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9 heads of the Hydra = 9 methods being used today to depopulate the world

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posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by undo
water is everywhere, even in the air. there are technologies to clean even the yuckiest water to make it good for human consumption. and technologies to extract water from the air and purify it for drinking. there's no reason on god's green earth that people are dying from starvation or lack of water, other than pure maliciousness.

There are and have ways been to get clean water, but water has been a source of power since the beginning of civilization. Nobody's just going to give it away, and it has nothing to do with being "mean."

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:34 PM
What the hell...

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by thepupils
reply to post by Highlander64

Maybe that's why every employee that was at the Bohemian Grove this year received a small stuffed animal frog.
To symbolize that we are being cooked/killed without even realizing it. Wow, when you said that "Boil the frog" It clicked, someone mentioned the toy frog gifts a few months back and asking if anyone knew the symbology behind it. I think that might be the answer. Were all just frogs being boiled without even realizing it. Polywog stew anyone?

I know there is a part during the "Burning Effigy" show that they put on every year, where members will croak like frogs, chanting "Cre-May-Shun", repeatidly. The people chanting are suppose to symbolize river frogs. Why? Who knows?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by Blue Shift

Originally posted by undo
water is everywhere, even in the air. there are technologies to clean even the yuckiest water to make it good for human consumption. and technologies to extract water from the air and purify it for drinking. there's no reason on god's green earth that people are dying from starvation or lack of water, other than pure maliciousness.

There are and have ways been to get clean water, but water has been a source of power since the beginning of civilization. Nobody's just going to give it away, and it has nothing to do with being "mean."

what's the motivating factor then?

this guy:

"An Action Against Hunger staff member in Kenya, David Githiri, giving a brief presentation on how something as simple as a Bio-Sand filter can transform dirty and unhealthy water into clear and healthy water."

shows how easy it would be to fix the situation. so why isn't it being taught to people in remote places with no access to the technology for drilling deep wells?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:17 PM
Very well thought out and written post, very thorough. You touched on some very important elements, the vaccines as way to cause miscarriage. Is that what Gates was talking about at the TED conference when he said he liked vaccines for zero population growth? I didn't know the H1N1 vax had caused miscarriages, but I have heard for years about how bad vaccines are and how unsafe they are. I had heard before they were being used as a depopulation method. I heard years ago that some vax were given to Indian and Brazilian women laced with sterilants without their knowledge. It was piggybacked on to some other disease the vaccine was supposedly controllling.
I just went to one of my favorite sites on info about vaccines and other health issues and one of the articles has a pic of JP Morgan....also shows Goldman Sachs and Rockefellers involvement.

This is an article in a Medical Journal by the way

Here's a connection I hadn't quite made yet....the connection of the recent housing crash to depop

Curiously, it is a maxim in epidemiology that ‘every pandemic in earth’s history was spawned by major socio-political upheaval.’ Economic crisis sets the stage with immunological conditions ripe for plagues.

Pure adequate alkaline hydration, and fresh organic nutrition, terminates reliance on toxic vaccinations and deadly antibiotics. The “powers-that-be” know this is true, and politically and economically impose allopathic “health care reforms” and plagues for profit and population control by neglecting and restricting this simple Divine sustenance.
Now JP Morgan-CHASE/Goldman Sachs officials headline the news for shorting the housing market at the expense of every American; traitorously crashing the national economy in the process, and risking US “national security.”

