posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 12:59 PM
Plane is a good guess however, if you look at any frame there is never an outline of a plane. I have photographed planes reflecting the sun at
different times of day even at sunset and you ALWAYS see some part and outline of the plane. You might have a burst of light at one point but that
never lasts the entire duration. You will still see parts of the plane.
This object does move in a straight, linear path AWAY from the camera. So it's not landing lights. It is also clearly close enough to hear. You
don't hear any plane in the video. You do hear what sounds like a helicopter at one point.
I would suggest examining the video more closely for a frame that captures the shape of a plane or helicopter and post it here for us to examine . I
have yet to find one. So far, I only see lights shining at different luminosities.