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Iran secretly executing hundreds of prisoners: UN - (A Focus on the UN and some questions)

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posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:30 AM
Iran secretly executing hundreds of prisoners: UN

Iran's authoritarian regime has secretly executed hundreds of prisoners, according to a new UN report detailing growing rights abuses in the Islamic republic.

The mysterious executions at Vakilabad prison in Mashhad in eastern Iran were highlighted in a report compiled by Ahmed Shaheed, the new UN special rapporteur on the human rights situation in Iran.

Shaheed, who assumed responsibility for the mandate on August 1, billed this as an interim report cataloging the most recent trends in the human rights situation in Iran.

The report, which is to be presented to the UN General Assembly on Wednesday, details a raft of abuses from the denial of women's rights to torture, but the most shocking data was the skyrocketing rate of executions.

The report, obtained by AFP after first appearing on the Foreign Policy website, said 200 officially announced executions had taken place in 2011 with at least 83, including those of three political prisoners, in January alone.

"Furthermore, authorities reportedly conducted more than 300 secret executions at Vakilabad prison in 2010," the report said.

"Vakilabad officials, in violation of Iranian law, allegedly carried out the executions without the knowledge or presence of the inmates' lawyers or families and without prior notification to those executed," it said.

"It has also been reported that at least 146 secret executions have taken place to date in 2011."

- Click link for remainder of article.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:31 AM
I found the report interesting.. It looks like Iran is overtaking China in terms of people executed.

The statistics for Iran aside my question is this - Has the UN lived up to its intended function? The point behind the UN was to allow a forum for open discussion among member states, hoping dialogie would head off going to war.

Since its creation it seems to have become something else entirely.

Specifically using the topic of Human Rights, what is the purpose and function of the UNCHR if all it can do is give a report after the fact? If the UN charter recognizes the ability of a soveriegn nation to mind its own affairs, then what purpose do any of the UN groups have if they are unable to stop something?

We have seen countries appointed to some of these groups that frankly, in my opinion, have no business being on them in the first place. I know many others will fire back stating the same about the US, and that is a valid view on some of the topics. However, im notlooking for a nation vs nation debate.

A few questions / thoughts
* - Was the idea of a League of nations / United Nations a good one?
* - Does the current UN live up to the reason it was founded?
* - Is the UN doing more harm than good?

* - Is it possible the UN was created as a means to justify innapropriate behavior among nations? If we had no UN, any country who oppressed / killed / what have you its own people, it would force other nations to do one of 2 things -
A - Ignore whats going on
B - Intervene

With the UN, countries are more able to ignore whats going on inside a country, by using the UN as a shield. Where as before they would be forced to fact the fact that they either acted, or ignored it. Now we hear all about issues all over the planet, and instead of taking them on directly, they get referred to the UN with the added position of we cant do anything until the UN allows it.

The make up of the UN has eefectively created 3 groups, which is nothing new -
* - Aligned West
* - Aligned East
* - Non aligned / situation specific

Should the UN be disbanded? reorganized? fundamental changes made to the veto power of some members?

This is not limited to what I pointed out, so feel free to expand outside the area I highlighted.


posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:39 AM
This is great news! The sooner this news spreads the faster we can get in there and spread democrazy to all the people we will kill.

BTW if it's so secret how'd it get out? CIA planted operative who plants made up evidence before we bomb them to oblivian and send in the troops?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:40 AM

Originally posted by DaRAGE
This is great news! The sooner this news spreads the faster we can get in there and spread democrazy to all the people we will kill.

BTW if it's so secret how'd it get out? CIA planted operative who plants made up evidence before we bomb them to oblivian and send in the troops?

Add that question to the list. According to the article it came from the UNHCHR investigations.

Any thoughts on the actual topic or?

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

haha good timing for this being released

i think america would have the biggest body count for innocent/non innocent people being executed

the un is corrupt.
if they did what they said they do, america would be their biggest priority not these small nations..
they are just distraction and providing the illusion that the world is a fair place
edit on 18-10-2011 by ShortMemory because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:51 AM
me personally ...i'd rather be executed than tortured at gitmo (getmo?). what's soooo inhumane about executing prisoners all of the sudden?
US execution numbers/stats

we've killed 1,271 people since 1976, in our own prisons!

maybe....iran just simply can't afford to build all kinds of FEMA they are just clearing out room...

edit on 10/18/11 by ICEKOHLD because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 05:59 AM
Hey guys lets not get off topic, them evil iraniens are killing left and right, we need to bring them our style of democracy, kill has much as you can, arm a bunch off goons to kill more, and lets pillage the country UN style...