Here's the regular URL for the tetrahedron site of Dr Horowitz
edit on 20-10-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:17 PM
well quite a mouthfull to read all that .
So by that you say there is death of a 1000 ways .Just one question?? if they (who ever thye are) want to kill off 6.5 billion people then how is it the world poplation is RISING??
Abortions miscarriages and other deaths have not slowed down poplation growth at ALL .
And even if births STOPED totaly right this mint for 20 years not a singial Birth was recorded gess what the population would bearly drop at all in taht 20 years .
Heck china has had a one child policy for a longggg time now well over 20 years and yet there poplation has not droped and will not drop for another 40 years and even then it will only go down by 300 million or so (out of 1.5 leaving them with 1.2 billion left .
Just china alone would need to kill off 1.4 billion people to reduce india would have to kill off 1.2 billion .
America would have to kill off over 200 million and well is any one but me seeing the problem here??
Even all out nukler war would at best kill off 3.5 billion over 20 years (most in that first day).
Even if every government relised ever bio wepon and used every nuk they had the worlds poplation would still be well over 1.5 billion people and probly closer to 2 billion .
But gess what we hit 7 billion just the other day and still going UP .
The worst of the worst through out history hitler gangis con even they Killing every thing in there paths ndid not in the long run have a effect on world TOTAL population.
Heck the black plag did better then they ever dreamed of and it FAILED not only in keeping a reduced population but even making the way paved for the end of the fudil systems .
Really these post are such a wast of space

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by xxcalbier

They have been working very hard on all these things, it doesn't mean they have been successful, but look again at some things...I was in a class a few years ago focusing on how technology affects society, and one of the issues we looked at was certain population ratios of a few countries. They have a couple different models depicting the age spread, and in Japan alone, it said that fewer women were having children because they were working jobs and had put off motherhood. As a result of this, there are fewer young people to help out taking care of older generation. So there may be some hidden factors in all these depopulation plans.
AIDS didn't work fast enough, they found it took too long.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:24 PM
we recently purchased a water filtration system from a company i will not name. while the salesman was at our home, having us fill out the paperwork, i noticed he had an interesting tattoo on one of his arms. i asked him about it, and turned out it had some religious implications from back in his adolescence (let's just say it wasn't abrahamic in origin). then he asked me what my religion was, and when i told him, he rotated and showed me the tattoo on his other arm, which was a skull. he pointed at it and raised his eyebrows, as if to say, you're marked for death. i didn't think much about it at the time, although i did think it was a bit odd and found his behavior more than a little arrogant.

time passes, a couple months go by, and i hear the filtration system we had purchased, can inadvertently, for no apparent reason, release some form of salt that will literally eat you from the inside out.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:25 PM
there are some evil sick people in the world, and we call ourselves the good guys.

the illuminati want to live forever to avoid the wrath of God. if they don't die they can't face His judgement.

but what if it's satan and his lieutenants that want to live forever in the bodies of the people they possess, to avoid the exact same fate.

death will never be conquered. it is owed to God and it is the door to heaven and some hell.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by undo
we recently purchased a water filtration system from a company i will not name. while the salesman was at our home, having us fill out the paperwork, i noticed he had an interesting tattoo on one of his arms. i asked him about it, and turned out it had some religious implications from back in his adolescence (let's just say it wasn't abrahamic in origin). then he asked me what my religion was, and when i told him, he rotated and showed me the tattoo on his other arm, which was a skull. he pointed at it and raised his eyebrows, as if to say, you're marked for death. i didn't think much about it at the time, although i did think it was a bit odd and found his behavior more than a little arrogant.

time passes, a couple months go by, and i hear the filtration system we had purchased, can inadvertently, for no apparent reason, release some form of salt that will literally eat you from the inside out.

That's just plain creepy stuff. Can you give us more info on this?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:44 PM
Good post, however you seem to be singling out doctors more than any other career grup as being complicit in a scheme to depopulate the world. I notice you haven't singled out the quacks, the faith healers, reiki con artists and other charlatans with no physiological knowledge whatsoever who lie to and cheat people out of money and in many instances, their health.

Doctors are there to preserve and promote life.It's their job.If you don't think so, never go to one.It is becoming increasingly diffcult for them to practice in recent years for a host of reasons most of them stemming from taxation and ever dwindling co-operation from government.

You are going to see a shortage of doctors in the coming years, particularly at general practice level.Like all small businesses, general practices have been treated like dirt by the government. This means fewer diagnostics at ground level.Illnesses will go unnoticed and untreated.Hospitals will be jammed with frivolous cases while genuine ones suffer.

