posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:40 AM
The man they called Jesus spoke many profound words. Though many of his words can have easy meaning, understanding can be difficult unless one has a
true comprehension of the nature of reality. Though many have extracted meaning, their comprehension may be lacking or, at a minimum, not deep enough.
This is because the man they called Jesus spoke in parables, metaphors, for the people of his time; who were mainly fishermen and farmers and the
sort. This is not to say that we do not understand fishing and farming today, but rather that they comprehended deeper then, like an Olympic runner
today is one with his event, will get in the zone and has a comprehension of this, so too were the souls in those days with their own passion. The
intent of this document is to provide parables meaningful to the souls born in today’s society. My hope is that you will gain a true understanding
about the nature of our reality. For, should you choose to believe it or not, there is not currently one system or institution in place today that
teaches our TRUE reality. It may appear that this is a science lesson at times, and I assure you it is not. This is a discussion of HOW we are
created, and science is simply a result of that creation. Herein you will come across concepts which I am sure you will disbelieve as soon as you read
it. It is important, therefore, that one reads this with an open mind, but also all the way through. Some concepts I share with you will seem
impossible, until you can take all the words in this document and put them all together.
Ok, I’m sure that you already comprehend that everything in the universe is made of atoms. From you to me, oxygen and gases, trees and planets,
sound and colors, all space and matter, everything. But so what, right? I mean, what’s the big deal? Well, if every living soul in the universe is
made of atoms, the idea that one person is better than another is forever disproven and that all are equal is proven. But this fact is obvious, and of
different topic. Were you ever taught that atoms are made of one-hundred percent pure loving, conscious and creative energy? Well, that’s jumping
ahead a bit, and I want you to comprehend. So let’s begin with your comprehension of matter. All matter is made of atoms. So, between you, the air
you’re breathing and the piece of paper you are reading, the only difference is the rate that all those atoms are vibrating. For example, the atoms
of oxygen vibrate at a much faster rate than those of our bodies, and so, oxygen is invisible and much lighter than we are. The atoms in a stone are
vibrating slower than we are, and so a stone is denser than we are, and heavier by ratio. (IE/ a rock the size of you is MUCH heavier than you) Since
all in the universe is made of atoms, this truth extends to all that is. Basically, the entire universe is like a giant glass of water. Each drop of
water is its own separate drop, but each drop is also connected to the full body of water, each drop connected to every other drop. We are like single
individual drops of water, but we are also connected to all that is, since all is atoms. You are a part of everything in the universe, like one of
your cells is it’s own cell, but also part of the whole you. You are like a cell to the universe. And what do you think the universe is, what is all
that is? One enormous conscious entity; The Creator, God, call it what you like.
Ok, so we know that everything is made of atoms, but did you know that atoms are made of pure raw energy? Atoms have no physical state. Matter is
simply the energy of atoms slowing their vibration…their frequency. Just look at how powerful the A-Bomb is, not to put that thought in your mind,
but the A-Bomb gets it’s power by the splitting of atoms, so is there any doubt about the energies of an atom? ALL conflict can be explained with
this knowledge, for ALL conflicts are hidden, behind the scenes battles for atomic energy. When we eat, drink or bask in the sun, we are taking in
energy, but we do it in other, more destructive manners as well. Think back to the last argument you were involved with where you were proven wrong.
(Don’t worry; you don’t have to tell anyone!) Remember how you felt at the very moment you realized you were proven wrong? You felt drained,
didn’t you? Kind of slumped over? Well, the person who won that argument unknowingly stole some of your energy. Now, remember the last argument you
won, and that moment where you proved your opponent wrong. You felt uplifted, right? Sort of like “HA!” Well, you, unknowingly stole energy from
the person you were arguing with. And everyone does this to other people, unknowingly, every day. And it happens in different ways. Some people steal
energy using fear, and bullying. Others will steal energy using pity and making others feel sorry for them, they always have something wrong with them
to complain about. Still, others will steal energy from people by belittling them, making them feel useless, always questioning what and why they do
things and pointing out their faults. Some will also steal energy by remaining mysterious and introverted until they are in a huge crowd, then they
steal energy from groups, like comedians and rock stars and other performers. And again, most of the time this is unknown to both parties. It is
peoples lack of knowing about these energies, as well as a lack of knowing how to use universal energy as opposed to stealing it from others, that
causes this behind the scenes battle. Since most people don’t know about it, (And one should really ask how it is that this HUGE behind the scenes
energy battle remains unknown), this conflict of energies extends to everybody and everything; from sporting events to arguments, to wars. Also
consider that we are raping the earth of her energies as well via oil, trees and worse. And don’t believe for a second that we haven’t got the
means for 100 % free power and electricity, for that technology existed in the 1800’s… Money, however, also existed at this time. The truth of
the matter is, since ALL is made of atoms, and thus made of energy, and since we are connected to everybody and everything in the universe, we can
seek the universe, or even just the air around us, to replenish our energy, instead of sucking it off of each other. My hope is that once you have
finished reading, you WILL have a deeper understanding of this universal energy and our connection to it.