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The truth about the nativity.

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posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:27 PM
Jesus was born in a manger because there was no room at the inn. People don't realize the important symbolism in Luke 2:7. People believe that he was born in the stables to demonstrate that he had a humble birth, but spiritually he had a humble birth among humans, because humans are on a lower level. Jesus was born among animals, he was placed in a manger, which is something that food is placed into for animals. The stable where he was born in is the world and the animals are humans. The manger he is placed in is for the animals, or humans, to consume him. What do you think the statement, "this is my body" is about?

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by MayorOfCydonia

You can put just about anything in a manger. The reason for the manger birth is exactly what it is stated to be in the bible. There was no room at the inn. As far as the statement "This is my body" ? That was an act of symbolism and Jesus said after they had broken bread "Do this in rememberance of me i.e. Dinking the wine as a symbol of the blodd he would have spilled during the crucifixion and His body being Pierced as well as being sacfaficed for the sins of the world!! S/F and thanks for the thread

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 09:01 PM
reply to post by MayorOfCydonia

Jesus was born in a manger because there was no room at the inn.

Thanks to the internet, we now have a legitimate explanation to the profound question of why the manger?:

A Jewish lady named Mrs. Rosenberg who many years ago was stranded late one night at a fashionable resort - one that did not admit Jews.

The desk clerk looked down at his book and said, "Sorry, no room. The hotel is full."

The Jewish lady said, "But your sign says that you have vacancies."

The desk clerk stammered and then said curtly, "You know that we do not admit Jews. Now if you will try the other side of town..."

Mrs. Rosenberg stiffened noticeable and said, "I'll have you know I converted to your religion."

The desk clerk said, "Oh, yeah, let me give you a little test.
How was Jesus born?"

Mrs. Rosenberg replied, "He was born to a virgin named Mary in a little town called Bethlehem."

"Very good," replied the hotel clerk. "Tell me more."

Mrs. Rosenberg replied, "He was born in a manger."

"That's right," said the hotel clerk.

"And why was he born in a manger?"

Mrs. Rosenberg said loudly, "Because a jerk like you in the hotel wouldn't give a Jewish lady a room for the night!"

That's the Truth, Ruth..!
edit on 17-10-2011 by facelift because: to eliminate an "a" with extreme prejudice...

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by MayorOfCydonia

Perhaps, unlike most I actually enjoyed the link. The site is very informative in many ways. I've been over there reading since you posted it. Thanks guy...

BTW, I just came back to comment, and I plan on reading more...
edit on 10/17/2011 by visualmiscreant because: added reply

Here's something you might be interested in as well. It's of a similar nature comparing the Epic of Gilgamesh with the story of Noah's Ark. I don't remember where I downloaded it from, so I uploaded it my website, so you could view it.

PDF Link
edit on 10/17/2011 by visualmiscreant because: added link

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by MayorOfCydonia
Jesus was born in a manger because there was no room at the inn. People don't realize the important symbolism in Luke 2:7. People believe that he was born in the stables to demonstrate that he had a humble birth, but spiritually he had a humble birth among humans, because humans are on a lower level. Jesus was born among animals, he was placed in a manger, which is something that food is placed into for animals. The stable where he was born in is the world and the animals are humans. The manger he is placed in is for the animals, or humans, to consume him. What do you think the statement, "this is my body" is about?

That is a nice mystical understanding.

Had me think, also, of "Foxes have holes, birds of the air have nests, but the son of man has no place to lie his head."

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 10:57 PM
I appreciate your use of the word "stable" over "barn", as Christ was born in a "Domestic Stable" you could call it, unlike most people's perceptions of him being birthed in some out building.

Jesus wasn’t born in a barn, and Joseph & Mary weren’t turned away from an “Inn” by an innkeeper, in fact there is no mention or quote of an innkeeper in the story. The Greek word for kataluma has multiple meanings, and among these are Inn or Caravansary. However, another form of kataluma is mentioned in the Bible, and it is in reference to where Christ observed the Last Supper with his disciples. Here, Dr. Luke gave deeper insight into what a kataluma is; basically stating that it was a “furnished upper story room within a private Jerusalem house.” The Kataluma of the night of Jesus’ birth was the same sort of “upper room.”

The story is this; Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem only to find Joseph’s ancestral home already full of other family members visiting (if they were elders, they likely were given the "good" living quarters over the youngsters, even a prego one), and as such they were forced to reside in the lower portion of the house. They didn’t spend the night in a barn or a cave, as neither is mentioned in the translation. The barn idea came about with the mention of a “manger”. If you know anything about the homes of the time, you’d know that during that era, and even in some circumstances today, this lower portion of the home is where animals are kept during the night, likely to prevent theft. And keeping animals in a domestic stable would imply they have a manger for feeding aid animals. So, within the family home (not in a barn), Joseph and Mary stayed, and it is in this place that Mary gave birth to Jesus, placing him in a manger.

Though I’m not even going to get into the date of this birth.

edit on 17-10-2011 by Garkiniss because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2011 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by MayorOfCydonia

In today's society, many humans are treated worse than animals.

posted on Oct, 18 2011 @ 12:24 AM
reply to post by MayorOfCydonia

That is a beautiful symbolic interpretation of the manger element in the Nativity story. If it makes sense to you, let it be true for you; if religion has any value at all, it is in the realm of such personal truths and comforts.

Speaking as an atheist, I would say it is as good a source of the origin of the story element as any other.

posted on Dec, 17 2011 @ 10:25 PM
The reason why there was no room at the Inn is,

God did not want room at the Inn. God did not want His Holy Son born there amid drunkenness, sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery, idol worshippers, evil thoughts, etc.

In short there was SIN in the INN and so it was not a fitting place for the birth of a Holy God. At that time, that was the stable! It would have been nothing for the creator of all things seen and unseen to provide the grandest palace adorned with Gold and Silver but it was not with gold and silver we were to be saved nor would the Lord condone mammon and greed. The humble stable with the animals that bore no sin was the cleanest place for our Saviour to be born.

Many brothers and sisters tend to focus on either the Inn it was full; or the time a busy time; people on the move; the tax season; the town was busy; all other hotels/inns were full; or the event, the census, the tax season etc.

However had our Living God wanted, I don't think there would have been any major problem on His part to provide a room at any inn of His choosing, at any time regardless of how many people were or were not coming for any census or event at that time.

It was God's wisdom and predestination alone that His Son Jesus Christ be born on ground that was holy and without sin in the camp

We have an all powerful God where ALL things are possible and who knows ALL things past, present and future, and He had already made up His mind to have His Son born on ground made Holy by His presence

I hope this revelation has been a blessing to you and an encouragement to your faith.
Wishing you a Happy, Holy and Peaceful Christmas.
PS: We have a beautiful video with carols that reflects the true meaning of Christmas on our website at

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