posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 09:00 PM
Is America really divided or is that just something that our government actually promotes, a nation divided 50/50, or close to it? Dont you thing
that over 50% of the country thinks that our government is not doing a good job? I certainly do. I think that for the most part, things are going to
happen no matter who (Dems/Reps) is in power. Consider this quote:
�In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way.�
-Franklin Delano Roosevelt
I think the politicians just intentionally have stupid Dem/Rep debates to make people think that there is hope for change.
Check out this link for a more extensive evaluation and several more quotes, mostly from our Founding Fathers, and mostly one that our current
government has done the opposite of.