I have read endless attacks on Herman Cain on ATS in regards to his few years working at the Kansas City Federal Reserve, implying that he was the Fed
candidate, so I did some research on him and the other candidates.
If he was the Fed pick, one would imagine that he would get contributions from the big Fed owners, the ten big banks in the US. After looking at his
fund raising records, this isn't the case.
On the other hand though, there is one candidate who has contributions from the big Fed owners and not just the Fed owners, but large international
That candidate is Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney so far has reported taking in:
Goldman Sachs $354,700
Credit Suisse Group $195,250 (Swiss)
Morgan Stanley $185,800
Barclays $155,250 (British) 10th largest bank in the world, bought out Lehman Brothers
Bank of America $121,500
JPMorgan Chase & Co $109,750
UBS AG $64,250 (Swiss) The largest Swiss bank in the world
Wells Fargo $63,000
Citigroup Inc $56,550
All of them are major players in the global financial and economic system. By them donating to his campaign, they have essentially endorsed him.
In 2008 many of these same entities stood behind Obama. They have now abandoned Obama in favor of Romney, which may be a good indicator where both the
nomination and election will go.
If I was a betting a man, I would put my money on Romney winning the White House.
edit on 19/10/11 by MikeboydUS because: source