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13 years of dumbed down education

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:21 AM
This is what happens when you have a political party that cant resist sticking it's nose into stuff it knows nothing about and ignoring everyone on the way. Kids aren't allowed to compete with each other anymore, in sports or academia. Football (soccer of our US cousins) players get paid more money a week than the average person gets in 4 years, a generation of welfare dependants, who cant be ar5ed to go and find a job, why should they when we give them more in handouts than they could earn. We now have a generation of kids leaving schools without the skills they require to function in society, as they feel they are owed a living from the state.

Is it any wonder that employers have no desire to employ UK kids

Any comments ?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:26 AM

This pretty much sums up school. Now art, history, English, math. I get it important to some extent, though most of school is just padded with busy work that has no reflection on the modern job market.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:28 AM
Its a symptom of the whole system here in the UK.

Kids have no aspirations today and no incentives to work harder.
The end result will be skills lost overseas.

The companies are loving this as they will get to choose the best applicants from a large list.

Were already seeing university graduates working in McDonalds !

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by FFS4000

Hi FF,

Yes New Zealand also has this problem.

So the kids have no future.

We are spending heaps on the World Cup.

And people are suffering.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:30 AM
The average person goes to school 30 hours a week, 38 weeks a year, for 11 years.

How on Earth can somebody not have a grasp of English and maths after all that time ?

What are they teaching our children ?!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:46 AM
reply to post by Sherlock Holmes


What they are teaching our kids is PC.

So, really they are teaching our kids to lie. Because that is what PC is.

Until we see this world in its true colours, we will never reach the truth - and people are blocking that.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 05:04 AM
reply to post by catwhoknowsplusone

There was also a story last week about a kids football league that stopped using the correct score when showing the results, if a team lost, for example by 10 - nil they were listing it as 1 - 0 so as not to upset the loser kids, ffs get a grip, bring back competition, some kids are winners some kids are losers, with attitudes like this example is it any wonder our kids have no drive or determination to succeed. They have since changed their stance i believe.

My kid does generally well at school sports day, won all his races, at the end he gets a certificate for taking part as did everyone else. What do i say to him when he asks me why he gets the same as everyone else even though he won. Trying to explain the PC world we live in to a 6 year old was fun, great at the end when he said, why should i bother then, i told him, because he won i would let him have something to show he had won. The fact the he knows he won will mean nothing to anyone else, lets celebrate when kids do well , it makes them want more.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 05:15 AM
Ok, I am totally fed up with PC.

And I am totally fed up with the fact that kids cannot compete honestly.

Come on! If a kid won first prize, that is great and he or she should be thrilled.

Let us be real - sometimes you win, and sometimes you lose.

At least let your win be thrilling.

And it is not good for kids to be told that everyone is equal - everyone is not equal.

Also, children have to get into the real world - the real world is not PC.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by Mcupobob

You underestimate the importance of theory. Any idiot can learn Perl, but to understand the algorithms and ideas behind many of the tools you are using, you need to study from books or classes. If you don't, someone from abroad who took the time to learn those things will eventually replace you.
edit on 20-10-2011 by 547000 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 12:27 PM
reply to post by 547000

I agree, hence why I understand such and such is also important in my post. I'm not going to get into algorithms or anything I don't even use pearl, I was just using the comic to make a point.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Mcupobob

I do agree. If a person is interested in what he's learning, it helps prepare him for his career. You cannot force in knowledge, because it will go in one ear and out the other.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by FFS4000
We now have a generation of kids leaving schools without the skills they require to function in society, as they feel they are owed a living from the state.

I hope it's not as bad as you describe!

But the World Federation for Mental Health (connected to the Tavistock Institute, which got funding from the Rockefeller Foundation) was founded in the UK in 1948 by J.R. Rees who had the specific goal of introducing his theories of amoral psychology into the schools (via teachers), as well as into medicine, law, politics, and business.

The introduction of "modern" psychology into teacher training started to produce teachers that concentrated on the "learning experience" rather than on helping kids become proficient at anything. I don't know exactly how this went down in the UK, but it was quite effective in hobbling many public schools in the US.

But this was only part of the plan, so I wouldn't blame it all on the school systems. The second half of the last century saw huge increases in government spending on "mental health" and an acceptance of the ideas of "modern" psychology in many sectors of society, even religion, and very much including the entertainment industry. We were ALL being dumbed down, not just the school kids.

According to the 1700s Enlightenment philosophy of people like Ben Franklin (US) and John Locke (UK), a good education was an important part of being a good citizen. And in a democracy, all citizens had a responsibility to be well-educated. To turn away from this responsibility was to turn back towards tyranny. NWO theorists like J.R. Rees knew this, and knew that education would have to be subverted if his global power ideas were to be accepted in the more advanced countries.

Being good at PERL might get you a ticket into the NWO's technocracy, but it's not enough to make you a free and responsible citizen. So, it's going to take more than making education more relevant to the workplace to solve the problem of a "dumbed down" population. We need to kick those NWO theories out of the schools completely. And all the teachers who learned them in college will need to unlearn them before we can have effective teachers again.

edit on 21/10/2011 by l_e_cox because: typos

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:29 AM
I am an Aussie - can someone please explain the term PERL?

As a Teacher I sometimes sense the reason students are not engaging in schoolwork is because they either feel they are dumb because they have been labelled that or because the world is not a place in which they want to live. In essence students see the pure crap some of you mention.

Children do not have the vocabulary of an adult. Vocabulary is something that expands as you mature and I believe that is why children act out. They cannot explain exactly what it is they are feeling or thinking because they just don't have a large enough vocabulary.

The education system needs to change. Students see all manner of violence and sex on the internet and in their homes. At home the degree to which they are exposed to sex and violence will be determined by the vigilance of the parents. Teachers are then expected to teach lessons based on the opposite. In short Children live in a world where the media televise sex - war - violence - from all angles. How can a teacher possibly compete with that!

Some Students come to school and apply themselves because that is their nature but even so some Students apply themselves and are deflated when they don't achieve - it is not because they did not try. The education system is designed to control young people - bell rings - next class - bell rings - go to eat - bells rings - go home. It is like the military. Where is the time to explore a subject? Students and their education should be structured to cater for young human beings not robots that we think we can control.

I am not sure what the answers are but parents need to realise that when enough of you make a noise and demand change - it is you who will make the change - not the Teachers.

Much Peace...

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Amanda5

PERL is a programming language.

I think what students need is to be challenged. At least in the US system, it is very easy to get As. Concept-based learning instead of just memorizing things and forgetting later.

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