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Duality is wearing me D0wn....

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posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 04:53 PM
I of course could not stop thinking of duality. It don't not make sense to me. If there is 2 oposite sides should there not be a middleway. What you can call a trinity.

Good, neutral, bad. Love, neutral ,fear. Ego, neutral, genourus. For instance the coin for me you are not the side you are the coin, front, back and egde and everything in between. When you have a so called friends, enemies you also have the neutral that is neither. When you speak about time don't you have to be in all three places. You have to have had the past to be where you are now. The now is the place where you can act. And the future is where you are headed. You are at all places and ignoring the past and the future for only the now is shortminded thinking from my point of view. They what you where, what you are and what you will become. In the trinity sometimes you choose one extrem or another and sometimes you choose the middle way. Namaste

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 04:57 PM

Originally posted by NorEaster
Duality is how the corporeal realm expresses the nature of reality - the relentless drive of The Event to perpetuate its logical existence via the identified trajectory collective, and Information's symbiotic relationship with The Event, as organizational default directives with its own naturally occurring unit increase (emerging information that reflects the fact of ongoing events within a specific trajectory) it's way of "feeding" its own survival imperative expression. This most primordial of symbioses, between these two ultimately incompatible existential staples, is the basis of all duality, and is where the concept originated. From there, it's been "organically" co-opted by all subsequent developmental manifestations/expressions of said symbiosis, since reality will always rinse/repeat if given the green light to do so.

The only "Singularity" is the definitive comparative "yes" that Truth employs to assign primordial identity status to that which has emerged as physically existent, allowing physical reality a sub-structural foundation. Basically, the definition of "yes, it exists" or "no, it doesn't exist". Without this definitive "yes", existence cannot even exist as a concept.

And yeah, that direct comparison does create a duality between the relative being state, and the unaffected (my own selection from among the range of definitions for the word "absolute") being state of Truth's definitive "yes". Then again, that's the only reason for the existence of Truth's definitive "yes" - the establishment of primordial identity, which allows the existent "something" a basic delineation, and therefore existence.

I can see how all of this could be exhausting.
edit on 10/19/2011 by NorEaster because: (no reason given)

Einstein's Law of Simplicity states:

"Everything should be made as simple as possible but kNot any simpler."

Why is it you humans have to complicate the simple?

Simplicity dictates Duality is programmed into us so We will dew exactly what We have done and will dew, including you complicating the simple, thus, you have only proven the Matrix has you!

What dew you think the Matrix is?


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by MagesticEsoteric
reply to post by NorEaster

I very much want to understand exactly what you are saying but, I'm pretty sure it is beyond my scope of understanding. Is there a way to simplify what you have said so that I can understand?

See what I mean, NorEaster?

If you cannot say it where an idiot can understand it, kNot that Magestic is an idiot, then you have complicated the simple and thus, you are without a doubt stuck in the infinity loop of the Duality, the infinity loop of this Matrix.

Wake up Neo!


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by MagesticEsoteric

Where you are is the neutral point, the singularity, where you are seeing from is zero. From 'here' you can look left and right, but where are you? Are you left or right? No. From where you are (which is always here and now), you can imagine past or future but where are you?
You are in the placeless place of nowhere (now-here).
It is you that is non dual.

Duality is what the mind makes up, reference points that don't exist in reality. The mind makes images of an imagined past or future and duality is created. Duality is not reality, duality is imaginings in the head only. It is believed unquestionably by the majority. We are taught it at a very young age so it is not surprising that the whole world is insane. If duality is believed to be true then scizophrenia is the result. There seems to be more than one in the head and conflict arises. One than knows one is one can not conflict with one self.

Since a point, a singularity consists of both Time & Space, you should have clarified you were referring to Time being the "neutral point, the singularity, where you are seeing from is zero." Basing Time on a linear base-10 mathematical scale, the Present is Zero but it occupies a finite amount of Space, so Zero is kNot nothing.

Nothing doesn't exist!
It's an illusion of the Duality mindset.


edit on 19-10-2011 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 05:17 PM

Originally posted by smithjustinb

Why would you not want to actualize the idealized is the question.

Your ignorance is showing.

There's a reason it's called an's because it's just an doesn't exist outside of a pipe-dream, and never will. If it could be, it wouldn't be an ideal. You seem to be confused on many things.

I agree. Duality is everywhere and in everything. Unity is acceptance of this. Energy is what we are. Work is what we do. Who you work for as the unity determines your path. To work for others is to work for the self and to work for the self is to work for others. The difference is truth. Do you want to create your own truth or accept the truth that has been given. The former is not truth, it is deception.
edit on 19-10-2011 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

I think you got it ass backwards, kid. That's the narcissistic programming taught to you.

