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[Disgusting picture contained]: This is China, a new rising world power. So try your best to constra

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:30 AM
Without proof of some kind your whole thread = hate mongering and shock-schlock.

Either give some proof or get off.

Oh and by the way? The ONLY difference between those babies and the ones that are aborted in the USA?

Companies in the USA BUY aborted babies to use their tissue in research to make foods/drink like Pepsi taste better.

Pepsi Uses Aborted Fetal Cells in the research and development of artificial flavor enhancers.

Now tell me who are the barbarians!

edit on 20-10-2011 by silo13 because: bbc

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:34 AM
WOw..... I was eating a first thing i see is this...DISGUSTING.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:35 AM
Yes, I think that we've got the message that those Chinese are very bad people....

Not that I condone this but if you want to look at blood and gore, what does one surmise occurs when we inadvertently level an afghani/pakistani/Iraqi home with one of our unmanned "predator" drones ?

Just because it isn't all over the news doesn't mean that it doesn't happen under our watch as well ...

In the post WWII era we've killed a lot more unborn babies and their mother's than are pictured in this pile.

Look at the Mai Lai Massacre in Vietnam for example ?

And not to mention The birth defects as a result of the long term effects of depleted uranium are killing and deforming human fetuses in Iraq and Afghanistan at this very moment.

Yes, what they have done here is by their laws, unfortunately to control their population....but using chemical warfare as in depleted Uranium isn't much more civil because it causes long term genetic defects for generations due to the genealogical damage as a result of the radioactive induced mutations.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by
reply to post by Deon

i'm not really understanding your point.. gruesome photo + political statement = ???

Political statement because of a, yet another, recent Biden gaffe.

Vice President Joe Biden traveled all the way to China on a goodwill mission, and ended up getting into a fight with abortion foes back home for sympathizing with the communist country’s one-child policy. The blowback prompted the vice president to retract his comments.

Concerned Women for America said, "Vice President Biden's approval of China's one-child policy, which uses forced abortion to enforce the law, crosses the lines of ignorant and wrong,” NPR’s It’s All Politics blog reported.

Biden’s comments came in response to a question about China’s holding $1 trillion in U.S. debt. The vice president, perhaps seeking common ground, explained that the United States and China share a problem in that there are fewer workers to support an aging population.

“But as I was talking to some of your leaders, you share a similar concern here in China. You have no safety net. Your policy has been one which I fully understand — I'm not second-guessing — of one child per family,” he said. “The result being that you're in a position where one wage earner will be taking care of four retired people. Not sustainable.”

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:41 AM
I think the op should have opened with this and then added a warning, shocking photos. For this is real folks, not made up, they, China, dispose unwanted baby's like we dispose of used tires. to give you how they feel, from the link

On the garbage dumps that surround Beijing, scavengers from time to time will find a newborn baby girl amid the stinking refuge.
the real sicking part is, this not only is it done with no thought but as the article says;

Sometimes she is still alive.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by silo13
Without proof of some kind your whole thread = hate mongering and shock-schlock.

Either give some proof or get off.

Oh and by the way? The ONLY difference between those babies and the ones that are aborted in the USA?

Companies in the USA BUY aborted babies to use their tissue in research to make foods/drink like Pepsi taste better.

Pepsi Uses Aborted Fetal Cells in the research and development of artificial flavor enhancers.

Now tell me who are the barbarians!

edit on 20-10-2011 by silo13 because: bbc
lots of people got long term police surveillance for trying to protect people from Birth Control agency, or trying to talk to foreign media.
His is on news just because his bravery made him known. There are lots more unknown.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:45 AM
Could you put a link so we can verify just what the picture is supposed to represent?
A photo can be portrayed in many different ways.

On another note, this also happens in India (girl babies are buried alive) and it also happened in Western history among some of the greatest cultures, the Spartans being the most famous for it.

I know I said it the other day concerning the toddler but metinks someone really wants us to hate the Chinese at an unconscious level.
These dead baby and toddler images remind me of the old anti-German, sorry, anti-Nazi, sorry, anti-Hun (which ones are the good guys now and which ones are the bad? They keep changing their mind every couple of decades...) propaganda. Remember that we have become much more desensitized to violent and horrific imagery than back then -

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:46 AM
I'd really love to demonize China over this but to be honest, the Abortions happening in the USA are no less barbaric.

Disposal of the aborted is handled a bit differently, I suppose when you look at it, we do a much better job in that regard.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by Deon

No use to picking on China. America is just as bad only neater about the out come. God knows the plight of each and everyone of these children regardless of the nation responsible. Judgement is coming. Agree or disagree, it's still coming. If you want to know who is the blame, all you and I need to do is look in the mirror.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:54 AM

Originally posted by Aestheteka
Could you put a link so we can verify just what the picture is supposed to represent?
A photo can be portrayed in many different ways.

On another note, this also happens in India (girl babies are buried alive) and it also happened in Western history among some of the greatest cultures, the Spartans being the most famous for it.

