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Anyone having odd feelings of excitement about the world collapse?

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posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:38 PM
I'm just curious if anyone else is oddly excited and can't wait for this collapse of everything to happen? Like building it up in your head to be some end-all of the monotony of this boring life some of us are living. Entertaining fantasies in your head about what it may or may not be like after the collapse. I know it's going to be really really bad for a lot of people, most likely myself included, but I honestly can't wait for it to happen, it's been building up for years and most of us here at least have seen it coming from a mile away. Aren't you guys at least tired of the seemingly endless build up to it, and just want it to happen already? Are you hoping for just a little more time to finish your last minute preparations?

I don't know maybe I'm just so tired of this society that we live in that I've built it up in my mind that anything might be better or at least more interesting. I'm turning 29 in 2 weeks but I feel like I've lived a long long time (maybe too long) already. I've been in war, been to about 20 countries, researched everything I could find that interested me and have trouble finding stuff anymore to research, I think I'm just burnt out on life (and extremely bored with it) and want some new drastic change,and don't really care what it is as long as it is a drastic change.

Your thoughts?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:42 PM
Thanks for bringing a laugh out of me first thing in our morning . I must have a strange sense of humour .

I love all the funny little ways we people have of enjoying our varigatiness .

Keep up the variety in life people . Dont let them turn you into the BORG we are all ONE doing the same thing , thinking the same thoughts .

The nature of existences is VARIETY of Energies .

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:43 PM
reply to post by Autodidactic

I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm excited about it... more like the feeling just before a battle... "let's get this **** over with!".

But yeah, the lead up is dragging on and ON, and the longer we go without real resolution, the more painful that resolution will be when - not if - it happens.

Try to hang in...

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:45 PM
Let the M*F* BURN!
Seriously, I feel the same way as you, though I am quite a bit younger than yourself. I look back on my life and think, 'Holy s* dude, how the HELL does anyone go through this much crap this quickly?' . I want to see it fall so that everyone is forced to coexist. We won't stand a chance alone, and people will realize that very quickly. It will be extremely difficult, but I see such a change having quite a positive effect.
edit on 18-10-2011 by ShadowMonk because: removed completely irrelevant sentence

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:47 PM
I have been a little giddy myself after realizing people are waking up.

Then to top it off, we are hitting the streets.

I am a little ecstatic, now, lets really get this ball rolling.

And bring it all down. I know it will be tough times, but I am always up for a good challenge. Heaven knows my employer cannot give me a good challenge.

edit on 18-10-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by Autodidactic

I'm just curious if anyone else is oddly excited and can't wait for this collapse of everything to happen? Like building it up in your head to be some end-all of the monotony of this boring life some of us are living. E

Your thoughts?

yea, its dark energy building up of rage, evil, & destructive acts in a diabolical orgasmic orgy frenzy.

you have the choice to fight it, or get off on it.

could channel this excitement into positive energy - ie, pray justice is served for world bully & oooresor.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by Autodidactic
Yes and no.

I wouldn't say I'm to worried about how boring or monotonous it is - I'm personally fed up with the injustice, disregard, and various other insanities this system has enabled, and I'm ready for SOMETHING to either bring this system down and allow us to rebuild, or get us the momentum and motivation needed to fix it (have my doubts about the latter option at this point, believe it may be beyond repair).

Justice is no longer blind, she has for the most part been bought and whored out. We complain about our problems while we sit in our air conditioned homes watching our satellite TV or in a stadium packed with tens of thousands of people, while people are starving in the streets outside or dying in impoverished nations, up to the tune a billion plus (try to get tens of thousands of people to come together for something serious and meaningful before the precious balance of their own life is upset by something...). We're more concerned with American Idol or whatever the new flavor of idiocy is than getting pissed off about a militarily-aggressive and lying government and trying to do anything about. Voters worry more about what choices people might make with their lives (and controlling them) than taking care of vast and inneffective injustices (drug war, "war on terror", etc.).

I'm ready for WHATEVER it takes to finally shake some real change loose as I'm tired of this monstrosity, whether that change is a result of order out of the required chaos or a sea change in the way a good many of us look at and tolerate things.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:53 PM
reply to post by Autodidactic

Yep, things are starting to get Boring and im only 22

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:53 PM
I gave you a flag coz I like your content . Build up or anticipation is a very essential ingrediant in creating spice in the RELATIONSHIP we have with LIFE . Usually its reserved for an ingrediant essential in a romantic relationship. You cant just have all the same all the time , otherwise the relationship goes sour .

You must have seperation and then anticipation of union . So we have all been in the doldrums of at the hip union with the system in place without any seperation or anticipation .

The seperation proberly is seperation from Feelings of JOY and exciitment of a variety mellows in our lives .

Having different cultures offers variety . What is one of the objectives of the current world plan ?. To take down the variety of different rich cultures and merge them into mass migration . creating a bland mono culture .

Religion !!! Alot of propaganda is against the different religions or ways people offer Worship to the Creator God . They sling nasty slogans at religion now . Saying different religions cause problems . Lets have ONE as a religion .

Oh now that so exciting . ONE as the Divine inspirational force behind life . Your destination is the number ONE .

Let me try hard to reach ONE. Communism creates mono cultures with BLAN everything . No spice of life in the uptopic cummunists structures like Moas China or Stalin Russia. Only destruction ...or de contruction. .
Thats enough from me .
edit on 18-10-2011 by Anusuia because: spelling errors

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:54 PM
Interesting question OP, because really, how honestly will some people want to answer it?
On the one hand, do you want do be seen as evil for wanting it? When you think about how many people it may hurt or even destroy?

