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There is a war being waged against everyone but most dont even care?

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posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:25 PM
Would they care even if they knew? I can state so many instances where war is being waged against the people, but I know I am presching here to the wrong crowd, most of you know whats going on. Has anyone got any ideas how I can spread the word of war?

I am talking about GMO, chemtrails, floride etc.. And the eugenics agenda.

I have thought about youtube video, but it needs to go viral and the key is keeping people intrested. Most of the general population are like bricklayers (sorry brickies) where as long as they get thier beer at the end of the day they are happy.

I have done blogs etc, but really need to spread the word faster and harder.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:28 PM

Originally posted by TheMindWar
Would they care even if they knew? I can state so many instances where war is being waged against the people, but I know I am presching here to the wrong crowd, most of you know whats going on. Has anyone got any ideas how I can spread the word of war?

I am talking about GMO, chemtrails, floride etc.. And the eugenics agenda.

I have thought about youtube video, but it needs to go viral and the key is keeping people intrested. Most of the general population are like bricklayers (sorry brickies) where as long as they get thier beer at the end of the day they are happy.

I have done blogs etc, but really need to spread the word faster and harder.

You know you are right!
I don't care.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by GmoS719

Then get off the site and quit trolling every thread that comes up. O.P., sadly most people do not care. With all the video games and McDonald's locations around the world, people are happy. Sad, really. But I'm sure you already know that ignorance ^^ is bliss.
edit on 18-10-2011 by josh2009s because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:48 PM
People probably don't care since because of all these super dangerous 'poisons' like Chem Trails, Flouride, preservatives in the food, Genetically Modified foods, living to 90 years old and beyond is more and more common.

Before all these 'dangerous poisons' all the Chicken Little people like to run around shouting about (sorry Littles), People were doing great if they could just see their 60th birthday.

So, if I can get an extra 30 years with Flouride, Chem Trails, GM Foods, preservatives, and such, bring it, and bring more of it.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:10 PM

Originally posted by GmoS719

Originally posted by TheMindWar
Would they care even if they knew? I can state so many instances where war is being waged against the people, but I know I am presching here to the wrong crowd, most of you know whats going on. Has anyone got any ideas how I can spread the word of war?

I am talking about GMO, chemtrails, floride etc.. And the eugenics agenda.

I have thought about youtube video, but it needs to go viral and the key is keeping people intrested. Most of the general population are like bricklayers (sorry brickies) where as long as they get thier beer at the end of the day they are happy.

I have done blogs etc, but really need to spread the word faster and harder.

You know you are right!
I don't care.

Then why post?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:13 PM

There Is A War Going On For Your Mind

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:13 PM
There is a way. It requires a small investment on your part, and you enlist a few others to help with expenses.
1. obtain a 3 or 4 target CD/DVD duplicator. I got mine on ebay for around 200. new
2. Get CDs cheap. I get mine on ebay as well. I get them in 1000 CD lots or more.
3. Now the best part is you can make your own DVDs and CDs with Windows movie maker which is a free program from microsoft. And you can use a free audio editor called Audacity. Putting it together is a snap.
Then make your own CDs and DVDs. My duplicator is a three target that will burn 1 CD a minute and 1DVD every two minutes or less. You can get sleeves to put them in on Ebay as well for around 18.00 per 1000.
I generally take my time buying this stuff. And get the best purchase I can. My average cost per CD is about 10 cents. Add the Sleeve, and some labels (I use Avery Address labels that are permanent. they do not come off at all;
so the end result is my cost is about 12-13 cents per CD. That I can handle because I get them out by the hundreds.
Note that most videos online now are in a flash format. If it is something I really need and want to get out I make sure it is not copyrighted...then I simply use a video screen capture program that renders the flash into an AVI file.
I use cam studio. once again a free download. If you do the research. You can do it. Anyone can with a little research. and do it cheaply. If you want pointers feel free to U2U me.


posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:15 PM
I care.

But would I rather die a slow, unnoticable death, while living a lavish lifestyle?