We are about to be plunged into a "dark ages" of medicine, where snake oil, and magic potions and flat earth theory trump science,reason and proof.

This is a wet dream for depopulationists.

The other problem in modern medicine is Big Pharma. These profiteers push up peoples medical bills, making them inaffordable to many. The drug companies set the prices not the doctor or the pharmacy.These companies advertise to you all day long telling you to "Ask your doctor is Bonmortis right for you", over a backdrop of archtypical healthy people playing golf, hangliding and fishing for marlin.And off you go to tell your GP what he's going to prescribe you.

They are bypassing the doctor and advertising to you in your livingroom.Coke or Pepsi, Viagra or Cialis, you are making the decision now. The doctor might as well be an automated prescription kiosk.His wisdom is irrelevant.

And everyone is going to cure themselves with plants of course.Plants with nonhomogenised unisolated active content.There's a reason the ancient druids handled medicine and herbs. Because in uneducated and inexperienced hands they can be deadly.Oddly enough the wiping out of European druidic tradition preceded the Dark Ages and I can't help wondering how much the loss of generations of accumulated information and observation of herbal medecine(not to mention astronomy/astrology), helped contribute to that extended period of human ignorance.

If this world descends into chaos, as it appears to be doing, doctors will be your best friend.Hell, you'll be happy with a vet or, a nurse, a dentist, someone who knows something about physiology.Remember, all your new age healer friends will have elevated to a higher vibration and dimensionality, so they won't be around to cure something like a nasty wound infection much less a pulmonary embollism .

Take out the people who spot and prevent the onset of disease and you're on the path to depopulation

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:47 PM
Japanese Princess comments on Illuminati depop


And No one in the media is really talking about this, the media in the US is focused on the 2012 election

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by blah yada

i realize there's a certain amount of quackery in health related fields, and that doctors have been hit hard even though many of them do the best they can with what they have available to them. i do, however, have a few misgivings, such as the fact they are often not allowed to share legitimate, easy, and safe remedies, and must instead push approved pharmaceuticals at all times. and they frankly, are not taught enough about alternatives, other than to give them a bad name, which makes the authors of their text books implicit in this problem.

for example, i had severe gastro-intestinal problems. i had been living on mylanta II, drinking it like water, because i had non-stop acid indigestion and constant blouted belly, filled with gas. the doc ordered 2 different upper gi's and put me on a bland diet. one of the top foods suggested were poached eggs. my husband was a good cook and would make me poached eggs, every day. the problem just got worse and worse. soon i couldnt drink soda or eat anything spicy. my food choices were dwindling.

i complained to my sister, who had been visiting a doctor of natural medicine in california, who understood various stressors on the body that add to digestive issues. so, after hearing me moan and groan about it for the umpteenth time, she finally asked me what i was eating. when i told her, she said, "well maybe you're allergic to eggs? try not eating them for a couple weeks and see what happens." so i took her advice, and in 2 weeks, i was almost completely better, no longer needed the mylanta, and had only residual gas trapped in my intestines to deal with. i went to a osteopath and he put me on a pharmaceutical to help me pass the gas, and before long i was back to eating like a normal person, minus the eggs. my first doctor would've never figured it out and just handed me more stuff that barely covered up the symptoms. that's not fixing the problem, it's prolonging it.

and that's just for starters.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:11 PM
reply to post by undo

Very interesting story. I Love a good trip to the health food store and always go over budget. I love the smell, sights, sounds of health food stores. After the Japanese fallout, I went to Whole Foods and got some natural iodine from kelp, I felt it was the best alternative.
I remember my Dad telling me that he had wanted to develop a cracker of some kind to feed the masses. It would have important nutrients and it had to be inexpensive. He never did finish that. He was actually a metallurgical engineer and had knowledge of all sorts of mathematical formulas. But he did have a humanitarian streak in him. Some people are that way, and some others dedicate their whole lives to ruining other people's. He also had worked on finding non-magnetic alloys to use in our subs to help keep them off the radars of Russians. He said that the particular defense program was stopped during the Reagan Admin...and gee I wonder why....cause the NWO had this whole getting rid of borders that long ago.
edit on 20-10-2011 by ThirdEyeofHorus because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:17 PM
Good read for sure, On that note i need to look into buying some kind of new water supply,
I don't wanna die from drinking water, that's just ironic. S&F, but the question is... Is it a good thing
or a bad thing to keep the population at a control? And if it's bad then what can we do about it?