On the other hand, you know things have gotten so bad now, it seems that any major change can only lead to something better.

I guess I lean toward the destruction, and I will just help out whomever I can.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:55 PM
There is something terribly wrong with the society we live in, it just doesn't seem right. Nothing about this life I live feels right, I feel like a slave, a drone living out a meaningless and empty life, and I fear when I am on my death bed, I will have nothing but regret because I didnt accomplish anything.

I have a good job, I have a decent life, and I do appreciate it, but I cant help but to feel what I feel. Im sure others do too.

I hope it all comes crashing down.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:56 PM
Yeah, it's bit like we are all stuck in the middle of a commercial break and we are all waiting for the show to start.............

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:57 PM
I'm just a bit older than the OP, but I agree. I can't help but feel there's a better future ahead for one thing, though I think the road there might be tough, but I also feel like we've been perched on this edge of forever for too long already.

I wonder if this is a larger problem in society. It's easy to see a world with many unknowns as a place for dreams, ambition, and exploration. These days, it's shut up, pay your bills, do as you're told, and you might get out of debt if you're lucky by the time you're forty.

People aren't meant to live as efficiency machines, yet that is asked of us. As much as anything, I think that's why eventually the system will collapse.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by sicksonezer0
There is something terribly wrong with the society we live in, it just doesn't seem right. Nothing about this life I live feels right, I feel like a slave, a drone living out a meaningless and empty life, and I fear when I am on my death bed, I will have nothing but regret because I didnt accomplish anything.

I have a good job, I have a decent life, and I do appreciate it, but I cant help but to feel what I feel. Im sure others do too.

I hope it all comes crashing down.

I think you summed it up quite well there.................

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:03 PM
Can't wait. My dream is to wander around to wherever I want in a post-apocalyptic world.

There is something about it that I get off on. This feeling that everything has ended and you are alone in a world totally destroyed.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Open_Minded Skeptic
reply to post by Autodidactic

I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm excited about it... more like the feeling just before a battle... "let's get this **** over with!".

But yeah, the lead up is dragging on and ON, and the longer we go without real resolution, the more painful that resolution will be when - not if - it happens.

Try to hang in...

Couldn't agree more with you.

Let's get this s**t over with!

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:06 PM

Originally posted by ignant

Originally posted by Autodidactic

I'm just curious if anyone else is oddly excited and can't wait for this collapse of everything to happen? Like building it up in your head to be some end-all of the monotony of this boring life some of us are living. E

Your thoughts?

yea, its dark energy building up of rage, evil, & destructive acts in a diabolical orgasmic orgy frenzy.

you have the choice to fight it, or get off on it.

could channel this excitement into positive energy - ie, pray justice is served for world bully & oooresor.

Im quoting you because you have actually addressed what Im am pointing out . " Build up of Dark Energy " the ying and yang contain both energies . Do we fear what you call dark . Is it the DARK that we all FEAR . What is Energy . All Energy is within the BODY of GOD . Serve his Energy of Lightness of being while at the same time not throwing BLAME or Darkness at HIS dark energy .

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:06 PM
reply to post by Autodidactic

I think what you and others are craving is a period of global communitas

In the past such periods could be achieved without devastation. Nowadays, I don't think it can be. Our social structures are too rigid, our populations too large.

edit on 18-10-2011 by Student X because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Autodidactic
I'm just curious if anyone else is oddly excited and can't wait for this collapse of everything to happen? Like building it up in your head to be some end-all of the monotony of this boring life some of us are living. Entertaining fantasies in your head about what it may or may not be like after the collapse. I know it's going to be really really bad for a lot of people, most likely myself included, but I honestly can't wait for it to happen, it's been building up for years and most of us here at least have seen it coming from a mile away. Aren't you guys at least tired of the seemingly endless build up to it, and just want it to happen already? Are you hoping for just a little more time to finish your last minute preparations?

I don't know maybe I'm just so tired of this society that we live in that I've built it up in my mind that anything might be better or at least more interesting. I'm turning 29 in 2 weeks but I feel like I've lived a long long time (maybe too long) already. I've been in war, been to about 20 countries, researched everything I could find that interested me and have trouble finding stuff anymore to research, I think I'm just burnt out on life (and extremely bored with it) and want some new drastic change,and don't really care what it is as long as it is a drastic change.

Your thoughts?

There was a point in my life when I felt the same way about life. I thought, I have been everywhere and done everything I can think of that interests me. When I was younger I was exited about life and seeing different places, meeting new people, doing exiting new things......then life happened. I lost interest in people after I went to war and found out exactly how fu@# up people really are. So, I traveled all over the world and found out that in the real world, one place is JUST like another.....a bunch of those same fu$#ed up people stuffed together on one location or another, they just talk different in different places is all. I went through all of the girls and the beer and the parties, all that happened was I got a headache and a stint in rehab....I tried ALL kinds of religions....eventually found them all to be screwed up in one way or another and none of them helped. Got married a few times....didn't work. I did it all. What actually FINALLY changed my life and gave me purpose and happiness was a complete accident. I accidently got someone pregnant and ended up with custody of a little girl. I have never been happier, when my daughter comes home from school and runs in the door, hugs me and says daddy I missed you and love you, it is a feeling like nothing else can duplicate. I am not saying go knock some chick up and your life will change, but it worked for me lol. Sooo, I am not looking forward to any end of things as we know it scenarios, it scares the hell out of me actually, I FINALLY have a happy little life and don't want it to change.
edit on 18-10-2011 by billy197300 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:11 PM
Yes, I am. I'm practically chomping at the bit for things to fall apart. It makes me take a long look at myself and makes me understand just how much I hate our system. I'm probably miserable and didn't even know it.

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