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There is Only One Truth (whether you believe it or not)

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:40 AM
The man they called Jesus spoke many profound words. Though many of his words can have easy meaning, understanding can be difficult unless one has a true comprehension of the nature of reality. Though many have extracted meaning, their comprehension may be lacking or, at a minimum, not deep enough. This is because the man they called Jesus spoke in parables, metaphors, for the people of his time; who were mainly fishermen and farmers and the sort. This is not to say that we do not understand fishing and farming today, but rather that they comprehended deeper then, like an Olympic runner today is one with his event, will get in the zone and has a comprehension of this, so too were the souls in those days with their own passion. The intent of this document is to provide parables meaningful to the souls born in today’s society. My hope is that you will gain a true understanding about the nature of our reality. For, should you choose to believe it or not, there is not currently one system or institution in place today that teaches our TRUE reality. It may appear that this is a science lesson at times, and I assure you it is not. This is a discussion of HOW we are created, and science is simply a result of that creation. Herein you will come across concepts which I am sure you will disbelieve as soon as you read it. It is important, therefore, that one reads this with an open mind, but also all the way through. Some concepts I share with you will seem impossible, until you can take all the words in this document and put them all together.
Ok, I’m sure that you already comprehend that everything in the universe is made of atoms. From you to me, oxygen and gases, trees and planets, sound and colors, all space and matter, everything. But so what, right? I mean, what’s the big deal? Well, if every living soul in the universe is made of atoms, the idea that one person is better than another is forever disproven and that all are equal is proven. But this fact is obvious, and of different topic. Were you ever taught that atoms are made of one-hundred percent pure loving, conscious and creative energy? Well, that’s jumping ahead a bit, and I want you to comprehend. So let’s begin with your comprehension of matter. All matter is made of atoms. So, between you, the air you’re breathing and the piece of paper you are reading, the only difference is the rate that all those atoms are vibrating. For example, the atoms of oxygen vibrate at a much faster rate than those of our bodies, and so, oxygen is invisible and much lighter than we are. The atoms in a stone are vibrating slower than we are, and so a stone is denser than we are, and heavier by ratio. (IE/ a rock the size of you is MUCH heavier than you) Since all in the universe is made of atoms, this truth extends to all that is. Basically, the entire universe is like a giant glass of water. Each drop of water is its own separate drop, but each drop is also connected to the full body of water, each drop connected to every other drop. We are like single individual drops of water, but we are also connected to all that is, since all is atoms. You are a part of everything in the universe, like one of your cells is it’s own cell, but also part of the whole you. You are like a cell to the universe. And what do you think the universe is, what is all that is? One enormous conscious entity; The Creator, God, call it what you like.
Ok, so we know that everything is made of atoms, but did you know that atoms are made of pure raw energy? Atoms have no physical state. Matter is simply the energy of atoms slowing their vibration…their frequency. Just look at how powerful the A-Bomb is, not to put that thought in your mind, but the A-Bomb gets it’s power by the splitting of atoms, so is there any doubt about the energies of an atom? ALL conflict can be explained with this knowledge, for ALL conflicts are hidden, behind the scenes battles for atomic energy. When we eat, drink or bask in the sun, we are taking in energy, but we do it in other, more destructive manners as well. Think back to the last argument you were involved with where you were proven wrong. (Don’t worry; you don’t have to tell anyone!) Remember how you felt at the very moment you realized you were proven wrong? You felt drained, didn’t you? Kind of slumped over? Well, the person who won that argument unknowingly stole some of your energy. Now, remember the last argument you won, and that moment where you proved your opponent wrong. You felt uplifted, right? Sort of like “HA!” Well, you, unknowingly stole energy from the person you were arguing with. And everyone does this to other people, unknowingly, every day. And it happens in different ways. Some people steal energy using fear, and bullying. Others will steal energy using pity and making others feel sorry for them, they always have something wrong with them to complain about. Still, others will steal energy from people by belittling them, making them feel useless, always questioning what and why they do things and pointing out their faults. Some will also steal energy by remaining mysterious and introverted until they are in a huge crowd, then they steal energy from groups, like comedians and rock stars and other performers. And again, most of the time this is unknown to both parties. It is peoples lack of knowing about these energies, as well as a lack of knowing how to use universal energy as opposed to stealing it from others, that causes this behind the scenes battle. Since most people don’t know about it, (And one should really ask how it is that this HUGE behind the scenes energy battle remains unknown), this conflict of energies extends to everybody and everything; from sporting events to arguments, to wars. Also consider that we are raping the earth of her energies as well via oil, trees and worse. And don’t believe for a second that we haven’t got the means for 100 % free power and electricity, for that technology existed in the 1800’s… Money, however, also existed at this time. The truth of the matter is, since ALL is made of atoms, and thus made of energy, and since we are connected to everybody and everything in the universe, we can seek the universe, or even just the air around us, to replenish our energy, instead of sucking it off of each other. My hope is that once you have finished reading, you WILL have a deeper understanding of this universal energy and our connection to it.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:41 AM
Now that you have a grasp of energy, you need to understand frequency and vibration, and comprehend it. All atoms vibrate on a certain frequency, including you. The vibration of our atoms actually adds a bit of mystery to the study of atoms. For the vibration of an atom means that it is flashing, constantly, here then not here. Here, then not here, here, then not…etc. Like a traffic light, only much faster. The mystery, to physicists, is where the atoms go when they are not here. Everything in the universe vibrates as such, in that it is here, then not, then here then not. Only those things that exists on a frequency similar to or the same as ours, are we able to perceive. For example, the pitch of a dog whistle is on a frequency that is higher than ours, and so we cannot hear it, or perceive it. If everything that you perceive is here at the same time as you are, or not here at the same time you’re not, you wont notice that these things are flashing here and not, here and not. On top of that, this vibration is happening much too quickly for the human eye to see. Imagine that you could make a floor do this, be there and then not, and then there, and then not, for whatever length of time. If you did this fast enough, you would be able to stand on that floor, and not notice that it was flashing in and out of this reality. All things are like this. Keep in the back of your mind that everything in existence is vibrating at a certain frequency, for this will have deeper clarity for you once you pull all of my words together.
