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Will Alex Jones shoot himself in the foot via #OWS?

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posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Alex Jones, through his Infowars site, radio show, et al., continues his smear campaign versus the #OWS

Alex Jones has shot himself in the foot many times. The people involved with him, or his media, typically get fed up and leave his BS in the ashes every time this happens. How many people in the #OWS movement probably owe some form of impetus in their activism to Jones? At least a few, I'm sure. If they are not already, so many of them will be ashamed, and furious when they realize they've been hornswaggled by him and he is trying to burn them in action.

His broadstroke demonization efforts against the #OWS movement will undoubtedly expose his true nature to thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of people.

You cannot visit Infowars without seeing three, or more, horribly written and wildly spun articles about the #OWS movement from his C-level article spinning staff/contributors. At first, I was really surprised to see such a revealing effort on his part. He is actually following the expected playbook of the extremist-right to a "T"! It's crazy.

Don't be fooled by phony battle lines.

There is a desperate attempt to try and draw familiar battle lines within this movement from a far Right and far Left perspective. The greatest fear comes from the fact that this group is way, WAY bigger than any one man, small group of leaders, and represents real people, and real problems, and largely eclipses the phony BS of the two-party paradigm that the media must perpetuate in order to keep us "engaged in the battle (on our couches)."

I'm curious how big of a hit Alex Jones is really gonna take from his - so obviously transparent - position against the type of movement he ostensibly should be championing?

I will freely admit that I owe much of my original exposure to the 911 truth concept to Alex Jones. But ever since then I've seen more and more glitches in his illusion. The more you look, the more you realize he is not what he appears to be. He is basically exactly what he sells you to stand against.

Who is watching the watchdog?

I'm betting his position against #OWS will rightfully liberate a huge portion of his viewership.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:51 PM
For the 2 years I've actually paid attention to Alex, it seems like he's a slick salesman. Just like you said. He'll sell you the illusion.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:51 PM
The only times I really see alex jones is on ATS, and frankly I did not know that he was badmouthing OWS. Thats definately shooting himself in the foot as far as Im concerned.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by TimeSpiral

I will freely admit that I owe much of my original exposure to the 911 truth concept to Alex Jones. But ever since then I've seen more and more glitches in his illusion. The more you look, the more you realize he is not what he appears to be. He is basically exactly what he sells you to stand against.

I was in the same boat so I agree with you 100%. It started to fall apart for me when AJ spent YEARS exposing the false left/right none sense, but then when about to release his Obama Deception, goes out of his way to divide people by left and right and pushes that over and over. he's a con man. Maybe back at the beginning he was honest, but it's all glitter,smoke and mirrors now.

Personally, I think AJ is upset that this mass movement has nothing to do with him, at all, he played no role getting it started, and plays no role now.

See, AJ managed to convince a lot of people he started the whole 911 truth movement. Actually, like it or lump it, Michael Moore basically started that, he was the first main stream source to bring some of the questions to light.

Anyways, I feel this is entirely related to AJ's ego. In his mind is easy to explain:

"There is no way these people could possibly form this movement without me, so it's CIA and must be destroyed"

Or, and probably closer to the mark:

"There is no way these people could possibly form this movement without me, so it must be destroyed"

AJ is the "champion of truth" and the original "infowarrior" and he'll be damned before he sees people actually doing something without a blowhard fat balding man with a bullhorn egging them on.

I agree, he probably helped wake a lot of these people up, but if they still support him, he's succeeded at blinding them and putting them back to sleep, albeit in a different bed.

The only times I really see alex jones is on ATS, and frankly I did not know that he was badmouthing OWS

Pretty much from the start, when infowars and his gang of overweight truth seekers (keepers) were'nt invited or singled out as being the spearhead. all you need to do is hit any of the AJ network sites and read what they are posting about OWS.

You'd almost think you were reading Fox news, but at least FOx is still pushing this "they have no voice" none sense where AJ has gone past that and is actively making crap up about them and their connections to Soros and the NWO.

Which is a joke, look at any video or photo, or even go in person, and you will see there is no "organization" to have been co-opted. It literally is merely thousands of people who all agree that the system is broken and needs fixing now, that's the closest thing to an organization these guys can provide.

edit on 21-10-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:58 PM
I have found him to be very hypocritical over the whole thing. He says that the MSM are trying to paint OWS as a leftist movement, while doing the very same thing himself, every night. He promoted some of the occupy's in his area and visited a few, but never really stuck with it, wasn't prepared to get his tent out that's for sure. Surely this is the opportunity he has been waiting for.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:58 PM
reply to post by woodwardjnr

Surely this is the opportunity he has been waiting for.

