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The 22 Days of Predictions

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 01:50 PM
Thanks for putting together a list, this is a lot easier then finding all the predictions with the search.

Feel free to add my prediction "None of these predictions will happen "

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 01:52 PM

That is most likely the saddest comment that I have ever read on this site.

why? because he put you in your place?

You actually believe that you are special, because you've been a registered ATS member, for longer than most? You honestly believe that you are learning top secret information here, don't ya?

i dont know how you come to that conclusion from that post, he made a valid point after your attack on the op... (which was unnecessary as the op made no claims, they just presented various predictions and posted it the PREDICTIONS forum) but as i said before maybe its because he put you in your place

You seem to have overlooked a tiny detail. I suppose that is a common occurrence for you though. You should climb down off of that high horse of yours, every once in awhile. Take a look around at the details that are so easily overlooked from way up there.

again don't know how you can make a statement like that to a member that has been here 7 odd years and only made a handful of posts

When you keep yourself placed that far up, upon your high horse, it is very easy to overlook the small details. Just because a detail may be small, that does not mean that it is any less important.

do you have an obsession with horses?

just to add.. nice thread op.. s n f
edit on 20/10/11 by Misterlondon because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 01:54 PM

Originally posted by Darkblade71
11:11 is something I also have been experiencing for years, however, I seriously doubt 11/11/11 has anything to do with it.

I was once told that when you see 11:11 it is supposed to be your guardian angels/guides telling you to pay attention, because they are.

I never came to any conclusions personally about 11:11,
but when it happens, I do smile and say hello just in case

You take seeing 11:11 the same as I do.. I think there is something to it but I can't explain it therefore I just kinda laugh whenever I see it, again and again! In fact once my daughter gave me her debit card and asked if I would stop at an ATM to see if she had any money in it, she said there might only be 25 cents!! I printed out the receipt and she had $111.11.... LOL!!! Also, when my sister first sent me an email telling me she kept seeing 11:11 I looked at the time of delivery and, yup! 11:11 AM!!! She thought I was pulling her leg!!
Well, we will see if 11:11 holds something if anything for those of us that experience it!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:00 PM
The founder of kundalini yoga in the states, Yogi Bhajan had a prediction about 11/11/11 before he died..

"In 2011, on the 11th of November, at 11:30 AM, longitude and latitude taken at Los Angeles, the Aquarian Age will be totally established. This time is nothing but the cusp period of the change of the guards, as with the change of the nostrils." —Yogi Bhajan 8/12/77

Just thought I should add.. The website even has a countdown..

21 in nearly every form of numerology, biblical or esoteric generally means the same thing. Universal completion.

Chaldean: This number is symbolized by the picture of "the Universe", and it is also called "the Crown of the Magi". It is a number of ad­vancement, honors, elevation in life and general success. It means victory after long initiation and tests of determination. It is a for­tunate number of promise if it appears in any connection with future events.

A bunch of others here..

Numbers pop up frequently in my dreams and seem to correlate with events in my life. Thirteen when things are going poorly or some sort of crucible, 14 when I'm thinking rather more enlightened etc.
edit on 20-10-2011 by kavita because: website, numerology

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:07 PM

Originally posted by MamaJ
reply to post by Skorpiogurl

Hahaha! That was my thoughts as well.

Whether one uses hype or not...who cares. A thread being created to show all the doom dates is interesting and the wording the OP used was just as interesting and made the read even more exciting.


Love will find its way, don't ya think? One way or another it will indeed.

I know, it's just fun and a good way to keep track of interesting (and if you're like me) Exciting dates. Whether anything happens or not.. who knows, who cares. Like I always say... bring it on. I'm ready
Usually when people get defensive there is a reason behind it

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:13 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

Cool thread, I always wished there was a way to track and easily view all the fail predictions here so people could get a picture of how much bs comes through here and how they should learn to be skeptical, logical and not believe in doom predictions with no evidence.

I'm sure they'll all fail and people will come up with the usual excuses or even worse do that thing where they grab any normal news headline of the day and try to warp the original prediction to meet it. Somehow some 4.3 earthquake which tips over a sheep somewhere will be proof that some prediction of a giant disaster was true. Other than that the predictors and believers in the predictions will just quietly not comment, not apologize and just move on to the next doom and gloom story which catches their fancy cause they're addicted to this stuff.

Anyways, looking forward to the fail train and the funny aftermaths.
edit on 20-10-2011 by darkest4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:21 PM

Originally posted by InsideYourMind

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
The next 22 days, starting on the 21st, will feature many predicted dates, some of which predicted many years ago.

Now i haven't read the thread yet but that really shocked me lol.

Just yesterday i was sat down watching the news, looked at the clock on the wall to see how far off it was in seconds (compared to the one on the news channel). Anyway, i turned to check my clock as it turned to 12:21 exactly on the tv, oddly my clock was 21 seconds slower than the news channel... Went to flick through the channels, and noticed that the information menu (sky box) said that the program started 21 minutes ago. I sort of smirked and found it pretty funny at the chances of that happening and laughed it off.

