posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:47 PM
I watched the second videos since the first is unwatchable for me... I do not know why he is labeling himself as the 1% from what he is saying in his
video he sounds like part of the 99% to me and after reading more about him he definitely sounds like he is not part of the 1%
I do not know if he is saying that to get people to talk to him or if he believes that.
Just because you have wealth does not make you part of the 1% it is how you gained that wealth and what you choose to do with it that makes you part
of the 1%
If you choose to use your wealth to oppress the american people by lobbying congress to pass bills that are good for no one but yourself and the
corrupt congress members that you are paying off then you are part of the 1%
If you use your wealth to influence the government to change laws that benefit you and screw the american people, you are part of the 1%
Those are just a few examples of people who belong in the 1% category.... I do not think that this guy has anywhere near enough money to get into the
1% category and since he seems to be against the government stealing money from us and spending it on things that they shouldn't be it also sounds
like he is not part of the 1%
The 1% do not educate people on how we are being screwed, they are the ones who screw us... So that makes him part of the 99% because by his own
admission he is getting screwed on taxes himself and I can tell you the only reason he pays such huge amounts for taxes like the rest of us people who
aren't billionaires is because he doesn't have enough money or powerful friends to get the tax breaks and backroom deals that they do