I know I said it the other day concerning the toddler but metinks someone really wants us to hate the Chinese at an unconscious level.
These dead baby and toddler images remind me of the old anti-German, sorry, anti-Nazi, sorry, anti-Hun (which ones are the good guys now and which ones are the bad? They keep changing their mind every couple of decades...) propaganda. Remember that we have become much more desensitized to violent and horrific imagery than back then -

Maybe I didn't make it clear: Women were forced for abortion by government agency. It is not one's choice whether one likes girl or not. If one is going to have a second child, the fetus must immediately be aborted, or lots of terrible things would happen to the family, especially in the rural areas.
This is the source you were asking for.
edit on 20-10-2011 by Deon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:57 AM
China has always been a hot button issue with me. We can debate whether or not they are civilized or whether a civilized nation would do the stuff they do until the cows start crowing. Fact is, I just simply don't agree with their practices.

China practices some of the most horrendous, in my opinion, things without actually outright killing or torturing their citizens. Granted, you could argue that they do this due to their economic and political system which is arguably even worse than here in the States but I digress.

They seem to think they are high and mighty, far above any other living thing on the planet. Ever hear about that villager killing and eating the last tiger there? Or how about them bringing the population of the giant soft-shelled turtle down to one? I'm not trying to say the US is any better, but at least we put on the guise of caring and sometimes make an attempt. In many cases we have been and continue to be successful in this regard.

The culture bothers me in and of itself. They believe humans are the be all end all species and they can do whatever without any regard to the planet's other life forms. Bear bile farms are just the start. They harvest numerous animals for various things as "medicine" and the like. It's atrocious the way they treat these animals, too.

Let's not forget the blatant disregard for human life, too, and the idea that every family needs a male. They breed and breed and throw away the females simply because they want a male to carry on an ancient tradition that makes no sense in the modern world. There is absolutely no reason a female can't perform the same role (look at Chinese-Malaysians, they put the responsibility on the eldest regardless of gender) but, the Chinese simply hold onto the age-old beliefs of males being the dominant gender. I'm a male, and even I see how poorly women are treated in some countries; as if they aren't worth more than child-carriers. Any biologist can tell you women are more important than men in the grand scheme of things. We're simply DNA packets. Guess how poorly the predominantly male scientists felt after they figured that out.

Harvesting animals, cruelty to them and their own people, continuing horrible poverty for the sake of the top bureaucrats, and carrying on pointless, ancient traditions. There's a reason China is suffering in more ways than one: they refuse to grow and change. While they advance technologically, they remain static culturally, and eventually they are going to realize their stupidity and hubris. Until that time, however, I will remain utterly disgusted with their practices.

For the record: I'm not racist or anything of the sort. I actually have a Chinese girlfriend. Her parents came to the states some 25 years ago. I don't like stereotyping and generalizing, but in some cases they work. I give every individual a fair shot and reserve judgement, but looking at a society as a whole makes it impossible to assess and each every individual. My girlfriend and her family sit in the same boat as I and actually feel ashamed for their race's behavior. Every week I hear from them about some new atrocity the Chinese committed and how sickened they are on the subject. The point is: my girlfriend's family is modernized. They don't cling to ancient traditions that are utterly useless, nor to they condone cruelty to animals or fellow humans. I just wish the culture as a whole would take a few steps forward. We all live on the same planet, and everything from land and air to plants and animals are resources that should be used wisely and treated well regardless of who you are or where you're from.

Edit to add: I decided to touch on abortions. I admit I got sidetracked and a bit ranty there but anyway. Abortion in and of itself is fine. Frankly, the human population continues to grow, resources continue to be limited. We will eventually reach carrying capacity, and something will give. Either we sustain higher deathrates, or the rest of the planet suffers horribly for our locust-like swarming. It's simple ecology. Overpopulation is the underlying cause for most of the problems 99% of you complain about. GMO foods? They were made to increase yield and help the ever increasing demand for food. Depletion of natural resources? Land clearing? The slaughtering of animals? Abortions? Waste dumping? Landfills? Pollution? It's all inextricably linked to overpopulation. We must continue to meet the demands of every day life for each person on the planet. It's estimated that by 2050 the world will reach over nine billion people. We already have famine, depleting clean water, and the balance between making enough room and keeping forests for oxygen, biodiversity, and not to mention the need for fuel and paper. What are we to do with our ever growing global population? Think there's enough to go around? Not without something else having to give. At the very least we'll need to clearcut more forests simply to make room for agriculture and homes. Abortion, as long as it is handled properly, isn't a problem, it's a blessing in disguise. I'm no environmental activist, but even I can see where we're headed. Basic ecology.
edit on 20-10-2011 by Heehaw because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-10-2011 by Heehaw because: (no reason given)

edit on 20-10-2011 by Heehaw because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:58 AM
reply to post by Deon

No, I never said that. Mostly because you didn't post pictures of children being taken away for "some birth control crap," you posted obscene pictures of dead infants.

We usually get your run of the mill dead babies in america, drowning, shaking, etc. We're just better at editing our press.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:10 PM
I just love you ignorants ... stop trying to dismiss the picture just because you don't want to accept the truth.