There is:

subjective reality
intersubjective reality
objective reality

We need to have a strong sense of self to get by in this rock, but thinking that intersubjective or objective reality is a deception, is mightly pathological in my assessment. It's the first and last think that develops, and sustains a personality disorder. Grandeur, egomania, or ya know, it's even describes as derealization by some people.

You people are so convoluted in your terms, you can't even find your way out. That's how this system of thought was designed. To trap more, and more victims into this nonsense, to gather more, and more resources for your "guru" or whoever you pray to. Even if you decide to go it alone, they still win, the system developers. They don't give a **** about you.. They want to see you suffer, by refusing to figure out yourself, and instead, think of yourself and the "real" world as perfect. It's cruel, and pathetic teachings.

I pity your all.


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
I wonder just how warped people's minds must get to speak about "duality" as if it's something someone can actually escape...

Why have you bought into a bunch of rubbish that seeks to actualize the idealized?!

Ideals are meant to be sought after, but reality will always make the mark attained less than the mark hoped for.

That means there's inherent pain in even yearning for something better..

..but no pain, no gain.

The "duality" is everywhere, embedded within the very fabric of the cosmos itself.

To try and escape it, is an act of extreme folly.

What you're really saying is: "my ideals don't match up to reality, and this drags me down"..

I say, "good!", "at least you're striving for something" ... "now hold your head up high, and get ready to be beat down again, and again, and again, and again" .. "cause that's just life".

Firstly, it's warped minds that think you cannot escape the Duality of this thing you call Life.

Secondly, duality is kNot everywhere and it is kNot embedded in the fabric of the cosmos. That fabric, as you call it, is the skin of Space, the skin of Source, the skin of God and She doesn't suffer from the illusions of grandeur you obviously suffer from, thus, God/Source is the true neutrality of non-duality.

Lastly, as to escaping it, I already have so I prove you wrong and folly is perceptual, thus, an illusion Duality infects you with.


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by unityemissions

What is it that is driving you to want to gain? This need to gain or to want comes from a deep seated feeling of not enough, not worthy, not complete, missing something. That something is translated into something 'other', the search is now on. The belief is something 'out there' will complete me and make me feel better.
What if you found the 'thing' that completes you once and for all?

The trap with dualism is there is a belief in something better, something 'other'. This belief will have you chasing 'something' forever, where is the peace in that? All there is, is this. And that is the truth. People can't handle the truth because it feels like failure, 'what this is it? There is nothing else'. That's when the fear really kicks in. This moment really is the only one that needs to be seen, felt, experienced.
There is nothing you can do about it. This, what ever is happening is all there is.
For the people who are really suffering, this is a relief.
It is the end of mind made suffering.

I disagree that "the trap with dualism is there is a belief in something better, something 'other'."

There is something better than this, there is always something better because even perfection has to be perfected continuously for it to maintain perfection status. The true trap is thinking this thing you call Life is imperfect, it isn't. The perfection of this is absolutely brilliant and goes beyond the average human intellectual capability.

As good as it gets can only be as good as it gets if it is always getting better, if kNot, it is only as good as it got.


edit on 19-10-2011 by ButtUglyToad because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by MagesticEsoteric
reply to post by unityemissions

Hi unityemissions,

I noticed that you mentioned having transcended all of this? (Not sure how to quote specific sections of posts yet w/out screwing it up)


Does that mean at some point in your journey you were open to these ideals? If so, and since you have transcended them, where are you now in what you believe/think?

What was the catalyst that started your transcendence?

I was open to many, many things years ago. I just turned 29. It was about my 20th birthday that I started into various esoteric teachings, and conspiracy theories in general. It was first, very entertaining, and I thought that I was "enlightening" myself. Over the years I've come to realize most people in the "truth movement" and "esoteric teachings" are either narcissists, sociopaths, or just your garden variety con-artist of some sort. There seems to be bits and pieces of truth sprinkled around mounds of deception.

I began to question the questioners. I learned little bits from more critical-minded conspiracy theorists, and the like. One thing that stood out was: who benefits. Some of these con-artists want your money, and other ones want your attention in general. Some are truly sadistic, and just want to mind **** you for a while. Some may be genuine disinfo agents, working for the elite in one way or another, or just an alphabet agency.

I began to see that certain things within this "new age" movement were entirely without reason, but not merely translogical-intuitive, but just plain nonsense. I began to see that this movement bred complacency, narcissism, naivety, and overall non-action towards problems. I also noticed that those who were young, fresh conspiracy theorists, were also often fresh into accepting other off-beat things, such as spirituality, and various teachings which sprung from it. I asked myself, "if I were an agent of control, what would I do to control these radicals? Infiltrate, is what they are doing. They are infiltrating, just as in the past.

