "channeled" entities or sources of information. The only difference being a, let's say, "dimensional distance" between the entities having the conversation (one in "lower" density of consciousness and the other in a "higher" one); but other than that, it's not too different than having a phone conversation or an internet chat between two or more persons/groups/entities.

In a very true sense, if your level of awareness is greater (i.e. it encompasses/partakes more of the truth/light/wisdom), then you are going to have more knowledge than someone whose degree of awareness is lesser. However, this does not mean that the information offered/conveyed must be entirely true nor that it is meant to "enlighten" you (i.e. just as there is information, there exists disinformation as well).

The best way to deceive someone after all, is by sanwitching the truth between lies.

Aside from that, there is this little (big) "problem" that the information being imparted is inevitably going to be, to greater or lesser degree, distorted by the mere fact that it is "translated" into words or verbal context by the channeler/receiver/transmitter. Words and verbal communications are not the, shall we say, "cleaner" means of communication, and a lot of misunderstanding/misinterpration may ensue from this (i.e. choice of words, semantics/pragmatics, etc).

Therefore, your discernment is your own. Trust in yourself more than anything else! No need to believe blindly! Question, ask, ponder! Follow whatever feels "right" to you. Yes, certainly, utilize/research/rely/ask other sources of information. Gather and corroborate data. But remember, it's not about quantity, it's not about amassing loads of data or reading thousands of books, it's about quality. You are seeking quality.
Try not to get caught in the verbosity, words or terminology of the "channeled" material; instead try to "read between the lines" so as to grasp the essence, the core, the heart of the message. And take what resonates WITH you.
And also remember, one may understand the theory, but have no practice/experience of it. So seek your own "personal" experience. Search your own truth.

And if your truth sounds like my truth, then perhaps... OUR truth is the same truth.

Enjoy your journey!

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 08:09 PM
Channeled information has never sat right with me. Some very interesting stuff, indeed, but I'm big on being able to verify information, and it's already difficult enough to do that with things of this nature, let alone with something that's just coming from some random persons mind.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 03:15 AM

Originally posted by aaronez
The RA entity said that most of the humans currently alive will not make it past Dec 2012. I would take this with a grain of salt, like all the other half baked predictions and go out any enjoy life rather than worrying about what MAY or MAY NOT happen.

Where is this stated in the Ra material?

I've been studying these books for a while now & have never come across this.

Ra stated the 'harvest' would be in approx 30 years (This in 1981). Is this what you are referring to?

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 11:39 AM
I think what he means is that there's a few that are 51% STO and a few that are 1% STS, with the majority falling somewhere in between. Those in between will not graduate to 4th density, but will continue on in 3rd density on another planet, since our planet will eventually become unsustainable to 3D life.

PS- thanks to those that have commented so far. I haven't forgotten about the thread. I've just been watching to see what kind of responses I get, and pondering on the ones given so far.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 11:55 AM
I had a lady stay with me a while back who used to channel light beings.

I read a little of her stuff, she had like 1000's of pages of channeled material, and I came to the conclusion from reading her stuff along with what I experienced as a kid, that channeling most of the time is the sub-conscious mind putting forward what a person feels at the core of their being.

Now, it could be that the sub-conscious mind is getting information from the super-conscious, but I have no idea for certain. I have guides, and they tend to spill out information sometimes, and I often wonder if it is channeling or guide talk?

What is the difference between spirit contact and channeling?

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