Yes but they didn't make him the figure head and his feelings are hurt.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:02 PM
Who knows the future? Last I checked, no body.

So, maybe AJ is right, maybe our urge to protest is being used against us? How do we really know??

Have you ever played Chess? Have you ever read Sun Tzu's Art of War? Have you read Machiavelli's The Prince?

Really let's think about this in different ways, from multiple perspectives.

Could TPTB be utilizing funding and well-hidden connections with various organized groups in order to control, form, and grow this movement in their own direction? --- This is a very important question we should analyze.

What types of end game situations could develop from this type of movement if it were being controlled or molded from the top? ---Very good legitimate question.

Is there any way TPTB can profit off of this type of development? --- Food for thought.

All I am saying is before we assume the answer is either black or white, let us open our minds to a more complex set of possibilities and see which ones are more likely than others.

Also, try to not allow your emotions and knowledge that we do live in a highly corrupt world system distract you from the facts or dissuade you from acknowledging something fishy is going on here.

There could be way more to this than it appears at initial observations. We need to look deeper into this to generate more accurate ideas.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:04 PM
reply to post by phishyblankwaters


I have been following Luke Rudowski on twitter, This guy is way more genuine than Alex and is supporting OWS in a really positive way. He's certainly no hard line Marxist.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:08 PM
Anyone who lives their life solely based on what Alex, or anyone, thinks already has underlying issues that needs attention. If Alex has power over any of his listeners, it's because those particular listeners are looking for a someone to think for them. Always blaming the messenger and never targeting the message.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:11 PM
Listen and discern for yourselves people, stop resorting to player-hating like you've done since junior high and on. AJ could care less what anybody thinks. That being said, I know his heart is in the right place. Is he perfect???? Are any of us?

Go out and do something useful yourselves. Stop with the whining already.


posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash

So, maybe AJ is right, maybe our urge to protest is being used against us? How do we really know??

See, if that's what AJ was saying I'd agree. He's not. He's saying its a CIA run psyop. Yes, TPTB are obviously trying to use this to their advantage, just like the g10, g8, g20.

Why do you think you are hearing so much about the American Nazi party supporting OWS?

No one person started this, no one person is in charge, and by extension, there is nothing to co-opt.

Now in a round about way, this will help "them" because as they change the laws and try to make this illegal (right to protest is a founding principle of America) the mass civil disobedience will be used as a pretext to crack down hard.

AJ wants you to believe the entire point of OWS is to get the crackdown, it clearly is not. And I'm 100% positive if they invited AJ and his bullhorn to be their "leader" he'd be speaking very differently about OWS.

Now, that said, I should make it clear that most of the anti-ows rhetoric coming from infowars is from other editors, AJ has been mild in what he's directly saying (still hoping for an invite?)

It's just funny, he helped start these movements with moneybombs and gimping google trends and search results, but now people are using those tactics to actually do something other than sell collidal silver, he's upset.

AJ could care less what anybody thinks.

You are so wrong that I feel bad for you, i followed him for 10 years, well 9 in reality stopped that far in. Every single video that was posted got reposted via my youtube account (and watched) and infowars radio was on 24/7 here at work.

He only cares what you think.

Anyways, back to the OPs original statement, yes, he is totally shooting himself in the foot, but it's only a grazing shot.
edit on 21-10-2011 by phishyblankwaters because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:26 PM

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Anyone who lives their life solely based on what Alex, or anyone, thinks already has underlying issues that needs attention. If Alex has power over any of his listeners, it's because those particular listeners are looking for a someone to think for them. Always blaming the messenger and never targeting the message.

True facts!

It is true however that a vast percentage of the overall population (say 90% or so), actually require other people to think for them most of the time. It's a crutch for the disabled, and even though we know they aren't actually disabled, having crutches around all the time spoils us and so we take the easy road most of the time.

Most people will deny a fact 100% until their TV agrees with it, then it becomes "officially a fact". Which is totally absurd because in REALITY, facts either exist or they don't, there is no "well now it exists because so-and-so said so".

People are cultists in a religion that worships Personality. They need "official authority" to direct them, otherwise they feel helpless and directionless.

This wonderful song should put things into perspective for anyone interested:

Living Color "Cult of Personality"

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by JibbyJedi
Anyone who lives their life solely based on what Alex, or anyone, thinks already has underlying issues that needs attention. If Alex has power over any of his listeners, it's because those particular listeners are looking for a someone to think for them. Always blaming the messenger and never targeting the message.