In the past they used religion. WTH do you think this "new age" jargon is? It's a 21st century religion, without even calling it so. We have beliefs, and are starting up chapters everywhere. People have warped and put chunks of ancient religious/spiritual teachings, and dumbed them down and twisted them slightly to make it a tool of the state, just as happened to Christianity at the council of Nicaea back in the 3rd century AD.

So you have someone who has programmed their selves to be pissed off ... at the government, at the corporations... then the infiltrators of the CT world try to program you to being pissed at your self, and your fellow human beings. Then you get another chunk of "love and light" programming. You have hardcore reality programming, mixed with extreme pessimism, mixed with extreme optimism. WTH does that do to a previously sane individual?! It's splits their psyche into at least two parts. Bingo, you have the first stage initiation of a NWO clone in the making.

You get this, yet?!

It's BS, guys and gals. You've been duped by charlatans, and con-artists, and psychopaths, and agents. Everyone gains, but the pawns who actually believe this junk. It breaks down, guys and gals. Go outside, look around, and tell me that duality is an illusion. It's nonsense taken to the Nth degree.

Free yo mind, kids!

Ain't nothing stopping this incoming beat, and it sure as hell isn't "new age".

There's nothing new under the sun.

Hopefully I'm not being overly invasive by asking such personal questions but, I'm very curious.

edit on 19-10-2011 by MagesticEsoteric because: can't spell

It's all good. I just got fed up with assholes trying to sell me a load of garbage. I took my interpretation of reality into my own hands, and told all the "new age" kids they can suck it. There's too much hypocrisy within that movement for me to pay it much mind. I'll stay out these threads for another month or two until a new bunch of kids need to get told how it is, in my assessment.

Until then: PLUR!!!

LOL, old school raver here. I remember the naivety very, very well, LOL!
edit on 19-10-2011 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 05:38 PM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

There is no basis for anything you said in reply to me.

You're working off of a system of thought, composed of circular logic in it's entirety.

If you can't see that, we have NOTHING further to discuss, because you're just irrational.

I don't play well with morons.
edit on 19-10-2011 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by unityemissions

People can't handle the truth. The mind it will not allow it, for the mind will be dethroned. The mind has no power yet it is believed to be clever. It is the mind that makes all the trouble.

edit on 19-10-2011 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

People that can't handle the truth are programmed to dew just that and it's duality that makes it where We cannot handle their stupidity, for their stupidity is intentional and there to pee us off, keeping us forever trapped in this duality reality until We finally overcome the duality of this façade and become the One.

I know that quite well, it's what I've been working to rid myself of and I am fully aware of the fact that Stupid cannot help from being stupid, it's what they're here to dew.


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

I don't play well with morons.
edit on 19-10-2011 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

Then you shouldn't play with thyself.


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 05:59 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions

Originally posted by smithjustinb

Why would you not want to actualize the idealized is the question.

Your ignorance is showing.

There's a reason it's called an's because it's just an doesn't exist outside of a pipe-dream, and never will. If it could be, it wouldn't be an ideal. You seem to be confused on many things.

I agree. Duality is everywhere and in everything. Unity is acceptance of this. Energy is what we are. Work is what we do. Who you work for as the unity determines your path. To work for others is to work for the self and to work for the self is to work for others. The difference is truth. Do you want to create your own truth or accept the truth that has been given. The former is not truth, it is deception.
edit on 19-10-2011 by smithjustinb because: (no reason given)

I think you got it ass backwards, kid. That's the narcissistic programming taught to you.

There is:

subjective reality
intersubjective reality
objective reality

We need to have a strong sense of self to get by in this rock, but thinking that intersubjective or objective reality is a deception, is mightly pathological in my assessment. It's the first and last think that develops, and sustains a personality disorder. Grandeur, egomania, or ya know, it's even describes as derealization by some people.

You people are so convoluted in your terms, you can't even find your way out. That's how this system of thought was designed. To trap more, and more victims into this nonsense, to gather more, and more resources for your "guru" or whoever you pray to. Even if you decide to go it alone, they still win, the system developers. They don't give a **** about you.. They want to see you suffer, by refusing to figure out yourself, and instead, think of yourself and the "real" world as perfect. It's cruel, and pathetic teachings.

I pity your all.


There is only ONE true Reality, the Physical Reality and it is you that are caught up in the other illusionary realities, which are products of the duality structure of this Matrix.


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by unityemissions
reply to post by Itisnowagain

There's a saying I heard one, that went something like: Beware, those who seek to deceive you, for in their hearts they believe their selves your master.

