posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:32 AM
Originally posted by FFS4000
We now have a generation of kids leaving schools without the skills they require to function in society, as they feel they are owed a living from the
I hope it's not as bad as you describe!
But the World Federation for Mental Health (connected to the Tavistock Institute, which got funding from the Rockefeller Foundation) was founded in
the UK in 1948 by J.R. Rees who had the specific goal of introducing his theories of amoral psychology into the schools (via teachers), as well as
into medicine, law, politics, and business.
The introduction of "modern" psychology into teacher training started to produce teachers that concentrated on the "learning experience" rather than
on helping kids become proficient at anything. I don't know exactly how this went down in the UK, but it was quite effective in hobbling many public
schools in the US.
But this was only part of the plan, so I wouldn't blame it all on the school systems. The second half of the last century saw huge increases in
government spending on "mental health" and an acceptance of the ideas of "modern" psychology in many sectors of society, even religion, and very much
including the entertainment industry. We were ALL being dumbed down, not just the school kids.
According to the 1700s Enlightenment philosophy of people like Ben Franklin (US) and John Locke (UK), a good education was an important part of being
a good citizen. And in a democracy, all citizens had a
responsibility to be well-educated. To turn away from this responsibility was to turn
back towards tyranny. NWO theorists like J.R. Rees knew this, and knew that education would have to be subverted if his global power ideas were to be
accepted in the more advanced countries.
Being good at PERL might get you a ticket into the NWO's technocracy, but it's not enough to make you a free and responsible citizen. So, it's going
to take more than making education more relevant to the workplace to solve the problem of a "dumbed down" population. We need to kick those NWO
theories out of the schools completely. And all the teachers who learned them in college will need to unlearn them before we can have effective
teachers again.
edit on 21/10/2011 by l_e_cox because: typos