Many things in this reality are self-repeating images. Well, ALL things are, but many are easily seen. These self-repeating images are also called fractals. A fern is one of nature’s perfect examples of a fractal (and if one looks to nature and creation for the answers, one will find the true god, for in creation we see god’s method of operation for creation.). Look at the fern, see how it is shaped. Now, look at one of it’s branches, and you will see a smaller version of the fern. Now look at a leaf on that branch, and you will see another smaller image of the fern. The same can be seen if you look at broccoli or cauliflower. Look at a tree, then look at its branches, then look at the twigs on the branches, the veins in the leaves; all self-repeating images. If you could take a drop of water and cut it in half, you would have a smaller replica of the original drop. Split that drop in half, and again you’d have a smaller replica of the original drop. And if you could shrink yourself down in the process, in order to be able to see the drops since they will progressively get smaller and smaller, you’d be able to split the drop of water in half indefinitely, forever, infinitely. Look around in nature and you will see fractals everywhere. But not all fractals are constant. Sometimes a fractal will go through a series of images and eventually return to the first image, then do it all over again. Though harder to find in nature, all of reality is like this. For example, and this is a crude example, I’ll admit. Look, again, at the atom. Physically it has a nucleus center, orbited by protons and electrons. Though every atom is slightly different than others, such as how many orbitals an atom has, etc. Now, from the atom, we have an infinite amount of images that can be looked at until, ultimately, we come to the solar system; which has a sun, like a nucleus centre, and it is orbited by several planets. And every solar system, though very similar, is slightly different in regards to how many planets it has. Hopefully this helps to give an idea of how all of life, all of creation is a fractal, and within creation are an infinite number of fractals. But since matter doesn’t really exist, can these fractal “images” really exist? Well, lets look at another example of a fractal, for fractals are not just images.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:45 AM
Consciousness is also a fractal. An atom has consciousness, it thinks (though perhaps not in the same fashion that we think) This atom bonds with other atoms to form a molecule (this bonding is called a covalent bond). All the atoms in this molecule are conscious of being both an atom, and of being a molecule. I was taught this is called a "Scalar jump" in consciousness, like the consciousness has gone UP a scale. The consciousness has jumped up a level from the atom, to the molecule. So each atom in this molecule knows it’s an atom, but also has the consciousness that it makes up a molecule. So now this molecule, which has consciousness, bonds with other molecules to form a cell. These molecules are all aware of being both a group of molecules, and of being a cell. So now consciousness has made a scalar jump to the cell. So now we have a conscious cell which bonds with other cells to form a structure; such as skin, bone, heart, brain, etc... Now all the cells in the structure have the consciousness of being a cell, and they have the consciousness of being that structure. The consciousness has now made a scalar jump from the cell to the structure. Then, all these structures, which all have consciousness, bond together to form the human. And all the structures, of course, have the consciousness of being the structure, and of being the human. The consciousness has made a scalar jump from the structure to the human. Why do you think the entire human body usually works so well with itself? All your atoms, molecules, cells, and structures communicate with one another, are conscious. Again, perhaps not in the fashion we communicate.
Have I lost you yet?
Basically, we have seen how consciousness has made a scalar jump from the atom to the molecule, from the molecule to the cell, from the cell to the structure and from the structure to the human. But what happens from there?
A planets worth of humans bond together to form a race of people. And every person in that race is conscious of being both a human, and of being a part of the human race. Consciousness has made a scalar jump from the human to humankind. Then, a race which has consciousness bonds with other races (Such as animals, plants, earth itself; 'cause remember, they all have atoms too, and they all have their own individual scalar jumps of consciousness beginning with their own atoms.) to form our biosphere. And every race has the consciousness of being its own race, and of being a part of our biosphere.
Next we have a biosphere, with consciousness, which bonds itself with other biospheres that each have their own consciousness, to form a solar system. And every biosphere has the consciousness of being a biosphere, and of being a solar system. So consciousness has now made it’s next scalar jump from the biosphere to the solar system. A solar system, which has consciousness, bonds with other conscious solar systems to form a conscious galaxy. And, of course, every solar system has the consciousness of being a solar system, and the consciousness of being a galaxy.
Hopefully you already know where I’m going with this!?
Many galaxies, each with their own consciousness, get together and form what? The Creator, God, again, whatever you wish to call it. We are, essentially, like cells of God, helping to make up God. So, being a human, it would seem that YOU are only aware of roughly HALF of the consciousness of all your atoms. It is the consciousness of all your atoms NOT used by you that forms your subconscious mind.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:45 AM
And what is your subconscious mind? Well, your subconscious mind knows everything you have ever experienced on every level that you have experienced it. So everything you’ve ever seen, heard, felt, smelled, tasted, thought or experienced in any fashion. Every blade of grass and leaf you’ve seen, Every hair on every head you’ve even just walked past, your subconscious knows it all and remembers it all. It has the memory of you being born, and even that of conception. So your subconscious mind, using everything it knows, gives definitions of your experiences to your conscious mind, acting like a kind of filter. For example, what if you WERE conscious of every single blade of grass, leaf and hair on everyone’s head. How, then, would you be able to concentrate on anything else. Well, instead, your subconscious mind filters out what it deems unimportant to your conscious mind. For example, there is probably a telephone pole, or something of the like, that you walk past every single day, but probably never notice. Well, this is an example of something your subconscious mind filters out. Everything you experience has first been filtered and interpreted through the subconscious mind. And this can be used against a human too, for example, if you hid the word “sex” all throughout children’s movies and television for long enough, you’d probably start to see a lot of young kids having babies. Or if you hid a lot of skulls, demons and aliens all throughout the ice in alcohol ads for long enough, you’d probably start to see a lot of violence amongst drunks.
Another very important element to each and every atom is that the conscious energy (could be called spirit) is made of love. This is a hard one to grasp, I know, but can be easier to see when, again, we look towards creation for example. A human baby is filled with nothing but love, and it’s instincts to survive. When the baby is not acting on it’s instincts, which would be eating and sleeping, it is acting on love. Smiling, cooing, laughing and playing. A baby has an immediate love for both of its parents. When brought home, this love is automatically transcended to everyone else in the household. Similar to how consciousness is spread amongst atoms. If the baby is loved in return, it will grow out of love, having stayed connected to it. When a baby is mistreated, a form of trauma, the baby can start to distance itself form love and come to expect pain, or sorrow, etc. Until it is taught greed, a baby will always be willing to give up anything it has. It will give you its bottle or soother or toy. Another example is simply how good it feels to be loved, and how horrible it feels to have love taken away. We are made of love. If we don’t have love, we long for it. We cry tears of happiness at the uniting of love, we cry tears of sorrow at its departure. Even in the bible it is stated that God is love, that god is everywhere, in everything. And, when you look at the control systems in place in our world, with a new understanding of our reality, you will see there is a very desperate and clear attempt at removing love from our world.