True facts!

It is true however that a vast percentage of the overall population (say 90% or so), actually require other people to think for them most of the time. It's a crutch for the disabled, and even though we know they aren't actually disabled, having crutches around all the time spoils us and so we take the easy road most of the time.

Most people will deny a fact 100% until their TV agrees with it, then it becomes "officially a fact". Which is totally absurd because in REALITY, facts either exist or they don't, there is no "well now it exists because so-and-so said so".

People are cultists in a religion that worships Personality. They need "official authority" to direct them, otherwise they feel helpless and directionless.

This wonderful song should put things into perspective for anyone interested:

Living Color "Cult of Personality"

This sort of position always bothered me.

There is nothing inherently wrong with the essence of a leader/follower relationship from a social standpoint. It is completely natural. It is apparent all throughout nature. It's really not that bad of an example.

It's a terrible thing for those with natural leadership abilities, like yourself (I presume) to dog those who may benefit from strong leadership.

Things get bad when corruption, and greed, and malice enter the relationship; when the trust between the leaders and those who empower them is abused. This concept is at the heart of the #OWS movement. The "leader" in this particular scenario is an idea, a collective sense, an previously unspoken thread that units 99% of us, the leader in this particular scenario is a symbol. It is more than "just a man" or "just a man who is leading."

AJ has betrayed this trust many times and is doing it in a big way now. It's unfortunate for him, and so fortunate for those who will realize this.

To be a little humorous now, to lighten things up, #OWS is Batman.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by TimeSpiral

It's a terrible thing for those with natural leadership abilities, like yourself (I presume) to dog those who may benefit from strong leadership.

I apologize but I must admit it becomes incredibly frustrating.

We are repetitively lead off the cliff to our demise, and it takes decades before a decent individual comes along that has the right traits needed to lead people to a better future.

Instead what we have is a pattern, of both the leaders using their followers for personal profit and gain no matter what detriments befall their populace, and the reality that many people simply do not know any facts and base most of their ideas and opinions on fantasy or wishful thinking.

These two things combined are a powder keg of self-destruction and leads to a degradation of the quality of society in all aspects.

I admit it's incredibly difficult to hold myself back from disparaging such a system, it's peoples, and it's leaders.

I suppose that is a result of my own incompetence and my indoctrination, because it is very commonplace to use ridicule to attempt to shift the behavior of people. Perhaps in my own frustrations and lack of pertinent data, I collapse into repeating the very tactics that I was dismayed and displeased with in the first place.

Hey I'm guilty. I admit it.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 08:36 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by TimeSpiral

It's a terrible thing for those with natural leadership abilities, like yourself (I presume) to dog those who may benefit from strong leadership.

I apologize but I must admit it becomes incredibly frustrating.

We are repetitively lead off the cliff to our demise, and it takes decades before a decent individual comes along that has the right traits needed to lead people to a better future.

Instead what we have is a pattern, of both the leaders using their followers for personal profit and gain no matter what detriments befall their populace, and the reality that many people simply do not know any facts and base most of their ideas and opinions on fantasy or wishful thinking.

These two things combined are a powder keg of self-destruction and leads to a degradation of the quality of society in all aspects.

I admit it's incredibly difficult to hold myself back from disparaging such a system, it's peoples, and it's leaders.

I suppose that is a result of my own incompetence and my indoctrination, because it is very commonplace to use ridicule to attempt to shift the behavior of people. Perhaps in my own frustrations and lack of pertinent data, I collapse into repeating the very tactics that I was dismayed and displeased with in the first place.

Hey I'm guilty. I admit it.

Surprisingly candid response, Muzzle.

I, some random Internet guy, respect that.

I wasn't trying to single you out, rather used your post to illustrate a point that often arises in conversations like this. Those that are so fed up with the crock of # being spoonfed through the charlatans, msm, and just general-life dimwitts can create this perception that all non-leaders are sheeple that are better off slaughtered and the only people left are leaders, and they're all corrupt and should be slaughtered.

It boils down to this weird, unwitting, defeatist attitude that buries one of the greatest elements that defines humanity: society. The leader/follower | learn/teach | student/mentor relationship is sacred and has stood the test of time.

Let's keep our eye on the prize!

It's not main stream media.

It's not the president.

It's not wall street.

It's not welfare.

It the human tendency towards greed, corruption, and control that we need to keep in check. This can be done.

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