Turned the tv off and went on the computer and something i had tried to download earlier had failed on the 21% mark. Lol.

I'm not sure what that was about, but i have been seeing the number 21 almost everywhere lately. The story i just wrote above was pretty freaky at the time, makes me laugh and not sure if there's anything to it.

Your thread has got me interested in all of this numerology stuff now. I'll read it in a moment.

Software error in the matrix?. Just kidding probably just a bit of synchronicity. It's just the "others" (whatever you call them in you belief) having some fun and telling you that what you belive is chaos is not. You should laught at it. You unconscious is probably understanding something your conscious don't. That they are looking out for you and that you are protected and that the life you are experiancing is not the such a big deal. Do like Bobby McFerrin - Don't Worry Be Happy:
It's hard sometimes if your empathetic to live in this world. But you gotta hope for the best.

Above is just my thoughts and you dissregard them totaly if they don't feel right for you. Namaste

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:24 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity

great thread good to see all the dates in one place

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:25 PM
crap the end of the world is tomorrow.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:27 PM
Ok now they are really having fun with me. I posted me previous post at 21:21 CET and I was not trying.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:28 PM
All the predictions in one thread
thank you for making it easy

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by apushforenlightment
Ok now they are really having fun with me. I posted me previous post at 21:21 CET and I was not trying.

It's like living the Celestine Prophecy eh?

Gotta love spirit!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:53 PM

Originally posted by apushforenlightment
Ok now they are really having fun with me. I posted me previous post at 21:21 CET and I was not trying.

The date is good too: 20-10-2011 @ 02:21 PM

Welcome to the club... the numbers have you now!


posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:53 PM
Was there any prediction about Gadhafi's capture/death?!

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by BrokenCircles

Wow that's pretty harsh, I'm assuming your parents didn't teach you how to be polite.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by SonicInfinity
Thank you, nice post. You know what's so funny. If any of these predictions do come true, there'll be nobody around to say.....told you so.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:01 PM

Originally posted by buddha
my money is on "November 9th, 2011 - Emergency Alert System Nationwide Test"
they are geting ready for the big hit! and they tel you its just a teast!?
dont be fooled. they just dont wont you to riot and go mad.

Well let's get this ball rolling... Shall it be "OFFICIAL DISCLOSURE" or "Ultra-High Frequency (UHF) “Silent” Subliminal® Affirmations" that will either put us to sleep or wake us up? I didn't realize how fun starting a conspiracy is. I feel empowered!

Great compilation OP, thanks for the post.
edit on 20-10-2011 by AnotherSon because: for got to give props to OP

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:28 PM
reply to post by Adlai

That was a lot of space wasted to say nothing.....
...and you quoted every single bit of it, so as to double the space? Interesting....

reply to post by Skorpiogurl

Wow... wound up just a little bit tight huh?
No thank you.

@ Adlai & Skorpiogurl
You forgot to make a point.

reply to post by otie1

Wow that's pretty harsh, I'm assuming your parents didn't teach you how to be polite.
Assuming is a bad habit. Here is another one-

I'm assuming your parents didn't teach you that,
"[color=FFC59E]sticks and stones may break your bones, but words will never hurt you"?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by Misterlondon

why? because he put you in your place?
I am not intimidated by the amount of time someone has been a member of this site.
You don't know where 'my place' is.

i dont know how you come to that conclusion from that post, he made a valid point
I have already clearly explained why that point was not valid.
I see that you have conveniently skipped over that part.

after your attack on the op... (which was unnecessary as the op made no claims, they just presented various predictions and posted it the PREDICTIONS forum)
Made no claims? Exactly! Just repeating the nonsense of others.
Seems as if there is a good amount of repetition going on↓↓.

but as i said before maybe its because he put you in your place
The reason that you are repeating yourself, is because you have nothing to say. Stop and take a breath, every once in awhile. Give your mind a chance to think of something original, and you may be able to stop repeating yourself.

again don't know how you can make a statement like that to [color=FFEF0D]a member that has been here 7 odd years and only made a handful of posts

[color=FFEF0D]a 7 year member

As previously stated: Not even slightly intimidated by that. 100% meaningless.

do you have an obsession with horses?
Nope. I have rode one before. They are beautiful creatures. I'm glad you care. Thanks for asking.

[color=1FFFBC]P.S. I have a prediction too. Please try your best to prove it wrong.
I predict that I will get several other meaningless replies, within this thread.
That is in addition to the 7 (+/-) completely pointless replies, already received.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:38 PM
Wow it;s like the world is a giant monopoly board, we're all headed towards that high cost property corner of the board that happens to be filled up with little hotels.. We might only hit one, but we're still getting screwed.

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