So since everything is made of atoms, and atoms are made of loving and creative, conscious energy; matter does not exist, but is simply energy slowed down. I will not explain now what it is that slows us down, for it is not exactly of our creation; but I will say that our very faith is what does not allow us to speed up, our own belief systems. I will try to explain how it is in the hopes that, once you know how it can be, you will be able to manifest it. Like a doctor cannot truly heal a patient without first understanding how the patient is supposed to be.
Say you are sitting in your backyard when suddenly a cardinal lands and sits in your lap, chirping. As you sit motionless, and probably in awe, you are perceiving the bird in several ways. Your eyes see it’s shape and color, your ears hear it’s chirp, your legs feel it’s weight. All of these perceptions are sense mechanisms of the brain, which is slowed down in vibration. In truth, the bird is really just a mass of conscious and loving creative energy, and this energy sends a signal out like a drop of water in a pond. The signal ripples out until we receive it and our subconscious mind gives it definition, allowing us to see and hear it the way we do, and this definition is based upon an entire lifetime of the same definition being given to us. Truth is that a bird, which is not corrupted by society, which is still connected to creation most likely does not perceive itself in any way similar to how we perceive it. The mass of energy that is the bird has the intention of love, and the intention to express that love. Our brains, as egotistical as they are, perceive this intention of love, the bird’s energy signal, in a way that is fitting to and appealing for us to understand.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:46 AM
So we comprehend that all atoms are connected. I wish to further explain that atoms and their energy respond to our intention. First, it is the intention of all of your atoms to make you, and they have responded as such, or you simply would not be. Atoms have been proven to react differently when they are watched as opposed to when they are recorded. A human who believes that they have bad luck, has bad luck, and one who believes that they have good luck, will have good luck. When you swear at someone and call them names that is a very powerful intention of negative energy. How have you felt when someone swears at you? Those atoms responded to that negative intent and caused harm to the other person, who is connected to you. My knowledge and understanding of reality came to me after I had intended for a path of love. One day, while walking, I randomly said in my head “I am going to walk the path of love.” Though I didn’t know why I’d said it at the time, and though I truly did not know what love was at that time, I meant it. Within a week I was flooded with information that started clarifying life, started pulling together everything I had already learned. All it took was my intention for love. Not love for a woman or another human being, not love for a pet, but LOVE! Everything that we think is love, like a marriage or love of a child or a pet, is the OUTCOME of love. Love for a lover or parent exists BECAUSE everything is Love. Atoms and energy respond to intention, to beliefs; they respond to our expectations, and deliver. Have you not, your entire life, expected a cardinal to look and sound like a cardinal, or a tree to look like a tree? Have you ever tried to perceive it as just energy, or as something other that what you see now? Your whole life you have believed God to be a separate entity, or that heaven is somewhere else. Your whole life you have been taught to think there are no ghosts or spirits, that humans can’t predict the future or read minds, that people can’t walk on water or levitate. And if we think we see a ghost, or think we’ve predicted the future, it’s coincidence, end if we feel otherwise we are ridiculed. And I’m sure not too many people have tried to levitate BELIEVEING truly that they could. Atoms respond to our intention and beliefs. Take the example of a woman who repeatedly returns to abusive relationships. This woman’s belief system is that she needs to be controlled, often that she deserves the abuse to keep her in line and that she cannot live properly without him and his control. With these beliefs and expectations, what kind of man would she intend for herself? What kind of reality does she attract her way? Now look at the abusive man, what are his reality, beliefs and expectations? That he has to be in control? That men are stronger than women? That the world owes him and that violence is a great way to get your point across? With these beliefs and expectations, what kind of woman would he intend for himself? What kind of reality does he attract? Take, for another example, a similar scenario, but on a global scale. What if the majority of human beings had no self esteem, no confidence. They felt themselves to be weak, incapable of surviving without being controlled. They believe most people need to be policed and that most people are generally bad. They believe the world is a bad place with too much violence and horrors. With these beliefs and expectations, what kind of rulers would humanity intend for itself? And the rulers, what are their expectations and beliefs? That they need to be in control, that the world owes them. That the majority of people have no self control and need to be controlled. They believe that violence is a great way to get a point across, and that humanity could not possibly survive without them. Many physicists have come to learn and understand that every human being, whether aware of it or not, has a part in the creation and manipulation of our reality based on what they truly believe and expect. Many physicists have been trying to get this information out to us, trying to give us comprehension and an important message. That we are all responsible for believing our world into this ball of negativity. And that the time has come for us all to intend for peace to return. It’s a simple matter of changing the way you think and paying attention to your thoughts. Start to believe the world is already in a state of peace, feel that peace and believe in it. Let it follow you everywhere you go. The more you practice changing your thought processes, the easier it will get, and soon you will realize that you do just BELIEVE! Take everything you have been “taught” and reevaluate it through your own eyes. Like, is war really ok, killing innocent people. Is hunting for “sport” really ok? Is it ok to pay a hockey player such a HUGE paycheck for him to do something he loves doing anyways while others are starving?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:47 AM
There is no shortage of food in this world, there is money and classes. It’s time to re define your reality using your own moral compass.
So. If I have explained everything properly, without omitting any important information, we should be able to pull all of our information together and summarize something like this… The entire universe is one giant conscious entity consisting only of creative energy and loving intention. There is only one creation, and in all of creation exist all creations. And in all of creation there exists no physical matter, only a fluid ocean of energy in which we create, live in and are currently trapped in, physically. We are capable of attracting and creating whatever kind of life we want for ourselves, and this truth extends beyond anything you could imagine at this moment. But currently our belief systems, having been molded since the moment of our birth, wont allow us to use our creator given power. We are, essentially, living in an illusion and are dreaming up our reality and manifesting it into existence. IF I have explained everything properly, without omitting any important information, we should be able to pull all of our information together and summarize something like that!
