posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 11:46 PM
Originally posted by RANT
Sounds pretty negative. Glad I missed it.
Tonight's convention was far from negative. It was upbeat, optimist about the future of America and the strength of our nation to battle our enemies
in their own backyards rather than our own. The mentions of Kerry were comparisons of Kerry's Congressional voting record (or lack thereof) and the
force of Bush's unwaivering leadership in comparison to the shifting positions of Kerry.
No one had anyting bad to say about Kerry, as a war hero or as an individual. He was only faulted on his evident lack of personal resolve. All of
which is fair game for a political convention. There were many calls for unity among the nation and the political parties to come together in the
cause of combating terrorism in the spirit that followed 9/11.
I can't wait to see the trascripts of the speeches.