And when the deceiver is thyself, you enslave yourself, which then, the façade of this duality reality has become your Master, you its Slave.

"kNot even God can win the fight against Stupidity when Stupid is judging the Contest." - Old Toad Proverb

"You can't teach someone something they already know." - Old Toad Proverb


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:15 PM

Originally posted by christina-66
However it was your comparison to duality and schizophrenia that compelled me to respond to your post. From where do you derive that metaphor? I thought people had long ago recognised that the so-called schism of the schizophrenic mind is nought but dogma and an outdated over simplification of this condition.

Crazy to one is crazy to the crazy.

Who's to say you are sane or they are crazy?

Answer: Duality!


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:19 PM

Originally posted by smithjustinb

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by unityemissions

What is it that is driving you to want to gain? This need to gain or to want comes from a deep seated feeling of not enough, not worthy, not complete, missing something. That something is translated into something 'other', the search is now on. The belief is something 'out there' will complete me and make me feel better.
What if you found the 'thing' that completes you once and for all?

The trap with dualism is there is a belief in something better, something 'other'. This belief will have you chasing 'something' forever, where is the peace in that? All there is, is this. And that is the truth. People can't handle the truth because it feels like failure, 'what this is it? There is nothing else'. That's when the fear really kicks in. This moment really is the only one that needs to be seen, felt, experienced.
There is nothing you can do about it. This, what ever is happening is all there is.
For the people who are really suffering, this is a relief.
It is the end of mind made suffering.

edit on 19-10-2011 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

Words of truth.

I am currently a victim of this mentality and am beginning to see the light.

You're still in that trap, you only think you're escaping it and the light you see, is from a mirror and you will continuously run into a mirror until you finally realize you have to catch your shadow first, then the light will come to you!


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by MagesticEsoteric

You are most welcome!

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by Itisnowagain
reply to post by smithjustinb

There is no 'other', it is one. One, or not two, where is the 'other' to serve when it is all one.
No path but this. Non dual awareness.

Oneness is all there is. From nowhere (now-here) appearances are seen. Appearances are not separate from the seer.

I highly reccomend Rupert Spira.
edit on 19-10-2011 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

He says:

"We may kNot kNow what I am but We kNow I am."

That is reverse Blue Pill Philosophy!

Blue Pill Philosophy:

"You don't kNow what the truth is but you kNow what the truth isn't."

Reverse Blue Pill Philosophy:

"You don't kNow what the Truth is but you kNow what the truth is."

Inverted Blue Pill Philosophy:

"You don't kNow what the Truth isn't but you kNow what the truth is."

How can anyone truly kNow they are "I am" if they don't kNow who or what "I am" is?

His philosophy is latent Duality!!!!


posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by NorEaster

No offense, but your conclusions are too much from the brain and not from the heart...where in ancient times true knowledge comes from the access to the heart. The egypitians used to discard the brain during mummification.. because it was not as important as the heart and feeling the answers of truth and the mystery knowledge.

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 06:52 PM
reply to post by ButtUglyToad

1. Admire your name buttuglytoad

2. Notice you are concise in your and too the point without any long drawn out novel of drivel...I thank you for that

3. Most of the time, drill the subject down...which I like too.

I think it was Pythagorus that said "Do not say little in many words, but a great deal in few" ***** stars

posted on Oct, 19 2011 @ 07:05 PM

Originally posted by christina-66
reply to post by Itisnowagain

To quote the late Terrence McKenna - 'We are the voice of nature', the voice of billions of years of evolution - duality is nature and we are a part of nature - that is evident even in the atom. I reckon most of us recognise that we are a part of this world - not apart from it.

People consult themselves for advice? Do they? They may rationalise their options (that's what I call thinking) but when I'm genuinely flummoxed I consult another more experienced in the problem I face. (We'll keep God out of this - I'm talking people.)

Confused emotion is the root of insanity - that relates to the ego - not necessarily the mind. Insanity is a misnomer - mental illness should more correctly be called emotional disability.

To negate the mind is extremely dangerous - our brains don't think - our minds do. Much like a motor vehicle - the engine equates to the brain - but the driver is the mind of the car. Without the driver a car is simply a hunk of metal.

And it's the Duality of Emotions that are the culprit of that which you speak of as being confused.

Neutrality is Universality!

Uni = One

Verse = a world or [sphere in which something exists or prevails

Ality = property of, condition of

Universality = Existing with All as One Sphere

Sphere = most efficent container there is


Ps: As to your comment about "without the driver a car is simply a hunk of metal."

That hunk of metal can kill someone if the driver is careless and forgets to set the parking brake on a hill, thus, the car doesn't need its brain (engine) to kill.

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