Now we are going to look at infinity. It does exist and is very much real. One just has to learn how to think in terms of infinity. We all understand forward, backward, side to side, up, down and all directions in between. Well, this is all part of infinity, but not all that it is. Infinity is not only defined by traveling in any one direction forever, but it also has countless directions to travel in, and countless qualities that will define it, for that matter. Infinity also travels inward and outward. To give this meaning, let’s go back to the glass of water. Every drop in the glass is it’s own individual drop, but connected to all the other drops; and we are but individual drops in and connected to the whole universe. Imagine, then, in this ocean of conscious energy, this ocean of thought, that our solar system IS an atom and the atom of our solar system is bonded together with other atoms (solar systems) forming a giant molecule, and that molecule bonds with others etc etc…. until you have the one single entity that is our universe. Your existence, then, is somewhere within that atom. What kind of existence, then, lies within each and every of your atoms. Small solar systems that, in the exact same way that we are dreaming up our reality in whatever molecule of God we are in, so too is the consciousness of our atoms dreaming up THEIR own reality. And in their reality, what are they made of? Atoms? They have to be, since everything in the universe is made of atoms. And in their atoms, what realities are being manifested, and what are those realities made of? Atoms. And since their really is no physical attribute to matter, since all is nothing but conscious energy, this occurs with ease. And this creation is perfect like this as well. Would you, being an atom within God, wish to simply have the conscious awareness of being an atom, and nothing else? That would be boring and probably pretty depressing and pointless, why have consciousness then? Well, if you are allowed to dream up your own reality to add some merit to your existence, why would your cells and atoms be doomed to be bored in their existence? Why would you want them to be? This is infinity. Like a fractal is infinite, like the drop of water that can infinitely be split in half., so too is consciousness a fractal, consciousness is infinite. And of course, why wouldn’t it be, for we are told that God is infinite. Before I can explain time, you must know that time does not exist. Time is an individual perception, and it is relative to the observer. This is why different people performing the same task at the same workplace will tell you differing stories regarding the speed of their day; to some their day will go fast, while to others, it will be slow. The only way we can perceive time is through some sort of change in matter. For example, the sun moving across the sky is matter changing its position, the growth of a child, while a human being growing old is matter, well, getting old. Without some sort of a change in matter, we cannot perceive time for there is nothing to compare time to. The only true time is now, in the moment. Yesterday and tomorrow are only words, and are defined by the changes in matter, and exist only now. We are stuck in a system where these changes are measured and where we are forced to abide by clocks, schedules and calendars, for they have been used on us since birth, and we have allowed our subconscious minds to accept them as our definition of the changes in matter. And since we have learned that matter itself does not exist, how then can there exist changes in matter, and so how can time exist? So the measurement of changes in matter is different to each individual perception.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:48 AM
And it is this perception that I wish for you to understand. Remember how two people performing the same task can each experience time differently, either fast, or slow? Well this truth extends to more than just people. In fact, differing perceptions of time amongst two people is nothing compared to the differing perceptions of time between a human and a fly. As we all know, the average fly lives for only 24 hours, and within that time it is born, it matures, it mates and dies; eating somewhere in between. You may have even wondered how much it would suck to only live for a day. But see, even your best friend at work experiences time differently than you, so why then would you expect a fly to perceive it even relatively close to how you do? A day to us is 24 hours, but 24 hours is a lifetime to the fly, and it experiences it as such. With this in mind, you also see the fly as moving fast, its wings beat quickly, it can travel the space of your house faster than you; but did you know that you appear to move slow to the fly? Imagine if you could watch a giant walking, although it would travel a lot of space with each step it took, it would appear to move slow, like how you are slow to the fly. If the giant could watch you, you would appear to move much faster to it. But the truth is, to us, to the giant and to the fly, we are all moving at just the correct speed according to our own perspectives. A cat, being larger than the fly but smaller than us, seems to move faster to us, but the fly to the cat isn’t moving as fast as the fly is to us, and so the cat will catch the fly with greater ease than you or I would. So to the giant, we would only live about 24 hours, or something like that. Hence the saying, a day to God is 1000 years. So why is this important? Well, imagine you got a cut on your hand, and imagine the atoms in those cells affected; in the reality the consciousness of those skin cells has manifested, some sort of trauma would seem to occur. Perhaps there would be some sort of a war, or if a smaller scale, a fire or something. So you get a cut, your skin cells dream a reality that seems to cause them pain, and they cry out, and you feel the pain of them crying out. What do you do? You immediately start to work to heal the cut. You clean it, you but alcohol on it, etc. To you, the healing is rather quick. But what about to your atoms? A day to you is 1000 years to them. So how long would they have to wait before they started to see the effects of the alcohol cleaning in their reality? So lets say the creator, or God, (or whatever you choose to call it, for an ALL loving creative being made purely of loving intention will not be so egotistical that it requires a name.) lets say God gets a cut (I know, not possible, theses are parables, remember). God gets a cut and we experience it in our reality, say, by dreaming up wars. Humanity cries out in pain and God feels the pain. He goes and cleans the wound and applies the alcohol and begins to feel the effects. It takes, what, a few days for a cut to heal? So God wait’s three days, give or take, and his cut is healed. But how long do we wait? Well, a day to God is 1000 years, so that may be a good formula to start with. We have felt the wound of God, we have caused him pain, and God has applied the ointment and felt it’s soothing, we have simply yet to feel the effects of this healing due to our perception of the passage of time.
So then, what is this healing I’m talking about? Some would call it the return of God’s spirit, others would say its more of a global awareness. It is both and more. First, atoms are speeding up their vibrations, and this is helping many to use their wisdom and see through some very interesting veils. It is also helping many to find a new found love and respect for humanity. If God is love, and God is everything, then everything is love, right down to it’s each and every atom. This is why we must love everyone, right down to our enemies. For in the way that each of your cells is joined as one, so too is all of creation. So to harm another living being, be it man, animal plant or whatever, is to harm oneself. Yet a whole lifetime of growing up has shown that many in the world are indifferent to the killings, violence in our world. They look the other way rather than help their fellow brothers and sisters. People don’t care that the world is full of misguided hatred and anger, in fact, most people join right in. Innocent men women and children killed horribly through war in the name of God. Though one of God’s commandments be “Though shalt not kill!” The healing will help people love one another again. Many will find they are using their wisdom in ways they may not have been able to before. It is the overall awareness of truth that is going to prevail in the minds of many. Along with this, just simply imagine yourself, knowing what you now know of atoms, what would happen to you if yours sped up?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:49 AM