Go on liveleak and look at all the gruesome acts asians commit ... (not all of them are bad i am not generalizing).. they are slowly loosing their humanity...

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by GringoViejo
reply to post by Deon

No, I never said that. Mostly because you didn't post pictures of children being taken away for "some birth control crap," you posted obscene pictures of dead infants.

We usually get your run of the mill dead babies in america, drowning, shaking, etc. We're just better at editing our press.

well, I found this article in several websites with link redirecting to the same dead cnn address:

I've heard enough of such news, not trying to convince anyone, just found it hard to swallow. Besides, making it known does bring it a change.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:16 PM
reply to post by AlexIR

It's not just Asians that commit gruesome acts.
Humans are slowly losing humanity..... There are some horrible people all over the world, but there still IS a LOT of good. Sometimes you just have to look for it a little bit more than should be considered "normal".

On topic.... The pictures were really offensive, even though the OP was just trying to make people aware. This is really nothing new, China has had this practice forever it seems. Thank you for fixing your title, OP

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by AlexIR
I just love you ignorants ... stop trying to dismiss the picture just because you don't want to accept the truth.

Go on liveleak and look at all the gruesome acts asians commit ... (not all of them are bad i am not generalizing).. they are slowly loosing their humanity...

Or, you can get an education and realize that this is hardly a problem that is exclusive to China.

Or, you can try to yell as loud as you want on the internet about your hate for Asians. You might want to get that education still, if you think that a problem in China means that all of Asia is complicit or accessory to the problem.

Somehow I think you'll choose the latter.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Deon

I've heard enough of such news, not trying to convince anyone, just found it hard to swallow. Besides, making it known does bring it a change.

Obviously, by now you should be realizing that most of us are aware of what China does. I would say about 95% of ATS has at least a cursory knowledge of China and it's policies.

So, please, tell me how making the actions of a sovereign country (one that we America won't invade. Ever.) known has helped in stopping these problems?

I'm glad you've heard enough of such news, now you can worry about helping your fellow citizens fix Singapore. You know, that place where you have a say?

Ultimately this falls on the citizens of China. If they want it stopped, they have to stop it. And if they're not worried about it, neither am I. I have my own country to worry about.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 01:10 PM
I'm glad I missed it...whew

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:57 PM

Originally posted by GringoViejo

Originally posted by Deon

I've heard enough of such news, not trying to convince anyone, just found it hard to swallow. Besides, making it known does bring it a change.

Obviously, by now you should be realizing that most of us are aware of what China does. I would say about 95% of ATS has at least a cursory knowledge of China and it's policies.

So, please, tell me how making the actions of a sovereign country (one that we America won't invade. Ever.) known has helped in stopping these problems?

I'm glad you've heard enough of such news, now you can worry about helping your fellow citizens fix Singapore. You know, that place where you have a say?

Ultimately this falls on the citizens of China. If they want it stopped, they have to stop it. And if they're not worried about it, neither am I. I have my own country to worry about.
I do agree with your point to some extent-let them worry themselves or let them rot to death. In either way, it doesn't happen to me, I shouldn't give a dime about it. If Chinese people can tolerate their sufferings, it means the sufferings are nothing to them.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:43 PM
reply to post by Deon

You Really Believe China is the Only Country involved in Population Control that is OK'd and in most Part Funded By The United Nations?

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) approved a resolution on Monday condemning the practice of prenatal sex selection before encouraging the work of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) – known for funding China’s coercive one child policy.

Did You Catch That? U. N. F. P. A. What does that stand For?
United Nations Population Fund

And Let My Ask You,,, What Other Countries Have Been Participating in These Acts Of Violence Against Unborn Children and The Mothers? Funded and Assisted By The United Nations!
Can You Answer That Question or is it All China? Yes, I'm Upset, I am Chinese Not Some One Wanting To Be,
I am, And I Know Many, Many Families in China with more than one Child, Legally,,,, All you have to do is, Notify your local Committee Member and Pay a Fine, Normally adjusted to your income.

Here are then other countries Being Funded By UNFPD to Abort The Fetus and Participate in Population Control!

The PACE resolution specifically targeted the nations of Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, where the skewed sex ratios have “reached worrying proportions.” Authorities in these countries were called to investigate the “causes and reasons” behind the skewed sex ratios.

“Whereas the natural sex ratio averages 105 boys to 100 girls, the figure in Albania, Armenia and Azerbaijan is 112 boys to 100 girls, while in Georgia it is 111 boys to 100 girls,” according to PACE.

OH, You Might Ask Yourself,,,, Who in America is Funding That Organization at The United Nations?
Here is the Answer:

The U.S. House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee approved legislation on Wednesday to eliminate $50 million in funding for the UNFPA requested by President Obama.

$50 million in funding for the UNFPA requested by President Obama

Council of Europe Blasts Sex-Selection Abortions, But Promotes UNFPA

edit on 20-10-2011 by guohua because: spelling

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