Or die instantly fighting for my right to not die a slow, unnoticable death?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:16 PM
Beavis and Butthead voice:

"You said faster and harder......"

Sorry i couldn't help myself.

OP just do what you can do in these types of situations. Make the changes in your own life that will help. If everybody took the small steps to take themselves out of this mess than it wouldn't be a problem. In the end the only real change you can bring is change within yourself. As a great musician once said "Life moves on within you and without you."

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:16 PM

Originally posted by nineix

People probably don't care since because of all these super dangerous 'poisons' like Chem Trails, Flouride, preservatives in the food, Genetically Modified foods, living to 90 years old and beyond is more and more common.

Before all these 'dangerous poisons' all the Chicken Little people like to run around shouting about (sorry Littles), People were doing great if they could just see their 60th birthday.

So, if I can get an extra 30 years with Flouride, Chem Trails, GM Foods, preservatives, and such, bring it, and bring more of it.

Flouride is not the source of people living longer, it's the source of people living stupider
They used it in German concentration camps to make people more passive and dumb to what was going on but hey stupid is what stupid does.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:18 PM

Originally posted by nineix

People probably don't care since because of all these super dangerous 'poisons' like Chem Trails, Flouride, preservatives in the food, Genetically Modified foods, living to 90 years old and beyond is more and more common.

Before all these 'dangerous poisons' all the Chicken Little people like to run around shouting about (sorry Littles), People were doing great if they could just see their 60th birthday.

So, if I can get an extra 30 years with Flouride, Chem Trails, GM Foods, preservatives, and such, bring it, and bring more of it.

Just to clarify a little bit here, fluoride (ingested, at least) has done nothing to preserve anyone's life one way or another - it hasn't even been shown to reduce tooth decay as compared to non-fluoridated water areas. However, it has been shown to decrease IQ and contribute to osteosarcomas.

Chemtrails - no opinion one way or the other. Increasing use of preservatives and other additives and innovations can likely be (in some degree) credited for the massive increase we've seen in cancers and various other chronic diseases over the last few decades.

GMO foods are infecting the global food chain and breeding super pests that are immune to various pest controls, making them a greater threat to global food supply - as are neonicitinoid pesticides, decimating bees (and likely other non-domesticated pollinators), threatening various plant cycles.

Our increases in industrial fishing are also decimating oceanic food chains, and our advancements in waste generation without related advancements in waste management are otherwise polluting the oceans and their remaining denizens.

Oh sure, we went through a period where the checks hadn't come due yet and we were only reaping the short-term benefits of some advancements, but when we're utterly wrecking natural systems to do it and leading to 33-50% cancer odds during the average person's mentally-impaired lifetime (among other things) - perhaps you should consider the cost and think a bit more about it before asking for more...

Probably best to leave it at "Mankind's reach has always exceeded his grasp." We come up with great innovations with a short term benefit, rush them out, and implement them before we fully understand the long-term effects and net benefit.
edit on 10/18/2011 by Praetorius because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by mileslong54
Flouride is not the source of people living longer, it's the source of people living stupider
They used it in German concentration camps to make people more passive and dumb to what was going on but hey stupid is what stupid does.

Against what metric are you judging human stupidity levels? History is, if nothing else, the complete guide to humanity's bumbling and is pretty clear that we are already quite mad, collectively.

You can think for yourself, if you want to. The problem is very few want to and I'd be more inclined to consider that a cultural failure in the US than a chemical one.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 01:28 PM

the eugenics agenda.

third paragraph.

so whats the solution?

ed: I can think of one to get us started. S&F this thread.
edit on 18/10/2011 by whatsinaname because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro

Originally posted by mileslong54
Flouride is not the source of people living longer, it's the source of people living stupider
They used it in German concentration camps to make people more passive and dumb to what was going on but hey stupid is what stupid does.

Against what metric are you judging human stupidity levels? History is, if nothing else, the complete guide to humanity's bumbling and is pretty clear that we are already quite mad, collectively.