What happens to the air, which is sped up? Imagine becoming increasingly aware of your connection to infinity, your connection to everything outward from you, and your connection to everything inward as well. And it will come as a fractal as well, the increasing energies healing the world, and in turn you, and those same increasing energies healing those inside of you, and so on and so on. We will be reunited with our god given talents and abilities, reunited with our creativity, which goes way beyond anything perceived in our reality as it is. Have you ever thought about what you’d be doing in heaven? So let’s give you a further comprehension of the healing.
First, to understand the healing a bit better, lets talk about the sickness. I mean, you must be asking by now, if everything is love and everything is connected through loving conscious energy, why are there evil men and evil acts? It is like this… If all of your atoms are living in their own illusion reality, in order that they may be entertained while they serve to make you and give purpose to their lives. What would happen to those atoms if, say, they were part of a skin cell that got a sunburn, or the atoms in a smoker’s lung. In their reality, those atoms would go through some sort of trauma of their own. Maybe some sort of a war where they were burning, and those around them. Suffering. (and while thinking of this, remember fractals, and remember that you are dreaming up your reality while you serve to be a part of God) This might lead to thinking such as, how could this happen? There can’t be a God because no God would let this happen, things like that. Essentially, these atoms cease to believe in you, becoming disconnected from you, and therefore from eternal love. Similar to how a child will walk the path of love until some traumatic event or another starts to pull them away. So what if an atom didn’t believe in you, started to communicate to other atoms that you didn’t exist, disconnecting other atoms from you. This would be the start of cancer to us on our scalar level.
You know what cancer does? It's not alive, it's not like a virus or bacteria. Cancer is a disconnection of one of your cells from you. That cell, being disconnected, begins to feel lost, alone, scared. Much like we feel when we are left alone. So, the cell which has become cancerous, or disconnected, does whatever it can to feel that connection again, get some control again. (Hmmm, just like people) That cell which has become disconnected begins to try and control the other cells around it, to try and make them cancerous. Well, the cell that has consciousness has become cancerous, but it still wants to make a scalar jump, just like consciousness does. So then the cells around that cancerous cell become cancerous themselves, and then bond to form a molecule, which is cancerous. Then the cancerous molecules bond together to form cancerous organs, and up and up and up. So, We have one universal consciousness, all connected to itself, that is infected with a cancer consciousness, which is part of our universal connection to begin with, but has become disconnected. The cancer consciousness, both on an atomic level and the level you and I are used to, wishes to control, manipulate and corrupt all those around it. (remember that some gain their control, or energy, through killing as well as manipulating, which is why cancer will form a wound ) And this is really quite evident when you take a look at the world around us. This is what evil is “like”. Demons, entities, devils…call them what you want, every culture has a name for them, every religion warns of them, and many people have seen ghosts, or call them whatever you want. Remember frequencies, how everything is here, then not, then here, then not? Well, everything that you perceive in your reality, whether you see it, hear it, feel it, whatever, exists on a frequency that either matches yours, or is similar enough to yours. For example, air vibrates much faster than we do, but it is here when we are here. Entities vibrate at faster rates than we do, but, for the most part, are here when we are not, and gone when we are here, so of course we cannot perceive them that way, like a dog whistle. The entities, however, vibrating faster than us DO see us, AND they interact with us. In the same fashion that we unconsciously steal energy from one another, these entities CONSCIOUSLY steal energy from us! They know they are doing it, and they work hard to put us in positions that create the energy they want. It must be a given that they do NOT want any kind of loving energy. Therefore, they need us to be living in fear, anger, hatred, sorrow and depression. If they fed off of our loving energy, they would reconnect to god, and being disconnected themselves, they do not want this. Remember how your subconscious knows everything you perceive even if you do not? Well, these entities whisper to us, tell us things.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:51 AM
This will cause one of two things, one will either be told something that puts them in a state of fear, or anger, or hatred. (This is why most men worry all the time that their girlfriends are cheating, though they are never given reason to believe it, it remains a worry to these men.) Or, they will be told to do something and, thinking they are acting of their own minds and thoughts, would do something that would otherwise be against their natural state of love. So the robber would be told to steal, the killer told to kill, etc… And don’t be mistaken, these entities are around, everywhere, and the closer to love you might be, the stronger the demons will fight to pull you away from that love. Demons will act through other people to affect you, as well. Make others do things that will upset you and therefore pull you away from love. They are sneaky and will use these techniques to get you away from love, whatever it takes. Like agents in the movie “The Matrix” these demons will jump from person to person, trying to cause negativity, fear, hatred and anger everywhere they go. If you pursue and walk the path of love, you can expect that they will try to stop you. They will act upon your weaknesses. If you are constantly worried for your safety, they will work on your fear. If you are addicted to alcohol or pills, they will work on that. Whatever your weakness. I will stress this, porn and orgasms without love is their STRONGEST weapon. Our sexual energy is our most potent, it is our very creative energy, used currently only to create life. If you have an orgasm outside of love, it does NOT feed into love, and therefore it feeds the alternative. This is why masturbation is one of the most difficult addictions to overcome, as is porn. When you orgasm, you are sending out very strong intention, very powerful creative energy. It was given to use that we may create out of love. And when one thinks about how many loveless orgasms happen every day, every hour, and when one thinks about how violent sex has become today…one can see that these entities are very powerful and very well fed. But, remember that everything is made of atoms, which are made of loving, conscious energy, even if disconnected. So, these entities can be brought back to the love too. We can love our enemies without giving them our energy.