I have to say you did your homework eheheh, but my question is what school did you attend eheheheh

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:06 AM
The UN reporting on things needs a bit of salt ...this latest doc about UN reporting on what they sold us on Lybia is worth a second take ..

How the CIA Used "Libyan Expatriates" To Engineer Consent For Regime Change

One of the main sources for the claim that Qaddafi was killing his own people is the Libyan League for Human Rights (LLHR), an organization linked to the International Federation of Human Rights (FIDH). On Feb. 21, 2011, LLHR General Secretary Dr. Sliman Bouchuiguir initiated a petition in collaboration with the organization U.N. Watch and the National Endowment for Democracy. This petition was signed by more than 70 NGOs.

Then a few days later, on Feb. 25, Dr. Bouchuiguir went to the U.N. Human Rights Council in order to expose the allegations concerning the crimes of Qaddafi’s government. In July 2011 we went to Geneva to interview Dr. Sliman Bouchuiguir. ...peace

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by ICEKOHLD
me personally ...i'd rather be executed than tortured at gitmo (getmo?). what's soooo inhumane about executing prisoners all of the sudden?
US execution numbers/stats

we've killed 1,271 people since 1976, in our own prisons!

maybe....iran just simply can't afford to build all kinds of FEMA they are just clearing out room...

edit on 10/18/11 by ICEKOHLD because: (no reason given)

To maintain data integrity, we need to include vichy-occupied territory in the chart. How about some new categories for execution method -- I vote for adding "torture", beat-to-death, DU exposure and murder via drone.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 06:55 AM
reply to post by Xcathdra

I saw this in news last night and all i thought was "nice timing". Now the sheep will be even more willing to go to war against Iran.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:20 AM

Originally posted by Xcathdra
I found the report interesting.. It looks like Iran is overtaking China in terms of people executed.

The statistics for Iran aside my question is this - Has the UN lived up to its intended function? The point behind the UN was to allow a forum for open discussion among member states, hoping dialogie would head off going to war.

Since its creation it seems to have become something else entirely.

Specifically using the topic of Human Rights, what is the purpose and function of the UNCHR if all it can do is give a report after the fact? If the UN charter recognizes the ability of a soveriegn nation to mind its own affairs, then what purpose do any of the UN groups have if they are unable to stop something?

We have seen countries appointed to some of these groups that frankly, in my opinion, have no business being on them in the first place. I know many others will fire back stating the same about the US, and that is a valid view on some of the topics. However, im notlooking for a nation vs nation debate.

A few questions / thoughts
* - Was the idea of a League of nations / United Nations a good one?
* - Does the current UN live up to the reason it was founded?
* - Is the UN doing more harm than good?

* - Is it possible the UN was created as a means to justify innapropriate behavior among nations? If we had no UN, any country who oppressed / killed / what have you its own people, it would force other nations to do one of 2 things -
A - Ignore whats going on
B - Intervene

With the UN, countries are more able to ignore whats going on inside a country, by using the UN as a shield. Where as before they would be forced to fact the fact that they either acted, or ignored it. Now we hear all about issues all over the planet, and instead of taking them on directly, they get referred to the UN with the added position of we cant do anything until the UN allows it.

The make up of the UN has eefectively created 3 groups, which is nothing new -
* - Aligned West
* - Aligned East
* - Non aligned / situation specific

Should the UN be disbanded? reorganized? fundamental changes made to the veto power of some members?

This is not limited to what I pointed out, so feel free to expand outside the area I highlighted.


* - Does the current UN live up to the reason it was founded?

No, it doesn't

The UN is taking aim at everything that could be at the source of conflicts. The prevention of conflicts and the promotion of peace therefore take quite varied forms. This UN work has become all the more necessary given that, since World War II, weapons have become ever more deadly. And though there is greater wealth in the world, its distribution is unequal. This gap between rich and poor is visible everywhere and in all countries, and is increasing, in particular, between "Northern" and "Southern" countries.

The UNDP was created to help solve this problem. Indeed, conflicts grow well in the fertile ground of poverty. The UNDP is mandated to contribute to the elimination of poverty, the social mobilization of women, respect for the environment and the reinforcement of democratic institutions. The supervision of elections illustrates this quite well. The UNDP is not alone in attempting to accomplish its mission, as thousands of non-government organizations (NGOs) are likewise contributing in one way or another.

Xcathdra Since the foundation of United Nations there has been more wars and conflicts and aswell as more poverty rather then preventing conflicts the United Nations helped create them just like obama did with the bombing of Libya this year and inculding in bosnia.