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

yeah, you wanna hear something really funny...well not funny, just ironic. over the years, my allergy to eggs started to develop a more specific signature. i could no longer eat nuts. then it was shellfish of any kind-- no more shrimp, lobster, clams, crabs, mussels, etc. turns out i'm allergic to anything in a shell. and even more specifically, the iodine found in shells of nuts, eggs, shellfish, etc. but even when it's clear as day printed on my medical file, they still tried to inject me with iodine for a cat scan. i was like...did you not read my medical info???

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:28 PM
S&F for all your effort and there is a lot of scary # out there. But, it just doesn't add up. Not disagreeing to causes of death but the numbers are way incorrect. We are still growing. We won't be shrinking until the death rate exceeds the birth rate.
edit on 20-10-2011 by Gridrebel because:

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by undo

Actually a big problem I forgot to mention is the medical lawsuit culture that exists.Doctors have been targeted by greedy and unscrupulous lawyers as easy meat.Just look at all the ambulance chaser types on TV. They are in it for money and nothing else.

This frightens doctors and it is no surprise that a doctor would rather you undergo umpteen MRI scans than rely on his own diagnostic ability. Repeated MRIs are not good for you. But they take a certain amount of responsibility off the doctor's shoulders.

When people become ill from MRIs they will still want to blame and sue the doctor, yet if he doesn't send them for one he could be accused of negligence, should problems arise. People who make advance medical machinery like GE have lawyers on retainer. Doctors don't.

You have to wonder, in this sue-happy culture, how many doctors nowadays, drive on by a serious road accident without helping, in fear of being sued should everything not work out fine.The legal fraternity have undermined the trust relationship between patient and doctor in order to pry open a window of opportunity for profit.

This will cost us all in the long run.

Also,it's worth noting that a doctor will treat you no matter who or what you are.It doesn't matter your sex, race, creed or even if you are an illegal immigrant.The doctor will not deny you, knowing that he might never be paid for it. However if he uses any of that fancy machinery, or sends your bloodwork for analysis, you will be billed out the yinyang, not by the doctor but by the owners/lessors of said machinery, and they will pursue you for that money in a way that no doctor ever could or would.I don't know any doctor who owns his own MRI scanner.

If patients were willing to forego the use of such machinery, conditional to signing a legal waiver, and rely on their doctors wisdom and skills, the medical bill would be considerably less.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by undo
reply to post by ThirdEyeofHorus

yeah, you wanna hear something really funny...well not funny, just ironic. over the years, my allergy to eggs started to develop a more specific signature. i could no longer eat nuts. then it was shellfish of any kind-- no more shrimp, lobster, clams, crabs, mussels, etc. turns out i'm allergic to anything in a shell. and even more specifically, the iodine found in shells of nuts, eggs, shellfish, etc. but even when it's clear as day printed on my medical file, they still tried to inject me with iodine for a cat scan. i was like...did you not read my medical info???

wow, thanks for sharing that story. Scary they are clueless.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by blah yada

i have a great deal of empathy for doctors, generally speaking. i recall visiting an emergency room with a severe yeast infection. the doctor was a bright young guy who clearly had studied more than traditional western medicine, and had some knowledge in alternative treatments. this is what he said: "i'd tell you to use_________ (removed because i can't personally attest to its veracity) to solve the problem, but i'm not allowed to."

years later i recalled that conversation and thought that was an effective way of bypassing the legal implications and still offering the patient a safer alternative for treatment. i inevitably chose a different alternative treatment than the one he was not allowed to suggest, but i'm pretty sure his "i'd tell you to use" would work too.

edit on 20-10-2011 by undo because: (no reason given)

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