“Macrophages are white blood cells produced by the differentiation of monocytes. Monocytes and macrophages are phagocytes, acting in both non-specific defense (innate immunity) as well as to help initiate specific defense mechanisms (adaptive immunity) of vertebrate animals. Their role is to phagocytose (engulf and then digest) cellular debris and pathogens either as stationary or as mobile cells, and to stimulate lymphocytes and other immune cells to respond to the pathogen. They move by action of Amoeboid movement.” This is not my definition, so simply put, a macrophage is naturally part of your immune system. When you are born, it is already aware of thousands of pathogens, bacteria and viruses that it will work to devour if they become present in your body. From there, it will travel your body, analyzing all of your cells, keeping an eye out for foreign bodies. If it finds something that resembles something it already knows to be damaging, it will eat it. If it find something it is NOT familiar with, it will then read the DNA code of that foreign body or virus, and relay that information to other cells in your body. If another cell is somewhat familiar with the foreign body, it, along with other cells of it’s type, will actually alter their own DNA in order that it may fight off the foreign body, they will then remain in their altered state in order to fight off the same foreign body, should it ever return. Hence, you become immune to said foreign body. Now, when you get a virus, that virus does not attack you, it actually sits and remains dormant. It contains within it a genetic code of DNA, and it relies on your body to read that code. Once your body has read the code you will get sick. So, when you have a person who is a carrier of a disease, but not affected by it, it simply means that the carrier’s body chose NOT to read the DNA of that virus, though the virus may still be spread to others who will read it. So, remember fractals, and the differing scalar levels of consciousness. There are people born today with a bit of extra energy, a bit of extra wisdom. And they have helped to pave the way for others to start to see through the many lies dominant in our world today. They are born with a certain NATURAL understanding of life and love, and they are very good at spreading that message and helping others to understand. These are the macrophages of the universe. Sent to point out the viruses of our society and help others to not read into the code. They are spreading truth to others, which is altering their paradigms which has been shown to actually instill DNA changes within a human.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:51 AM
And once someone has been shown the truth, and understands that truth, they in turn start to spread the message to others, hence the healing of cancer. If you talk to someone who has healed of cancer WITHOUT the chemotherapy, they will tell you that they felt a connection to infinity, have felt the outward and inward connection and the infinite love. They may describe these things to you differently than I, but this is what they experience. If you have cancer, heal it by loving your atoms, the same way our Creator, God, the Universe, whatever term you prefer, is healing it’s cancer by loving us.
Life has been trying to deliver this message since the existence of man. The message is always, constantly calling out to every living being in our solar system. Your whole life, the message has been calling to you. And if you start to think about your past experiences, you will see that your whole life has been in preparation to receive this message and to act upon it. Everyone has a purpose for incarnating on this planet. It used to be that we would come to express our loving creative intent, and to create and express love. Now, however, given the state of things, everyone’s purpose is slightly different. I mean, we do still come to express our loving creative intent, we are still made of love, designed with creativity for creativity. I mean, remember our childhoods, keeping every box and egg carton, constructing art projects and drawing and painting. Then, as adults we continue to create, inventing things, designing houses, programs. But now, our primary purpose is to remember who we are, then to remind everyone else. When we are born, we forget, and this is good. If we remembered what we were at birth, demons would come and stop us in an instant. Even when a macrophage is born, they carry no memory of their purpose, for this would attract the entities, which would stop them in their tracks. So life itself begins to tell you immediately. Think to your experiences, they will tell you this message. Pay attention to the lyrics of music you listen to, they will tell you too. The movies you watch, everything, everywhere. Now that you know to look, you will see that the message is literally everywhere for us to hear. The beautiful thing is that creation can talk to you as an inspiration. For example, the movie the matrix is a perfect parable about the nature of reality, (given the illusion of the reality of those trapped in the matrix, and the nature of the agents and the powers of the one) but that doesn’t mean that the writers knew the truth. The creator can give an inspiration, an idea, just like a demon can, and a person will think it’s their own idea. The way Yoda talks about the force in star wars is another example, but that doesn’t mean Lucas knew the truth. But many do, like sting, form the police, bob Marley and his sons, system of a down, tears for fears and many, many more. All are telling us of our nature. Watch the movement of animals in response to your thoughts, they will act as triggers to point out you are thinking on the right, or wrong, track. The creator has given us a wonderful intuition, and tells us to pay attention to it. It is time human kind started to pay attention to our God given intuitions as opposed to reading the DNA of the viruses. If you want clarification, understanding, a stronger connection to the creator, simply intend for it. Want it and want it with a loving nature. Love creation, ALL of it. If you have loved ones, pets, children, remember that love, that feeling, and carry it with you everywhere you go, extend that love to all. Imagine the one-ness of creation, feel it and connect with it. Remember, God is love and we are love. Love is forgiveness and understanding. The world is full of confusion, so don’t worry if you don’t know what NAME to give God, or what religion to believe in. Believe in the one thing that ALL religions teach, that God is love and that God’s love is in us all. God is not a separate entity up in the sky looking down on us, and nowhere is it written as such. That god is separate from us is a poor misinterpretation, and is NOT one of the teachings of the man they called Jesus. HE even knew that our world today would be a huge ball of confusion and misinformation. This is why the man they called Jesus said that humans would be forgiven if they denied the name of Jesus, but not if they denied the nature of God. He knew it was going to get to a point where it would be near impossible to know the real truth, faith or not. God will not condemn you to hell if you don’t know his name, for God is love, God is NOT ego. Ego is of the human brain, and is NOT something that exists in the ocean of loving energy that is creation.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:52 AM
Our energies are increasing, and have been since at least the eighties. When we reach a certain speed, or frequency, our creative energies will strengthen. Strengthen in love and strengthen in power. Our creative abilities, for thousands of years, have been blocked, as per the intent of wickedness. When our energies increase, our very potent creative energy, which has been building up in humanity, unreleased, joined with the increase in energy we are observing, will amount in a huge explosion of creative energy. And it is here that one of two things will happen, it is here that will be determined if one goes to “Hell” or if one goes to “Heaven”. I will state here, neither Heaven nor Hell truly exist, but are states of mind. If, when the energies increase and creativity bursts, it will create a “New Creation”, reality will change. But it will change according to what people believe. If someone is stuck in fear, stuck with the money system, stuck in hatred, anger, judgment, their reality will manifest accordingly. Remember that it is our belief systems that affect and manifest our realities. If someone is walking the path of love, expressing love and intending love to all creation, they will manifest their realities out of love. Basically, as energies increase, the love in people will increase. However, for people who are too stuck in the materialistic world of riches and greed and lust and envy, hatred and anger, their hatred and anger and fear will increase. They will remain in this world of greed and hatred and anger, but will be better able to see the entities that are sucking and stealing their energies. As we speak, there are other entities not stealing form us, but are attempting to fight off the entities that are. As we increase, we will see them as well. Truth is, it will be a separation of sorts. Some people, stuck in the material world, will remain in this world, forever attacked by their demons. And those of love, and those entities that are not stealing our energies, will be at a state of much faster vibration, so those in fear will no longer be able to perceive us, like we cannot currently perceive the entities. This is what Heaven and Hell are like, or will be, like.
One Love!