You can think for yourself, if you want to. The problem is very few want to and I'd be more inclined to consider that a cultural failure in the US than a chemical one.

Indeed but is it the people's fault or those that taught them to be this way?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by mileslong54
Indeed but is it the people's fault or those that taught them to be this way?

Who teaches people to be stupid? Serious question, cause the answer is normally weak.

I grew up in the cable/video game generation. I grew as the internet grew. I drank a lot of fluoridated water and ate a lot of GMO food. I have a public education and no college degree.

How, exactly, is it that I enjoy reading, hate TV, am better educated in history and politics than almost everyone I know, to name a few things. It's nothing more than mental prowess. Either you have it or you don't. Most people do not, never have, and never will barring any serious change in human life (medical or evolutionary).

So, please explain what you mean by that chicken and egg analogy you posted.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 02:57 PM

Originally posted by KrazyJethro

Originally posted by mileslong54
Indeed but is it the people's fault or those that taught them to be this way?

Who teaches people to be stupid? Serious question, cause the answer is normally weak.

I grew up in the cable/video game generation. I grew as the internet grew. I drank a lot of fluoridated water and ate a lot of GMO food. I have a public education and no college degree.

How, exactly, is it that I enjoy reading, hate TV, am better educated in history and politics than almost everyone I know, to name a few things. It's nothing more than mental prowess. Either you have it or you don't. Most people do not, never have, and never will barring any serious change in human life (medical or evolutionary).

So, please explain what you mean by that chicken and egg analogy you posted.

One example would be the teaching of super egotism, that I am the best or better, I know more than everyone around me, and no one around me will be smarter than me ever. This is commonly found in America and it stems from an ever lasting campaign of divide and conquer. Fight amoung yourselves as to who is smarter and better while "They" don't give a rats A** who is and who is not and just collect your money every way possible and keep you fighting amoung yourselves.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by mileslong54
One example would be the teaching of super egotism, that I am the best or better, I know more than everyone around me, and no one around me will be smarter than me ever. This is commonly found in America and it stems from an ever lasting campaign of divide and conquer. Fight amoung yourselves as to who is smarter and better while "They" don't give a rats A** who is and who is not and just collect your money every way possible and keep you fighting amoung yourselves.

Who teaches this?

Last time I checked, America was trending towards everyone being the same and no one wins. Interestingly enough, humans are competitive creatures (especially men). So, where are you getting your information from?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by KrazyJethro

Oh, I don't know maybe it was the whole "I am better in history and politics than everyone I know" thing.
You right no egotism being shed there.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:34 PM
I did Psychology at A 'level and I was told there were 4 things you need to be able to change someone else's point of view.

You need to look the part.
You need to sound like an expert.
You need confidence.
The more good looking you are the better.

Don't shoot the messenger.

Personally I disagree with the BS, as I look at the person's motives.
So what would be your motive in telling these people they are dying, albeit slowly.
This is the same reason the Shadow government and NASA wouldn't tell us about an Extinction Level Event. Why make them worry if there is no hope of survival?

I think I would find something that they are passionate about and use that as leverage.
For example, Beer and the fact that GMO grains taste disgusting and on the side they make you infertile. No chavee and chavo for you.
Yes and guess what Fluoride can rot your teeth from the inside, ruining your beautiful smile.

Then hit them with Aliens and NEOs, such as Elenin. (Which BTW is actually a Black hole. Not kidding.)

See how I got that in at the end and now you have a glazed look on your face. You say 'No way is Elenin a black hole' Oh but it is and the evidence is out there but you are being lied to and because you do not have the skills in Science, you will have to trust me and the Youtube guy.

Uphill struggle is an understatement. Hope you have more luck than I just did.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 04:52 PM
reply to post by DavidsHope

Hey, great idea! Thanks, never really thought of going about things that way. I have 2 DVD writers that should do and a decent printer. Can do a load of pamphlets with the DVDs and put them in the papers of the local shops.

Will get some decent stuff in the fractional reserve system, and see if I am allowed to download and spread the American Dream cartoon.

I shall do the DVD in four parts


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