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Remote viewing (missing) Lisa Irwin. See the results - Need feedback

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posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by silo13

If what you sense is correct, then perhaps someone in the home was using one of those cell phone based texting and dating sites?

I have an ex sister in law that was addicted to those sexually orientated webs. I always warned her that she could end up in some basement if she did not stop.

Did the perpetrator steal the cell phones to hide any trace of their involvements?

Perhaps look into some of the social meeting sites to find answers...

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by silo13

I know that we all can do this. Its just a matter of focus. I unfortunalty cannot do this on demand. I can get stuff sometimes while meditating. Often I just pick up on emotions. Like just before a bad hurricane I started feeling depressed. Right before 911 same thing. These are emotions that feel like they are not mine and are mine at the same time. In May I got a feeling of great relief and that was when they got Osama bin Laden. And again this week, not really a feeling of joy but of relief and hope. This usually happens a few days ahead and all I can do is wait to see what it is. I rarely tell anyone because, well you know why.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by antar

All reasons why I was thinking 'viewing' Google might have more implications than we could imagine. And yes, there is every reason to look at the possibilities one or both of the parents were involved in questionable use of the internet.
I'm not implying they were, I'm saying, this day in age it's a fact that can't be left unstudied.


posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 01:52 PM
reply to post by karen61057

Very interesting to hear 'your side' of how this phenomena works.

I see it as (also) being one of the problems.

For everyone it seems to be a different mechanism of 'contact' if you will.

How can we all compare and learn from one another when the experience is different for each of us?

I guess the question contains the answer - we have to just keep sharing and trying.

Thank you so much - stay in touch!

I'm thinking of 'trying' again later... I'll let you know what happens.

Can I be so bold as to give you a little advice? You say you don't 'share' because of negative responses. Wellll...

Don't ever ever forget. You don't need anyone else's validation to know who and what you are, and what you do - is REAL!

I hope you find the freedom and peace in that - as I have.


posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 01:53 PM
For the past year any time I focus on Haleigh all I get is a dark pick up truck under water in a river where a large tree over hangs the bank. It is the same "picture" every time. I do not get anything else, no feelings, no talking. Just the truck in the water and I am seeing it from overhead. My feelings on this are that they will never find her.
If you want I will try this for Lisa.

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 12:17 PM
I'm curious to see if any of these images or visions end up being accurate, (if we ever find out the truth).
I've never tried to remote viewing, I'm tempted to try tonight and just see what I come up with.
Interesting to read what others are seeing!

posted on Oct, 23 2011 @ 01:04 PM
not sure i should post what I see, very distressing. she has a blanket, possibly pink. confined space, not laid on her back, slightly tilted on her left side, curled up a little, windy, drizzling rain, trees, mature, oak.

thats the least disturbing picture I can describe :-(

posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 02:47 AM
reply to post by eccentriclady

Thank you for telling us. It's important on many levels.
If you 'see' or 'feel' anything else please let us know.
I'm not so sure if I'm going to try again or not (emphasis on try) but your post has given me more courage to do so.


posted on Oct, 24 2011 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by silo13

What I find is that if I share it with like minded people I get positive reinforcement. That I will take in buckets because it actually helps psi and techniques like remote viewing.
I just avoid sharing with folks that are not open to it. It makes them uncomfortable and it puts out negative vibes that can adversely affect the workings of psi phenomena.
If I could get anything useful that I could tell a person such and such a thing that would be great but its so hit or miss or just an emotion and I cant really do anything with it.

posted on Oct, 25 2011 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by silo13

The below are links to the sights I have been following - they reference other areas but it is interesting because they seem to be both on "the same page." They both have other's commenting on dreams and visions of baby Lisa.
I am a newbie....hopefully this works .....

That drawing of above reminds me of an oil "cript" used by restaurants (fast food mostly) where they dispose of used oil and it is pumped and recycled - like a fuel replinishing one would physically look or inspect the "well" not sure why I chose the word cript...but well is more of a better term. Hopefully NOT part of the true conciousness that she has passed! With that said Deb saying she was greiving...I grieve when my daughter doesn't call well. But no a good word for the networks to run with.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 01:59 PM

Originally posted by eccentriclady
not sure i should post what I see, very distressing. she has a blanket, possibly pink. confined space, not laid on her back, slightly tilted on her left side, curled up a little, windy, drizzling rain, trees, mature, oak.

thats the least disturbing picture I can describe :-(

I'm not sure if this is remote viewing.. but one night as I lay in bed..thinking about little lisa.. I got a distinct picture of an older woman .. maybe 50 to 60.. sandy blonde hair.. shoulder length.. very blue eyes.. she was scared yet excited.. she had lisa in a room..and a big man came in to go to the room. It was just a big dark outline..couldn't see the man.

A few days later I got another picture of her.. hurting Lisa..

Just thought I'd throw it in here..

edit on 17-12-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 29 2012 @ 05:20 AM
reply to post by silo13

I can see the connection Silo, well done for your first try. Don't give up on Remote Viewing, it doesnt seem to work for me, I kinda have spontaneous Remote Viewings, and see things when it suits them and not me! I have tried, many times but nothing. But I have had lots of weird spontaneous ones. I have a book I keep, with newspaper cuttings that I have been able to link to a few. I know when it's happened, because it is like watching a short movie. Maybe what happens to me, has another name other than RV, I don't know.

I looked for any news on Lisa today, nothing anywhere. It always brings up ATS in my Google searches which is how I found this

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