As a P.S., I would like to state that this is neither a FULL description of the nature of reality and of god and evil, nor do I have what is even CLOSE to a full understanding. I hope I was able to explain what I DO understand, and I am always open for questions or discussions regarding what I have explained in this document.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 07:58 AM
If you could possibly split those up into paragraphs it would be much easier to read.

Also, if you could provide a one paragraph synopsis of the writings that would help.

Thank you.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 08:08 AM
Thanks for Posting this OP. This is a great description for those who are starting to understand. Though not all will understand merely by words alone, they must also Experience this truth for themselves in their own unique way.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 09:09 AM
Thanks for all your effort. I don't have time to examine it yet, but I've pasted it into a file for looking over later. Given the obvious amount of work you've devoted to this effort, I won't challenge what you've put together here, but if I have a question, I'll post it. You and I are struggling with the same concern, and I acknowledge your productivity here. I know what it's like to address things at this level, and while I have my own results which I've published as well, I can appreciate what it takes to do what you've done here.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:04 AM
Wonderful explaination. Im not one to post many comments through sheer laziness but for the effort and wisdom you have shown its the least i could do. It reinforces the concept of gut feeling and doing what naturally feels right. I thought when i clicked on the thread and immediatly seen the JESUS word that i had made a mistake in entering but i was gladly proven wrong. Thanks for sharing.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 10:35 AM
I read most of this ...took a walk and thought about what I had read...came home and read the rest...lengthy , but well worth it. I thought of a Haiku that summarizes for me:

All in vibration

I am that I am....seeking

Loving lights the way.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:01 AM
Wow, what an incredible thread. Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts. I enjoyed it very much. Well put together and easy to understand. Great job! The pieces of this huge puzzle have been coming together. The pieces used to come slowly, but lately it feels like every day I learn and experience something life changing. When I first started hearing of all the hype about 2012 a thought popped into my mind that maybe what will really happen is that we will finally figure out the answer to what life and reality really is. I imagined that at the moment we got the answer the world would just "poof" out of existence. Sort of like when you finally win the final level of a video game. I guess taking the blue pill is like continuing to play around inside of the game, not really accomplishing anything, instead of going ahead and facing the huge one eyed monster to beat the game. It's very scary to face that monster not knowing if you will be able to conquer it or he will just continue to kill you forever. I'm very curious, have you had any experiences with these demons or evil beings? Is the veil being lifted for you? I have been having experiences with both good and evil lately, and would love to hear anyone else's experiences and thoughts. A lot of people have been having nightmares, alien encounters, being targeted by some unknown, unseen "government agency". After the things I have experienced lately I think that it could be these evil entities that are trying to keep us in fear so that we will stay in this reality. That way they can continue to feed on our energy much like "vampires".

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:02 AM

Originally posted by DJM8507
If you could possibly split those up into paragraphs it would be much easier to read.

Also, if you could provide a one paragraph synopsis of the writings that would help.

Thank you.

Narrowed down to a one page version:

System of Truth

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by DJM8507
If you could possibly split those up into paragraphs it would be much easier to read.

Also, if you could provide a one paragraph synopsis of the writings that would help.

Thank you.

Yes OP Big blocks of letters are hard on a lot of peoples eyes. So in the future you should try not post like that.
But that was an amazing read. thank you.


posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:47 AM

Originally posted by Scorpitarius
Another very important element to each and every atom is that the conscious energy (could be called spirit) is made of love. This is a hard one to grasp, I know, but can be easier to see when, again, we look towards creation for example. A human baby is filled with nothing but love, and it’s instincts to survive. When the baby is not acting on it’s instincts, which would be eating and sleeping, it is acting on love. Smiling, cooing, laughing and playing. A baby has an immediate love for both of its parents. When brought home, this love is automatically transcended to everyone else in the household. Similar to how consciousness is spread amongst atoms. If the baby is loved in return, it will grow out of love, having stayed connected to it. When a baby is mistreated, a form of trauma, the baby can start to distance itself form love and come to expect pain, or sorrow, etc. Until it is taught greed, a baby will always be willing to give up anything it has. It will give you its bottle or soother or toy. Another example is simply how good it feels to be loved, and how horrible it feels to have love taken away. We are made of love. If we don’t have love, we long for it. We cry tears of happiness at the uniting of love, we cry tears of sorrow at its departure. Even in the bible it is stated that God is love, that god is everywhere, in everything.

Energy is the ability to do work, and yes, it is what we all are. But we are not love. Love is the work that energy does.

The work that energy is capable of can either be self-serving, or other-self serving. All is one.

To all service from others is to serve others because all is one. Therefore, the work that you do that is inherent in your being has an outward and an inward form. The outward is what is commonly noticed, but the inward is not known by most because most do not understand that all is one. Inward service to others is acceptance of service from others. Acceptance is just one of the many facets of love. When the outward service to others is balanced with the inward service to others, then you will find yourself in harmony with the all. You will observe unity.

So, you could say that love is the creator, because everything that has been formed through the work of energy is formed by love which is the work, although, energy is neither created nor destroyed.
edit on 20-10-2011 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

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