Is the UN doing more harm than good?

The United Nation isnt doing any but rather more harm then good the United Nation has been on the side with america and britian in every wars and conflicts if the United Nations cared about peace they wouldn't choose any sides.

Like in Bosnia the way the UN provided military armored personnel carriers to the terrorists Medunjanin

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:45 AM
Is Iran in danger of killing more prisoners than Texas?
Perry better hurry home and get the chair warmed up fast!
Man, I hate it when some punk middle eastern country surpasses America.

The UN was created to maintain the power of the West (US/Western Europe) while creating an avenue to make non-aligned states think they would have some representation.
If all they did was get together and talk that would be one thing but the only real power is in the security council.
The UN has far too many initiatives and programs that are used to infiltrate, spy and neutralize whatever and wherever they please.
It's been run by Rockefeller interests so we know it can't be all that good for anybody but the Rockefellers.
edit on 18-10-2011 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 07:54 AM
I had to read the OP a couple of times because I actually thought it was some old news from Iraq before the invasion got to get the propaganda going for the next US liberation.

But you know what people is not going to happen, if we get into another full blown war we are going to have a revolution in this nation with so many people getting out in the streets already protesting.

Viva la revolution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! time to liberate America.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:08 AM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Is Iran in danger of killing more prisoners than Texas?

Yes, Iran executes more people:

Texas 2010 executions per capita: 0,68 per million (17/25)
Iran 2010 executions per capita: 2,4 per million (180/75)

Please use per capita numbers for accurate comparisons.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:26 AM
Keeping to the OP.

This is not really a surprise as Iran has a shoddy human rights record – something you won’t see reported on PressTV! This fact is known to anyone with a passing interest in human rights. Iran is bully regime and confidently repressive to its citizenry.

Iran is one of those nations who routinely persecute, imprison, mistreat and execute political opponents. I expect the executions are direct result of anti government feeling which has been bubbling away for some time now and found expression in 2009 when Ahmadinejad “won” the election.

Additionally, as a pre-emptive measure to ensure the Iranian regime is not inconvenienced by the type of trouble afflicting Syria and North Africa (etc), have they been rounding people up, conducting sham trials and executing potential trouble makers? Probably, because this is how regimes like Iran keep themselves in power.


posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by paraphi
Keeping to the OP.

Iran is bully regime and confidently repressive to its citizenry.

Iran is one of those nations who routinely persecute, imprison, mistreat and execute political opponents. I expect the executions are direct result of anti government feeling which has been bubbling away for some time now and found expression in 2009 when Ahmadinejad “won” the election.

Additionally, as a pre-emptive measure to ensure the Iranian regime is not inconvenienced by the type of trouble afflicting Syria and North Africa (etc), have they been rounding people up, conducting sham trials and executing potential trouble makers? Probably, because this is how regimes like Iran keep themselves in power.


oddly enough...sounds familiar. yet...when someone mentions FEMA camps being a holding pin for wave-makers and red-listers...they are crazy and need to quit watching jessy ventura. the similarities between how you say the iranian elites stay in power and how some people assume/predict the US government stays/will stay in power are remarkable...

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by ICEKOHLD
oddly enough...sounds familiar. yet...when someone mentions FEMA camps being a holding pin for wave-makers and red-listers...they are crazy and need to quit watching jessy ventura. the similarities between how you say the iranian elites stay in power and how some people assume/predict the US government stays/will stay in power are remarkable...

That would be because they are... There are no FEMA camps. The damn legislation that people keep talking about never saw the light of day.

People really need to learn before claiming something is true.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:06 PM
I expect a lot more reports on how Iran is mistreating it's citizens in the near future. Military intervention is a great way to put people back to work; both in the military and crank up the manufacturing war machine. Afghanistan and Iraq just aren't keeping up the pace well enough. Halliburton profits need a booster and Iran fits the bill perfectly.
edit on 20-10-2011 by whaaa because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:12 PM
Saudi Arabia still operates "Chop Chop Square" and chops peoples heads off, and the UN does nothing.

People caught with a bible...a jewish rabbi caught.....chop more head.

America/UN supports the military dictatorship in Thailand. Look at what they did to the poor starving redshirt protestors. Dead.

Fiji......a military Dictatorship.....UN does nothing.

They only do something when there's the possibility of BIG money to be made by players....

If Iran surrendered itself to China and became a part of them....The UN would be powerless to steal from the Iranian people.

posted on Oct, 20 2011 @ 04:23 PM
reply to post by Pervius

Iran holds sham trials and murders political opponents in addition to anyone who speaks out against the Government.

And the UN does nothing...

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